Chapter 10

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The next morning came in no time and the last thing I want to do is get out of bed but what choice do I have? Dad's going to come any minute and force me out of bed. It's even worse getting up when it's cold and raining. Gosh I'm just torturing myself now.

"Rise and shine sweetheart." I heard dad say as he knocked on my door. "Don't make me come in and pull you out of bed." He called as I let out a loud groan letting him know I'm awake.

"Right Mr Bananas, I'll fill you in on all the gossip when I get back from school, now enjoy your time in bed because I can't." I sighed as I gave him a quick kiss on the head and got up from my bed.

I did my usual morning routine in the bathroom before dragging myself to my closet. I guess it's a hoodie and sweatpants kinda day I thought to myself as I picked up one of the guys' black hoodies and a pair of black sweatpants. Once I got dressed, I put on my fuzzy pink socks before slipping on my new UGG boots Athena bought me the other day. I won't lie, lazy outfits are cute.

"I don't care if you're wearing a hoodie, make sure you put a coat on." I hear dad shout from the kitchen. How did he even know?!

I walked into the kitchen with my bag slung over my shoulder and gave dad a strange look even though he wasn't even facing me. Almost as if he had eyes at the back of his head and could see me giving him a weird look, he turned around and immediately burst out laughing.

"How did you know?" I asked in disbelief. Just because parents claim to know everything doesn't mean they do. Right?

"Eat up while it's warm." He said, completely ignoring my question and sliding a chocolate crepe in my direction. Delicious.

"Where's Thena?" I asked as I stuffed my face and watched him roll his eyes at me and flick my forehead.

"She's getting the twins ready, it's their career week this week." He said with a warm smile as he stared at the picture hanging on the kitchen wall. I don't even need to turn around to see what picture it is. It's the picture I took on my last day of careers week at the hospital with all the doctors and nurses with cake smeared all over their faces. It was a good waste of cake. I think.

"Careers week is so much fun, I wish I could come." I pouted as I continued eating. He rolled his eyes and walked over to me before pulling my head into his chest and kissing my head.

"You remember how exciting your careers week was?" He asked as I nodded my head with a wide grin. Careers week was an absolute dream, it was amazeballs.

Once I finished my crepe, the twins came barrelling down the stairs with Athena hot on their tail shouting at them to stop running or they'll fall. She walked into the kitchen carry two backpacks and shoved them in Dads hands before taking a seat next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I'll give you one piece of advice kiddo, never have kids." She sighed tiredly before sitting up straight and eating the crepe dad made for her. "You were such a good kid, where did these monsters come from." Sue groaned.

"Don't worry about me A, just make dad take them for the day and we can go to a spa." I suggested dreamily. I really don't want to go to school.

"That sounds great honey but you're not missing school, we can go this weekend though." She winked as I let out a sigh of my own at my failed attempt of getting out of school.

"Come on baby we need to get going." Dad called from the front door. Athena kissed my forehead before letting me leave. Grabbed my backpack, I rushed out the door but was soon stopped by dad who was blocking the door holding my big fur coat. Dropping my bag to the floor, I opened my arms and watched him roll his eyes before putting my coat on me and zipping it up all the way to my chin before putting my hat on. I'm not even going to bother fixing myself, I'm warm and cosy and thats all that matters.

Once dad and I made it to school, I quickly got out of the car after yelling a quick 'bye' and rushed inside the building. I may or may not have made dad stop by at a gas station so I could stock up on my jelly tots, and I may or may not be late for home room.

"Where the hell are you?" Holly asked through the phone as I unlocked my locker and emptied all the unnecessary things from bag and left them in my locker.

"I just got here, I had to stop for something very important Holls." I told her as a couple books fell out of my locker and fall to the floor. Great.

"Important my ass, can you just come to homeroom? What are you doing anyway?" She asked as I knelt down on the floor and picked up the papers and books that had fallen.

"I'll see you first period, I'm not embarrassing myself by walking in so late. Plus I don't think Ms Smith will be too impressed." I told her imagining the annoyed look on the cranky old woman's face before closing my locker and walking down the hallway to the secret staircase no one uses or really knows about.

