Chapter 31

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It's Christmas break tomorrow meaning todays the last day of school. It's been almost two weeks since the accident and I've been feeling better and better as each day passes, both mentally and physically.

I haven't left the house in these last two weeks. Like at all. Jenny has come over multiple times trying to convince me to at least come over to hers but it's ended up with her staying with me instead. The rest have also tried to get me out of the house to go to the movies, or go to their houses, but my excuses have been working surprisingly well on all of them except Mason. He seems to be the only one that doesn't fall for my lies and it definitely does get annoying.

Noah and his family are leaving for Canada tomorrow morning, Holly and Kade's family are doing Christmas together like last year, I invited Max, his mom and his sister for Christmas with my family but he said they were flying to out to Florida to be with his grandparents, and dad invited Kelly and the twins to celebrate with us since they have no other family and it'll be their first official Christmas away from home.

"I'm sorry I have to leave, do I need to call anyone over?" Dad asked apologetically as he sat next to me on the couch and hurriedly put on his shoes.

"Don't apologies did I'll be fine, Mia was saying that she's going to come over soon anyway." I shrugged as he nodded before kissing the top of my head.

"I'll leave the door open but get her to lock it behind her." He instructed as I nodded before turning back to the tv. "Love you." He yelled from the door.

"Love you too." I yelled back as I threw the blanket off of me lifted up my shirt to let some cool air in. I've probably gained a couple pounds because of the lack of exercise. And by lack of exercise I mean living on this couch and not moving unless I need to go to the toilet or shower which is an entire chore itself. Who cares though, I'll look thicc wink wink.

Picking up my phone from besides me, I tap on Mia's contact and call her before putting it on speaker. Am I the only person that puts their phone on speaker every single time I call someone or they call me? It's annoying having to press it against my ear.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked as I heard a bunch of honking in the background meaning she's on her way.

"Just wondering how long you'll be, dying of boredom at the moment." I sighed as she laughed. I can literally see her rolling her eyes through her phone.

"You won't be for long, you're coming last minute Christmas shopping with me." I heard her say as I literally coughed on air. I certainly didn't expect that one.

"I'm doing what now?" I said in disbelief. I can't possibly go Christmas shopping with her. That would involve me getting into a car!

"Yes, you are. You've been cooped up in that house for the last two weeks that your ass has made a dent in the sofa." She exaggerated as my jaw quite literally dropped.

"Mia! Since when have you become!" I gasped in disbelief. "The Mia I know would never force me to go shopping in my fragile and injured state." I exaggerated.

"Oh stop it, you need to spend some time in the outside world. You're already going crazy!" She said as I gasped again for the hundredth time in the last two minutes.

"I'm locking my doors." I threatened. That's a complete lie, we all know I'm too lazy to get up from the couch right now.

"No you're not. Bye, love you." She giggled before hanging up leaving me complete gobsmackled. I can't believe this conversation just happened. How am I possibly going to convince her that I can't go without actually telling her why? I could give myself the easy way out and tell her, but I know how Mia is. She's the emotional type that will quite literally burst into tears and suffocate me. She's an amazing friend, but I can't take the tears.

Looking down at my outfit, I cringed at my...we'll Aiden's, stained sweatshirt and old shorts. God knows what exactly it's stained with but I stink. I should probably take a shower.

Letting out a loud groan, I picked up one of my crutches and pulled myself up off the couch while balancing on the crutch. Thankfully my left hand was broken and my right leg meaning I can actually use the crutch properly.

Staying close to the wall, I made my self to the stairs before sitting down on them and started sliding up backwards. I'm not sure if that makes sense but I have no idea how else to explain it. You know when you slide down the stairs? I was doing it in the opposite direction. I basically just said the same exact thing in more words but you get the idea. I hope.

Soon enough I was at the top and was quite literally sweating buckets and was very much out of breath. Tossing my crutch to the side, I pulled off my sweatshirt and threw it in the laundry basket not too far away from me and sat on the floor in my sports bra trying to catch my breath.

