Chapter 34

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"Santa came! Santa came!" The twins yelled in excitement waking us all up at an unforgiving hour of the morning.

Rubbing the sleep away from my eyes, I spent a couple seconds staring at my ceiling trying to wake myself up before sitting up in bed. Not long after, Athena came walking in with a tired smile on her face as she helped me get up before kissing my cheek.

"Merry Christmas baby." She said as she helped me walk to the bathroom.

"Merry Christmas." I yawned as I rest my head in her shoulder while she practically carries me to my bathroom.

"I'll be outside, let me know when you're done." She said as she kissed my forehead and closed the door behind her, leaving me alone to freshen up.

With the help of the sink, I did my business before quickly doing my morning routine, successfully waking myself up. Id rather not be awake at 6:00 in the morning but considering the fact that I myself used to do the exact same thing, I kinda have to put up with it now.

Once I was done, I pulled myself up from the closed toilet that I used as a chair, and pulled the door open revealing Athena who has managed to fall asleep on the wall.

"Wake up Thea." I laughed as she shook herself awake before helping me over to my bed.

"It was a struggle finding Christmas pyjamas, but I managed to find the perfect ones." She yawned as she handed me a pair of Christmas pyjamas before leaving my room so I could get ready.

Every year my entire family wear matching Christmas pyjamas. We take a family photo each year and it's definitely a cute tradition, especially with the babies.

I picked up the reindeer pyjamas and slipped them in after my underwear before grabbed my crutch and standing up. I tucked my phone into my pocket and made my way out of my room and down the stairs.

Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard the sound of the loud doorbell filling the house, contributing to the already noisy atmosphere.

"I've got it." I yelled to no one in particular before hobbling over to the door and unlocked it.

Once I opened the door, I watched a sleepy Mason and an overly excited Kelly and Mia standing in front of us.

"You guys didn't have to come so early." I told them as the three of them walked in and closed the door behind them leaving the cold wind where it belongs.

"How else am I supposed to give those two devils their gifts from Santa?" Kelly said as she tilted her head over to Mason who was holding several bags full of what I assume are gifts.

"You didn't have to Kelly." I said with a slight frown as she rolled her eyes and looped her arm with mine, leading us to the living room.

"Of course I did, how can I not get my favourite person a Christmas gift?!" She said as we sat down on the large couch and watched the twins practically fight themselves to not touch a single gift till dad and Athena came back.

I watched as Mason put the many gift bags underneath the Christmas tree we decorated in the beginning of December. The twins and I did most of the work considering the three of us share the same controlling gene where we like things a specific way. Not sure what to call it, but it's there.

"Hey you." I sleepily smiled as Mason took a seat next to me letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as he played with my hands and watched the twins stare at all the presents in awe.

"I'm still tired." I yawned just as dad and Athena walked into the living room and greeted the older twins and Kelly.

"Presents?!" The twins impatiently laughed as dad rolled his eyes and nodded his head. Before he could even sit down, the twins attacked the large pile of presents reading the names and tossing them to the side if it wasn't for them.

"THANKS V!" They squealed in excitement as they unwrapped the largest box. They've been into trucks and cars lately so it wasn't hard to get them the perfect gift. I got them one of those road building things where you build the roads and tracks and drive the cars on them. It looks cool.

"I got you something else." I grinned as they immediately scanned the pile till their eyes landed on box in the corner.

"Are you guys not going to open Santa's gifts?" Athena asked as they ripped open the box, revealing a marvel jigsaw puzzle. Not only have they been into trucks and cars, they've also been obsessed with jigsaw puzzles. In their words they 'feel clever' when they put it all together.

"Of course we are!" They said in disbelief as they separated their gifts from the rest and continued ripping them open, occasionally shooting a thank you here and there for the presents that weren't from Santa.

Once they were done with their gifts, they completely ignored the six of us sat on the couch and ran off to the side to play with their toys.

"Whose next?" Athena grinned as Mia and I immediately raised our hands while Mason and dad rolled their eyes in amusement.

