This house is possibly haunted has Miller previously predicted. The sound of something colliding hard with something else resonated throughout the house. Miller had previously placed his head between two pillows to block the sounds out.
Whatever it was frightened Miller at first. Now, it was truly annoying. Sluggishly getting out of bed, Miller was determined to find what was not allowing him to get any sleep. Opening his doors, Miller was greeted by the same hallway. This time it was dark to the point he could hardly see the carpet.
Miller made a U-turn for his phone. There was no way he was going to walk these halls in complete darkness. Turning the lights on his phone on, Miller started down the left of the hallway. The sound was more prominent to the left.
A door with light emitting from it caught Miller's attention. He frowned at the thought that it was Carl. Unlike him, Miller need his beauty sleep. Looks like his don't come so easily. Miller turned the light off from his phone. He wasted no time in barging in.
To his surprise it was an indoor gym. There stood Carl, dripping in sweat and punching a punching bag. You could almost see the anger in each punch he landed.
Miller looked at his phone, it was only two in the morning. Carl didn't seem to notice his presence. He was too busy letting all his anger and frustration out.
Miller remembered the look on his face after Cameron left. A look he would never forget. After Miller was determined not to leave. Carl barged out for ten minutes top then returned. As much as he tried to concentrate on his work he just couldn't.
Miller's eyes caught a familiar glass. Not only was he working out this early in the morning, he was also drinking too. "Is this your way of getting back at me?" Miller said, strolling over a few more feet.
Carl gave one more punch before turning to look at Miller. His damp hair dangled on his forehead as he tried to catch his breath. He was just as muscular as Miller expected. His drenched shirt clung to his body giving Miller a glimpse of his abs. "What do you want?" Carl asked, annoyed by the presence of Miller.
"Oh you know" Miller said, looking at the glass of alcohol once more. "Sleep. Remember that"
"I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now" Carl simply said.
"Trust me, I don't want to deal with you either" Miller crossed his arms. "I'm not sure if you know but I'm the assistant of a certain CEO and I have to sleep well so I can deal with his self centered ass"
"First you bring Cameron into my office now you try and tell me what I can and can't do in my house" Carl spat, grabbing a nearby towel to wipe his forehead.
"I'm not telling you what to do in your house" Miller gestured around the room. "I'm just saying shut up"
Carl stood quietly. His chest rising up and down slowly. Miller eyed him, Carl is truly different than he expected. When they first met he thought he was just another rich self-centered spoiled guy. His layers underneath that smile was truly ruthless.
"Cameron" Miller said. Its been tugging at his curiosity for awhile now. Cameron said they had a long history, bad history to be correct. Miller wanted to address the situation at hand. He could care less how much Cameron affected Carl. He was just curious. "What is the relationship between you two?"
Carl glared at Miller. He had no right to ask him that after bringing the source of his distress right to his office. "You're too nosy for your own good" Carl said, tossing the towel to the side.
"Get use to it. I'm living here after all" Miller replied.
Carl ignored him and got back to punching the sac. Miller frowned, at this rate he won't be sleeping at all. Miller walked over to Carl, pulling on his shoulder to get his attention.
Carl whipped around causing Miller to stumble back a few feet's. "I'm warning you Miller stay out of my way" you could almost see the flame of anger in Carl's eyes. Cameron was more than just a guy to piss Carl off , he was his ticking time bomb.
Miller gain his balance. Not backing down from Carl. "Haha" he forced a laugh, his level of anger slowly beginning to rise. "You think you can just mess my life up and think that's okay? I pull one of your strings and you come in here at two in the morning throwing a childish fit just because you can't handle one guy" Miller scoffed. "You're pathetic Carl" he walked over the glass of brown liquid he saw earlier. Taking it up in his hands and said. "You drink away your problems but its not working Carl"
"Oh I see, you're just disappointed that I'm not the nice, smiley CEO everyone makes me out to be. Well stop" Carl growled, walking over to Miller. "Because you don't know anything about me"
"Yeah, I don't " Miller agreed. "But what I do know is that you angered me" Miller shoved the glass into his chest. "And I'm one hell of storm Carl"
Carl didn't say anything. Miller left the man in his gym, angrily walking back to his room. He heard the sound of shattered glass. Assuming Carl threw the glass into the wall. Living together might just be proven harder than anticipated.
Feel free to vote and comment. Sorry for any mistakes :) Also it's my birthday today just putting that out there :)
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