"Staircase?" She asked knowing I'll be there.

"Staircase." I confirmed before hanging up and sitting underneath the stairs with my back against the radiator and my coat draped over me like a blanket.

Do you think I can get a nap in? I've got half an hour left. If I take a nap I'll either wake up refreshed or pissed off. Decisions decisions.

"Don't tell me you're thinking about taking a nap?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I sat up straight and leaned forward as I turned my head to the side so I could see the person. Mason Black, I'm not even surprised.

"I'm debating, will you be my pillow?" I asked hopefully as he practically crawled his way next to me and dropped his bag in front of him.

"Last night." The only two words that will make me want to melt into the ground.

"Can we talk later? I'm tired." I yawned as I felt my eyes droop. He gently grabbed the side of my face and pulled it closer to him so I was leaning on his shoulder. Comfy.

"Wake me up in half an hour?" I mumbled as he simply hummed in agreement and let me drift off to sleep.

Masons's POV

I can confidently say that I've never seen anyone fall asleep as quick as she just did. I expected her run away at the sight of me because I know she knows that I was going to talk to her about last night. Truthfully, I was more pissed at the fact that the two of them snuck into a dangerous place without me knowing. If anything was to happen, I couldn't live with myself. I even saw Lionel grab Everly yesterday, I was ready to smash his face through the wall but when I saw her punch him not once, but twice, I knew she didn't need my protection. I knew she would protect my sister, but that doesn't mean they're getting away with it. Mia managed to get out of it with hardly anything just because of the damn puppy dog eyes and I have a feeling things will go the same way for Everly Rose.

Pulling out my phone from my pocket, careful not to wake her up, I scrolled through the endless list of messages from James. The old fucking nonce that organises all the fights. I started fighting a week after we moved here, nurses don't get paid nearly as much as they should and there's no way I'm allowing my mother to over work herself so she can provide for us. I don't care if I have to fight for it either, literally.

Letting out a soft sigh, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and glanced at Everly who wrapped her own arms around my arm, hugging it close to her. She literally showed up to school in sweatpants, a hoodie, and fluffy slippers and fluffy socks yet she still managed to look, gorgeous.

According to her she first met me in class on the first day of school, but what she doesn't know is that I've seen her long before that. I remember Mia and mum forcing me to go to the beach with them because unlike the shitty weather in London, it was extremely hot. Sun out, zero clouds, blue sky hot. I remember seeing her play volleyball with her friends and brothers while her parents sat on the side sunbathing. She seems...perfect...pure even, as if she's been sheltered from every bad thing in this world. I won't lie and say I'm not jealous, but I can't hold that against her.

Just as I was admiring her...eyebrows, yes eyebrows, I heard an unfamiliar ringing. That must be her phone. Without moving a muscle, I stuck my free hand in her hoodie pocket and pulled out her phone before answering it.

"Have you got a ride home today darling?" a deep voice asked from the other end.

Pulling the phone away from my ear, I checked the contact name, 'Elijah'. Must be a boyfriend, or a friend, or family?

"Yes she does." I responded. Why'd I do that? Why didn't I just hang up? Stupid male dominance.

"And who the hell are you? Where's Ev?" This Elijah person asked in a deadly tone.

"Her friend, who are you?" I asked curiously.

"Okay friend, I'm Elijah, her brother." He said angrily. "Now where's my sister?" He asked again.

"Oh er well, she's with me actually, she fell asleep." I told him fully expecting him to lash out or yell at me. Instead, he laughed. Yes ladies and gentlemen he laughed.

"Why am I not surprised? Now what's your name, friend?" He asked. I bet he's rolling his eyes.

"Mason Black." I told him.

"Any relation to Mia Black?" He asked.

"How'd you know Mia?" I asked skeptically.

"Ev won't shut up about her." He chuckled. "Anyway, tell her I called I need to talk to her. I better not hear your voice the next time I call." He warned.

"Erm yeah sure, bye." I snorted before hanging up.

How many brothers does she have? Let's not forget the brief revelation that the little twins aren't her brothers. How can they not be her brothers, they're her dads kids? And also let's not forget that the principal is her brother too. Damn.