Once I was sure my lungs wouldn't collapse, I used the railing and the wall to stand back up before picking up my crutch once again and made my way to my room.

Mentally thanking Athena for taking an outfit out for me before leaving this morning, I took them with me in my bathroom and sat them on the radiator not bothering to close the door. There's no one home!

Halfway through my shower, I heard the front door open. That must be here.

"Lock the door behind you Mia!" I called out. "Can you come upstairs and help me." I yelled loud enough for her to hear as I struggled to wash the shampoo out of my hair. Yes, I used my brain and didn't take off my bra or shorts otherwise it definitely would've been weird, and awkward, and uncomfortable.

Hearing her footsteps coming up the stairs and into my room. I squeezed my eyes shut so the shampoo wouldn't come into my eyes.

"Can you wash it out for me?" I asked as she ran her hands through my hair with the water pouring down my head, gently washing off the shampoo and avoiding the incision on my head where I'm literally bald. It gives me chills every time I look at it or touch it which is why I haven't gone a single waking moment without wearing a hat unless I'm sleeping.

She didn't say a single word the entire time as she washed the shampoo out of my hair before adding the conditioner. I could've sworn I heard some sniffling but completely dismissed the idea entirely. I was probably just hearing things.

Once she was done, I moved my hand out to grab my crutch so I could stand up from the stool while still keeping my eyes closed. I can't be the only person that quite literally can't open my eyes if there water on my face.

"Can you pass me my crutch and a towel?" I asked as I felt the soft fabric in my hand and immediately dried my face.

I turned around to thank her but my smile immediately dropped and my eyes widened in surprise. She was the last person I would have ever expected to be here right now, let's not forget helping me shower.

I instinctively shuffled backwards but forgot I was still sitting on a stool in the shower and fell off it, successfully hitting both my hand and head on the wall. My eyes scrunched up in pain, momentarily forgetting about the person who rented their uterus out for me.

"W...what are you doing here?" I asked as I gritted my teeth in pain. I could feel my heart beating in my skin and my hand burning, let's not forget the alarmingly sharp pain shooting up and down my brain.

"I came to see my only daughter of course." She said with an almost nonexistent smile. "I heard what happened with your father and the whole hospital situation and thought I'd come visit you." She said smugly as she crouched down in front of me.

" father." I said breathlessly. I'm currently all alone and quite literally immobilised, what the hell am I supposed to do?

"He could never do a single thing right, but I guess it's good he was killed. He was supposed to ruin your brothers for what they did to me." She said hatefully as she harshly grabbed my face with her hand.

"My face isn't a fucking stress ball bitch." I said harshly as I punched her in the nose with my good hand, ignoring the support it was giving me. "Get the fuck out of my house before I call my brothers and get your ass thrown into a cell for trespassing." I threatened. She's as harmless as a goldfish, but that doesn't necessarily mean I wanted her around.

"That's no way to speak to your mother. I guess I should've taken care of them a lot sooner, maybe then you would've been brought up like a lady with class." She spat as I rolled my eyes at her. Did she seriously just say that?

"You're not my fucking mother! If they did such a horrible job then maybe you shouldn't have been such a coward and left seconds after I was born. Really says a lot about you doesn't it?" I said with a sarcastic pout as I watched the steam literally shoot out of her ears.

"It's because of them the love of my life turned on me. It's because of them I was separated from him. And it's because of them I had to go through so much." She yelled just as I heard the front door open and someone call my name. That someone being Mia. "I'll see you later baby." She said with a sickening smile before letting go of my face and rushing out the bathroom.

"MIA, IM UPSTAIRS!" I yelled as I took in a couple deep breaths and tried standing up.

"What are you doing off the couch? Ben said you had to rest." I heard her scold as her voice became louder and louder along with her footsteps.

"I need help Mia." I called out as her footsteps quickened and was soon walking into my bathroom.

I watched her face change from her usual smile to a shocked look as she rushed over to me.

"MASON, COME UPSTAIRS." She yelled. Masons here?