Athena got up and walked over to the tree before creating two piles of gifts. She handed a pile to me and then another to Mia who shared the same excited grin I had.

Before Athena could sit back down, Mia and I ripped open a box each revealing the same thing.

"MIA!" I squealed.

"EV!" She squealed at the same time as we looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"How've you both gotten each other the same thing?" Kelly asked in amusement as Mia and I had tears streaming down our faces from the laughing while everyone gave us weird looks.

"A burn book!" We laughed as we looked at our burn book kits.

"You evil girls." Athena laughed as Mason and Kelly shared the same confused look.

"Don't worry, we can watch mean girls tonight." I grinned as Kelly and Mason both gave each other hesitant looks while Mia and I had the same mischievous plan in our heads. Mason's going to hate us.

Mia and I spent the next 20 minutes unwrapping our gifts and thanking everyone for them. Kelly got me a Disney princess jewellery box with a large crystal Mickey Mouse sitting on top of it. If you haven't realised by now, I'm a little obsessed with Disney.

Dad and Athena bought me a replica of Rapunzel's crown from Tangled and I haven't taken it off since I opened the box. I refuse to take it off at all!

Next, we handed Mason his gifts. Judging by the surprised look on his face, I don't think he was expecting so much. Dad and Athena got him football tickets, Kelly got him an entire wardrobe, and Mia got him a couple of rings. Let me tell you, they look too good to be true. I mean, who doesn't like a guy with rings!

Kelly, dad and Athena all decided to open their gifts together later on since the twins were hungry and decided to bombard us with a million and one questions on when we would be done and how we were taking so long. Selfish goblins.

"Everyone to the dinning room!" Athena announced as everyone immediately stood up and raced to the dining room. The delicious smell of food being enough to make my stomach rumble louder than a herd of elephants.

"Come on my crippled Bambi." Mason grinned as he helped me stand up and wrapped an arm around my waist before slowly walking with me to the dinning room.

"I still have to give you your Christmas gift." I told him as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"So do I." He winked as we sat down next to each other and watched the twins fight to see who should sit to Mia.

"Boys, if you keep fighting I'll make sure neither of you sit next to her." Athena said as they immediately shut up and sat on either side of her. According to them only one of them is worthy enough. I'm not sure how long their crush is going to last, but I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon.

The eight of us spent the next hour eating talking about anything and everything. It felt so natural, as though they've always been a part of our lives. It's refreshing to see them get along so well with not just my family but our friends too. At one point I really did think Mia would stay in her shell, but seeing her come out of it and be herself makes me so happy. I feel like a proud mother!

"Do you kids want to go watch something?" Athena asked as her and Kelly picked up the dishes from the dinning table.

"The twins and I are going to head out. I'll see you guys later." Dad said as he glanced at his watched before standing up and taking his plate into the kitchen.

The twins leaped out of their seat and ran out of the dinning room to put their coats and shoes on. Hayden and Hudson's best friend James, is having a Christmas party. Don't ask what a bunch of 7-8 year olds will be doing at this party because I myself don't know. Anyway, dad volunteered to take them and supervise while Athena and Kelly have a girls day and us teenagers can 'do what teenagers do' as he puts it.

"Let's watch mean girls." Mia grinned as she got up from her chair and dashed out of the room and into the living room.

Rolling my eyes, I stood up while Mason rushed to my side and helped me walk into the living room. Despite being able to walk by myself with the help of my crutches, there's no way I'm denying help, especially if the person offering help is Mason Black himself.

"If this movie is bad, I'll be making you do the dishes for the rest of the year." He warned as Mia and I rolled our eyes and got comfy on the couch.

"Wait, let me quickly go to the loo." Mia announced as she got up and ran up the stairs just as dad and the twins left the house.

"Want your Christmas gift now?" I asked as he nodded his head before getting up from the couch and dug through one of the bags and hid whatever he pulled out behind his back before sitting back down next to me.

"You go first." He said as I squealed in excitement.