I glanced at my watch and realised it's been 25 minutes, she'll be pissed if I don't wake her up in time for her, well our, next lesson.

"Hey, wake up Carter." I whispered as I softly nudged her.

"4 more hours dad." She mumbled as she shuffled closer to me and tightened her hold on my arm.

"The bells going to ring any second love." I whispered once again as she squinted her eyes open and let out a loud yawn before rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it?" She mumbled as she leaned on my shoulder closing her eyes.

"Almost time for biology." I told her as she opened her eyes once again and gave me a confused look. She looked around with her nose scrunched in confusion before realising where we were. "We need to get going love or we'll be late." I said softly before standing up with both our backpacks on one arm and holding out my hand for her to take.

"I am an independent woman and can stand up by myself." She announced as I rolled my eyes in amusement. I won't lie and say I don't enjoy hanging out with her or even having a conversation with her, she's definitely something else. And I like it. She's different, good different.

"I know you are Carter, but I don't want you hitting your head." I told her as she ignored my hand and stumbled up almost hitting her head. She looks like bambi taking her first steps. Yes I know bambi apparently a boy but let's be honest, what boy is called bambi?

Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I pulled her closer to my side before leading her out from underneath the staircase and sat her down on the stairs.

"Need...sugar." She mumbled as she leaned her head on the wall. "Backpack." She yawned before closing her eyes.

"Why are you so tired Bambi?" I chuckled as I opened her backpack and found a bag of jelly tots just sitting there. Half eaten by the way.

"I was filling Mr Bananas in for too long last night. And jokes on you, bambi's cute." She explained as I handed her the bag of sweets and watched her immediately shove a handful of sweets into her mouth. I never you said you weren't cute, but she doesn't need to know that.

"Mr Bananas?" I snorted as I watched her eat as though she has been starving for weeks.

"Don't you dare insult Mr Bananas or we'll have a problem." She glared almost deadly. It's cute that she thinks she's scary.

"I wouldn't dare." I smiled as I took a seat next to her.

"Did I just miss you smiling?" She pouted before smacking my arm. "I'm going to slice your face off and feed it to my shark." She grumbled as I let out a loud laugh.

"I see you've got your energy back." I teased as she rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Let's get to Biology partner." She said before pulling me up and linking her arm through mine before leading me out of the staircase and down the hallway. And by pulling me up I mean trying to pull me up but I got up myself knowing she won't be able to move me an inch. "It's my birthday tomorrow." She stated as she ate her sweets with her free hand.

"Am I invited to the party?" I asked as she immediately burst out laughing.

"I lied, it's not really my birthday." She snorted. What a strange girl.

"So when is it your birthday then Carter? I'll make you a birthday cake, I've had enough practice." I told her as she immediately shot me a wide grin.

"New Years Eve, I have such a cool birthday." She grinned. "When's your birthday Gregory?" She asked smugly as she offered me some sweets trying to hide the fact that she used my middle name. Nudging her with my shoulder, I took some of her sweets before tugging at her hair.

"Don't call me that Bambi and in exactly two weeks." I told her as she immediately stopped walking.

"WHY DID YOU TELL ME?" She shrieked as I simply shrugged my shoulders making her dig her elbow into my side.

"Don't yell at me Carter I can hear you perfectly fine from right next to you." I teased as she rolled her eyes and continued walking.

"I'm tired." She whined as she stopped walking and ended up making me drag her. "I need a break." She announced before sitting in the middle of the hallway as the large swarm of students filled the hallway. She's going to get trampled on.

I watched as she sat on the floor and continued eating her sweets with no care in the world. Rolling my eyes, I crouched down in front of her, I won't be surprised if someone trips over us. Without wasting another second, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her down the hallway and to our biology class with zero complaint.

"Thanks for the free ride, here's a treat." She grinned as she handed me a single sweet and skipped off to her seat at the back of the class.

"I'm not a dog Bambi." I told her as she shrugged me off and started talking to Mia who was giving the two of us a very suggestive and amused look. She's my twin, I know exactly what she's thinking. 