She quickly wrapped the towel around me securely before taking the stool out of the shower. I watched as a very confused Mason hesitantly made his way into my bathroom before his eyes widened in surprise.

Within seconds he ignored the pouring water from the shower and carefully picked me up from the floor and carried me out of the bathroom and into my room. I hadn't even realised the shower was left on.

"What the hell happened Bambi?" He asked worriedly as he grabbed a face towel and began gently patting my face dry while Mia brought my clothes from the bathroom.

"My mom came." I mumbled truthfully, not wanted to lie straight to his face when I know he won't buy it. He wouldn't force it out of me either but the guilt would quite literally eat me alive.

"That bitch." Mia yelled in disbelief. Sweet innocent Mia just cursed. I think I hit my head too hard.

"How did she get in?" He asked as he took off the plastic bag I taped around my leg and hand so they wouldn't get wet.

"Dad left the door unlocked so I wouldn't have to open it for you guys. I can't believe she was in there with me for so long and I didn't even realise." I huffed as I picked up a T-shirt next to me.

"Can you wrap my hair in this for me?" I asked Mia as she immediately nodded and took the T-shirt from me.

She gently gathered my hair and moved to wrap it up but I immediately winced in pain from my previous hit making her stop and look at me worriedly.

"Did I press too hard? I'm so sorry, I didn't realise it still hurt." She apologised profusely as I shook my head.

"I might've hit my head in the shower." I gulped as both their eyes widened.

"We're taking you to the hospital, god knows what else you've inured." Mason immediately said as Mia finished wrapping my hair up. "Help her get dressed, I'll be outside the door if you need me." He said as Mia nodded.

She handed me my clothes and turned around so I could change what I could before helping me put on my joggers and sweatshirt.

"I'm not going to the hospital Mason." I said sternly as Mia and I slowly made our way out of my room where Mason was patiently waiting.

"I don't want to hear it, you are going to the hospital. You fell in the shower Everly! You could've hurt yourself pretty bad!" He said in frustration as I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms.

"I'm not going, and you can't make me." I glared as I grabbed my crutch and made my way to the stairs as my wet hair hit me in the face a couple times.

Before I could sit down and slide, a pair of strong arms white literally swept me off of my feet while I let out a shrouded squeal and watched my crutch fall down the stairs.

"Mason! Put me down!" I yelled as he completely ignored me and carried me outside where the wind harshly blew.

Mia grabbed a beanie and gently put it on my head protecting me from the cold before Mason sat me in the front seat of the car and closed the door.

I grabbed the handle thing and tried pushing the door open but much to my surprise it was locked. I watched as Mia said a couple words to Mason before rushing back inside the house while he walked around the front of the car and sat down in the drivers seat.

"Unlock the door right now Mason." I said annoyed as he completely ignored me and turned up the heating. "You know very well why I don't want to be in a car right now. So let. Me. Out." I said as I felt my eyes well up with tears and my hands tremble.

I could feel my throat close up, feeling suffocated in the car. The flashbacks I hoped I would never see again suddenly made their way in front of my eyes and that's all I could see.

"You're not the one driving Bambi." He said softly as he pulled my hands apart and held them in his own. "I promise you, I won't let it happen. Me before you." He whispered before kissing my temple.

"I don't want to Mason." I cried pathetically as I harshly wiped the tears away just for them to come back and blur my vision. Just like it was two weeks ago.

"I know you don't, and I wouldn't force you to if it wasn't completely necessary. I care way too much about you than to let a fear take control over what you want to do." He said just as Mia came rushing out of the house and locked the door behind her with my keys and quickly jumped into the car.

She handed me my coat, phone and one of my uggs before putting my keys into her purse.

"If you back out of the driveway Mason, I'm never talking to you again." I threatened seriously as I pressed myself into the seat trying to melt into it.

Ignoring my threat, he backed out of the driveway and drove down the road while I gripped the arm rest with one hand and the door handle thing with my other. Ignoring the pain from the pressure I was putting on it, I continued to hold on like my life depended on it.