"Close your eyes." I instructed as he gave me a weird look before closing his eyes.

Lifting the cushioning of the couch, I pulled out the long rectangular box and placed it in his lap. He opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow at me before pulling apart the golden ribbon on the black box.

"If you don't like it, I'm going to stab you with it." I warned as he hesitantly pulled open the lid immediately making his jaw hit the floor.

He looked back and forth between me and the gift as I impatiently waited for him to say something. It definitely took a lot of time to make and considering it's the first time I've ever made anything like it, it was really hard.

Picking up the wielded rose as though it was snap in half, he gently placed the rose part in his hand and admired it like it was the best thing he's ever seen.

"Well?" I nervously asked as I bit my lip.

"I love it." He breathed out as he examined it, trying to really take in what he was holding.

"Remember when you saved my life like fifty times and I said I'd buy you a rose?" I asked as he chuckled at the memory. "Well, I made you one thay will never die." I grinned as his lips stretched into a breathtaking smile. "I even put E M on it too." I pointed out proudly as he looked at the leaf on the stem to see the letters engraved.

"I can't believe you of all people made this for me." He said in disbelief. "How?" He asked, still not quite convinced that I made it! I'm offended.

"I asked Aiden and Hayley for a little help with the stuff. I also made a deal that I'd clean both his cars if he helped me." I shrugged. That deal got postponed till after I'm better and I'm completely, positively sure that he'll forget about it by then anyway. Win win.

"I still can't believe you made that for me." He said as he leaned in and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest before kissing my temple.

"My turn." I grinned excitedly as I leaned back in the couch and watched him roll his eyes in amusement.

"Close your eyes." He said as I squeezed them shut and put my hands out.

A couple seconds later he placed a box in my eyes. My eyes immediately opened to see a small wrapped box in my hands. I untied the ribbon before carefully peeling away at the wrapping paper, revealing a purple velvet box.

Looking up at Mason I could see the impatience clear as day on his face. He looked almost...nervous. I flipped open the top of the box and my jaw immediately dropped as I stared at the elegant piece of jewellery staring right at me. I carefully pulled the ring out of the box and gently held it up. There were tiny black roses surrounding the ring with a silver band looped around them holding them together. I could see tiny diamonds decorating the band glisten in the light.

Looking up at Mason, I watched as a nervous smile made its way to his face as he nervously waited for me to say something.

"You got this for me?" I breathed out as he took the ring and slipped it on my ring finger on my right hand.

"I had to get it specially made for the black roses." He shrugged like it was nothing.

"It's so pretty." I said in awe as I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck before pressing a kiss to his lips.

Not expecting the sudden kiss, he froze for a second before kissing me back. I don't think I can get enough of him as strange as that sounds. I like him too much for my own good.

"I'm glad you like it, gorgeous." He smiled as we pulled away just as an oblivious Mia came skipping into the living room.

"Have you guys decided on a movie?" She asked as she sat down on the other side of me and looked at Mason and I. Thankful for the dark room hiding my obviously red cheeks, I shook my head and leaned back on the couch as Mason did the same. Placing his arm around me, Mia immediately put on 'Mean Girls' as Mason gave us both a sceptical look. 


"What a dickhead." Mason said as he stuffed his face with popcorn while watching Matthew Davis be a complete D-head to Elle Woods.

Yes, we're watching legally blonde and I can proudly say that Mia and I have successfully converted Mason into a chick flick lover. He may seem like the 'don't eff with me' and 'stay away or I'll slice your head off', but in reality he'll a little gossip girl.

This is the fifth movie we've watched and unfortunately Mia fell asleep halfway through the movie before this, 'Wild Child'.

"Mason, can you take Mia up to my room. I don't want her waking up because you can't control your emotions." I teased as he rolled his eyes and paused the tv before standing up and stretching his arms and back before effortlessly picking up Mia and carrying her out of the room and up the stairs.