Everly's POV:

After the free ride to biology, I spent majority of the lesson doodling in my notebook not really wanting to learn about how and why we urinate. It's grim, gross, nasty, ew, and whatever else you can think of. Let your imagination run wild.

"Let's go out for lunch today, they're not serving the good food." Noah pouted making me roll my eyes but agree.

"McDonald's." I suggested with a wide grin. I really want McDonald's.

"But I was Burger King." Noah whined like a child.

"You already look like a burger." I told him as I slapped his hand that was ready to pull my hair.

"Fine! I'll go by myself." He huffed.

"I'll take Mia to McDonald's with me then." I smirked as he immediately shot a glare at me and pinched my arm.

"Amelia Grace Black is coming with me." He stated as he grabbed Mia's chair and effortlessly pulled her closer to him.

"No she's not." I challenged as I grabbed her chair and tried pulling it in my direction.

"For someone that broke a guys nose last night, you lack upper body strength." Mason whispered in my ear before helping me pull Mia's chair closer to me. And by helping I mean did all the work while I just held the chair.

"Mason, stay out of it." Noah growled as Mason simply rolled his eyes.

"She's my sister idiot, go play with the animals on your boat or some shit." He said with a bored look as Mia and I immediately burst out laughing at his hopeless reference to Noah's ark.

"It's my birthday tomorrow." I interrupted before Noah had the chance to even say anything back.

"WHAT?! WHY DID YOU TELL ME?!" She yelled, grabbing everyone's attention including our lovely biology teacher Mr Graham's. Everyone gave her a strange look but soon looked away when they noticed me, along with a very intimating Mason and Noah, glaring at them. You better turn around Martha.

"She's joking Mia." Both Noah and Mason said at the same time making Mia shoot me a glare of her own. She looks like a chicken.

"Alright class, I hope you completed the work for this lesson, if not I want it completed by the next lesson." He said as he raised an eyebrow at the four of us. "Now, good riddance." He said as the bell rang indicating the end of the lesson.

The four of us wasted no time packing up our things and rushing out of the classroom. Mason and I have AP English right now and the last thing I want to do is learn why the rain symbolises the death of Romeo and Juliet. We surprisingly finished The Great Gatsby in the first month of school, mainly because we did most of the reading at home. All we need to do is hand in our essays which are due next week. Thankfully I'm already halfway through it.

"There's my favourite student." Mrs Mills grinned as I walked into the classroom with Mason following close behind.

"Mhm, what do you need Jules?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at her and watched her roll her eyes before handing me a booklet along with another piece of paper. Also, Mrs Mills name is Julie and she insists we call her by her name.

"Will you be a darling and get these photocopied for me? I didn't get the chance to this morning." She asked with a hopeful smile.

"Sure why not." I said before setting my bag down at my usual seat and taking the booklet and pieces of paper from her.

"Get me 40 copies of the booklet and 40 copies of each sheet of paper please. I owe you one." She said with a wide smile. "Also take Mason with you, I doubt you'll be able to carry so much back by yourself." She said as Mason immediately looked up from his phone before smirking and following me out the door. Great.

Once we made it to the photocopying room, in silence might I add, I divided the papers between the two photocopying machines and started copying them before sitting on the floor letting the machines do their job.

"I think it's time for our talk while we wait, don't you agree Carter?" He smirked before closing the door and sitting in front of it so I can't run. Maybe I can throw myself out the window instead.

"You won't make it out the window so don't even bother thinking about." He said with an amused look. I bet he can read minds. Freak.

"Yesterday what you did was irresponsible as fuck." He started as I let out a loud sigh at his choice of words. He sounds like a parent. "You can sigh all you want Carter, but what you did was dangerous. You or my sister could've gotten seriously hurt. That place isn't a hang out spot for the football team and cheerleaders." He said seriously. He's right, we could've gotten hurt and it was irresponsible, but that doesn't change the fact that he was there too, meaning the same thing applies to him too.

"If it's so dangerous for us to be there, then why we're you there Mason? It doesn't go one way, if it's dangerous for me

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