I could feel my lungs painfully contract as I tried forcing myself to breathe. My heart rate rapidly picked up and was shooting through the roof. I want to get out. I want to stop. I just want to leave.

I watched as we drove past a large truck, a lot similar to the one from two weeks ago and suddenly felt like I was driving. Mia's voice was muffled and I couldn't hear a single thing she was saying. Judging by her tone I could tell she was confused, scared, and even angry. I couldn't respond, I felt as though if I opened my mouth then I would throw up.

I squeezed my eyes shut so tightly that my eyelids felt as though they were being burned. I clenched my jaw trying to keep the bile down. I simply ignored the ache spreading across my entire face and focused on how I'm going to punch Mason.

I heard the car doors slamming and all I wanted to do was open my eyes but my brain just wouldn't let me. I felt the harsh wind prick at my exposed skin as someone threw open my door.

Suddenly, my eyes snapped open and my jaw hung loose as I threw myself out of the car and released my breakfast and lunch on the side of the parking lot.

I felt hot tears racing down my cheeks as my throat burned from the amount of vomit that just came out of me. I haven't vomited in literally decades and I've always been scared of it. So vomiting this much right now made me literally want to rip my own throat out.

I felt a hand pull my hair away from my face while another rubbing my back trying to comfort me but wasn't working. All I could think about was being forced on this dreadful drive, and throwing up.

Was I was sure I was done, I took my crutch from Mason completely ignoring his hand and made my way to the entrance of the hospital with him hot on my tail. Maybe I'm being too harsh, maybe I'm not. I couldn't care less at the moment. All I wanted to do was smash someone's windshield in but I don't think I can do that without getting thrown into jail.

I wrapped my arm around the railing and slowly made my way up the stairs. I can't really slide up on these ones without making it look like I wet myself. One step up, Mason wrapped his arms around me and tried helping me. I immediately stopped and shot a harsh glare at him before wriggling out of his grip and tried going as fast as I possibly could.

After painfully, yet successfully, making my way up the stairs, I hobbled through the automatic doors and was met with a rush of warm air. Thankfully Mia brought my coat for me so I was completely frozen outside.

"You can't stay out of this place for long can you." I heard Alex say as he rushed over to me with Mia and Maya following close behind.

"I was forced." I grumbled as he helped me walk towards the seating area and took most of the weight off of me and onto himself like it was nothing.

"Why're you here?" He asked once we sat down and raised an eyebrow at me waiting for an answer.

"I slipped in the shower." I told him as his expression turned from a worried one, to more of an amused one. "And they forced me to come here, I'm perfectly fine." I shrugged as I felt my wet hair stuck to my neck.

"Mhm sure, let's get some scans yeah?" He said as I nodded and watched as Maya pushed a wheelchair towards us before he had the chance to get it himself

"I've already told Ben, his meeting finished just a couple minutes ago." She said before squeezing my shoulder and returning back to her desk just as the phone rung.

"I don't need the wheelchair." I said stubbornly as he rolled his eyes and quite literally pushed me into it. "Hey! I'll get you fired." I uselessly threatened as I crossed my arms with a pout.

"Blah blah blah." He dismissed as Mason and Mia followed us to the elevator and got in with us.

We reached the second floor and made our way into the dark room where dad was already sat on a spinning chair while fiddling with the computer screen in front of him.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Dad asked as Alex wheeled me through the door into the area beyond the glass where the scans were going to be take. 

"I'll tell you when we get home." I sighed as he helped me sit on the bed like thing and lay down.

"Does anything hurt?" He asked with a frown as he held my hand while I shook my head.

"That's a good thing." He mumbled to himself before giving my hand a soft squeeze and leaving me alone.

I felt the bed being pushed further into the scanner while I stared at the bright light. I can't believe how bad the car ride over here was, I know I was being immature and needed to get checked up on for my own health and safety, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm wrong. Right?

Once I was done, Alex came out and helped me back into the wheel chair before rolling me through the doors and in front of the computers where my scans appeared.

"Everything looks the same." Dad muttered referring to the scans I had done before leaving the hospital

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