He soon came back and sat back down before resuming the movie while resting his head on my shoulder letting me play with his hair. Considering the fact that I've seen all these movies more times than I can count, I'm not too bothered with Mason's continuous commentating. Instead, I find it more entertaining than anything else. It's hilarious watching him get so worked up about Matthew Davis breaking up with Elle Woods and then the amusement clear as day on his face when she graduates from Harvard while Matt practically suffers.

"Why don't we go out?" He proposed as I gave him a confused look. "We didn't get the chance to the other day, so let's go for a drive." He smiled as his cute dimples made an appearance making it slightly hard for me to say no.

"I don't feel like it." I shrugged. Yes, this is me backing out again.

"We can get ice cream." He said, trying to persuade me. Unfortunately even ice cream won't help. "Chocolate?" He added on. Still not budging. "Cake." He smirked as my eyes slightly widened. He's got me there. "Two slices of Belgian chocolate cake with white chocolate ice cream." He said as as the wheels in my brain started turning. This is literally a one time offer, I haven't had cake in so long. Minus Noah's birthday cake. Even then, it's been ages.

"Make it three and we have a deal." I negotiated. There's no way he's agreeing, I'll end up having a heart attack with all my clogged arteries.

"Deal." He smirked as he leaped off the couch and stood in front of me holding his hand out for me to take. I stand corrected.

"You have to hold my hand the entire time though." I told him as he nodded in agreement. "And you can't drive too fast." I added on as he kneeled down in front of me putting my shoe on but nodded anyway. Yes shoe. "And you have to stop when I tell you to stop." I said as he rolled his eyes in amusement and helped me put on my coat.

"Anything else, gorgeous?" He asked as my cheeks burned red while I slapped his arm.

"Oh, and you have to drive on an empty road." I finally said as he rolled his eyes.

"I can't promise that but I'll try." He said as he held his arm out for me to hold while handing me my crutch and lead me out the front door.

We walked outside and were immediately met with a chilly breeze making me pull my coat tighter around me with the one free arm I had. Opening the door for me, I got in and leaned back before contemplating whether or not I should put my seatbelt on. Maybe I should? Should I?

"Don't put it on if you don't want to Bambi." He said as I looked over at him in confusion. "I would definitely prefer if you did, but you never have for a reason. Don't force yourself, I promise to keep you safe." He said with a small smile as I bit my lip and nodded my head.

Once he buckled his seatbelt, he intwined his hand with mine before driving out of the driveway and onto the road. I could feel my hands start to tremble as I squeezed his hand. I stared at the road in caution just in case a lorry pops out of nowhere and smacks us off the road.

I watched as the snowflakes danced in the dark sky while occasionally hitting the windshield. It looked...pretty.

"Need me to stop?" He asked as we approached a large line of cars stopped at a red light. Contemplating whether or not I should say yes, I took a deep breath and shook my head. So far so good, we'll stop if I want to. "Why don't we listen to some music? A bit of the back street boys?" He said as he wiggled his eyebrows while a wide grin made its way to my face.

Messing with the speakers a little, he connected his phone to his car and immediately played 'I want it that way' by the backstreet boys. The earlier nerves freaking out were long gone and here I was screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs probably causing damage to my voice box.

We stopped in front of Millie's and my grin grew impossibly bigger. I haven't seen Ricky in ages! Turning off his car, Mason got out and jogged around before opening my door for me with my crutch in his hand. He helped me out the car and closed the door behind me before handing me my crutch and holding his arm out for me to hold.

The two of us walked as quick as we could through the light snow and into Millie's, the bell ringing as we opened the door and walked in.

"Ricky?!" I called out as he looked away from a customer and in my direction. His neutral expression turning into a wide grin. He quickly took the couples order before handing it to Jacob, one of his new employees, and rushed over to us.

"How've you been darl?" He said as he gently wrapped his arms around me mindful of my broken hand and leg. "What on earth have you done to yourself?" He asked worriedly as he led the two of us to a table in the corner and sat next to me while Mason sat opposite us.

"I got into a small accident." I said with a reassuring smile as he shook his head. "This is Mason, Mason this is

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