sorry for any grammatical errors in advance!
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Konoha Hospital
Tsukuyomi hadn't seen Asura in years after his last battle with Indra, which had resulted in the loss of her child due to interfering in the fight. The brother's feud had never fully ceased, but there was a radio silence upon battles. She was indifferent to the feelings she felt towards Asura during those years, "I'm sorry." the word had gotten so repetitive over the years. She knew Asura never meant to hurt her or the child she bared for the short time that she did. "Tsukuyomi. I love you more than ever I would never do anything to hurt you, please understand this. Please.." But it just wasn't her he had to forgive, nor would it ever be enough, and forgiveness would never cease the war that hovered the two ill-fated brothers.
She wasn't the same as she was before because of the incident, she could never hate Asura, but she could never be with him. Or so she thought, Tsukuyomi had always wondered. What would've happened had it been Asura in the end that she chose to spend the rest of her life with? Would this cycle continue as it had been for so many iterations now, so many iterations of her continuous life had always wondered, was it Asura or Indra? The repeating cycles of life she had seen so far never quite sealed an answer, she had equally loved Indra in her first life, but equally loved and fully accepted to forgive Asura in another, and the cycle continued to repeat itself.
The next morning followed in a more sunnier perspective, too sunny if she was being honest. Her blurred vision adjusted to whateverโor whomeverโ was next to her and gripping her hand tightly. As her vision focused on who was next to her, she was met to a sleeping Uzumaki that sat beside her "Naruto....?" she blinked a few times as her eyes cleared of the sleep in them, as she glanced over to where Shikamaru initially laid with his importu makeshift bed made out of chairs from the room, to notice he wasn't in the room anymore and the makeshift bed laid unscathed.
She looked back to Naruto, as she looked down at their hands intertwined, before staring at him as she felt an expression creep onto her face. A faint smile. But it hadn't last long as she felt herself thinking of the last time she physically saw him, her face deepened in expressions, as she felt her hands withdrawing from his."Naruto..." she remembered it as if it was yesterday when she had left Konoha. Naruto was soundly asleep in his bed, until he heard her voice call for him. Shaking out of his sleep quickly, looking up at the girl before him as she looked down at him, the night post lights radiating into his room through the room as he saw the blood on her face., Her face was riddled with dry blood, "I'm..sorry..but this is goodbye.."
She felt Naruto's hand twitch as she began to retract it, halting her movement as she noticed his eyes fluttering open. His blue irises staring into her own [E/C] irises. "Ya're really a heavy sleeper..." he mumbled out, as he yawned shortly after and stretched his arms out. She cringed at the sound of hearing his bones cracking from the cramped position they had been resting in. She watched as he adjusted his position before he sleepily looked over at [Name]. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say first to the Uzumaki, she had been so captivated by his eyes. His eyes had seemed much bluer from the last time she had seen him, that smile of hers faintly appearing on her face before Naruto caught it.
[Name] cleared her throat as she finally broke her gaze from the blonde, looking at her right wrist which was still chained to the bed before swiftly looking back at Naruto who watched her movements. "I'm...sorry..." she muttered out shyly as she looked down after her statement. The Uzumaki quirked an eyebrow at the sudden apology. "For....?" he asked confusingly, his head tilted in confusion at the statement. "For..leaving. I'm sorry...just in general..."
"You...don't have to be sorry. Ya know I may not quite understand what was going on.., but you're back. Back to me.., you were off into your own world as usual..I had to bring you back into reality.." He began fidgeting with his fingers upon the statement. He wasn't as bold as he thought he was. [Name] on the other hand had felt like she had heard him say that before, looking up at the door as she heard a stifled laugh from it. "That's so corny Naruto, you're reusing your own pickup lines." It was Shikamaru.
Naruto could feel his eye twitch ever so slightly at the interruption and mocking of Shikamaru, "Shut up Shikamaru!" Naruto hissed back, as Shikamaru continued to stifle his laugh before regaining his composure and bringing his attention to [Name]. "I don't..mean to cut your guy's reunion so short..but [Name] has quite a few visitors that need to see her.." Shikamaru stated, as Naruto sighed but understood. She wasn't exactly here in good pretenses and there was a lot that needed to be sorted out with her and made known to her knowledge.
"I'll..see you later, okay?!" Naruto then bucked up, as he got up from his chair and began walking towards the door where Shikamaru was, [Name] almost hesitantly nodding in response to his statement. She didn't want to make any promises to him, especially as she had broken so many before. She found the presence in her room empty for a few moments as Shikamaru walked away with the Uzumaki before the sound of rhythmic sound of knocking coming from her hospital room door suddenly caught her off guard, as she eyed the door before she heard "Coming in." and a few seconds later the door creaked opened, followed by a familiar masked individual.
"Welcome...home..." Kakashi wasn't sure it was the proper thing to say at the moment, but something about it felt right to him. As he closed the door, he approached the girl and stood by her bedside. She had frozen up intentionally upon his entrance into the room, her mind going immediately to Obito, and just so how unaware of the reality that Obito was in fact alive. "Kakashi..." she muttered, as she sat up, still in much pain from the battle she had been recovering from. "How..are you feeling?" he then asked, as he noticed the look of discomfort that was visible on the girl's face.
" better..." she groaned out, as she shifted the pillows behind her for comfort. She could tell from behind Kakashi's mask, that he held a solemn but serious face, he had a lot of reasons as to why he was here right now and, they all concerned [Name], but he sure as hell wasn't sure where to begin at this moment. Kakashi nodded in response, as he noted that he would let a nurse know to send in more pain medications her way. "We're in a war." Kakashi then bluntly stated after a few moments of silence, "We're going to war with Madara." he reiterated, the thought all too much for him to truly process in the current state Konoha had been in as of late.
He had been been chosen and elected by the councilmembers to be the next Hokage following Danzo's demise, and the turmoil that now presumed the five nations as a war had been waged against them. And with [Name] now being added into the picture, Kakashi wasn't ideally a of fan all of what was happening now.
"'re a prisoner of war." he then continued. This was new to her, as her eyes went wide, is this the exact treatment they reserved for them..? She thought to herself, as she almost felt too comfortable in this term. "In some pretenses." Kakashi then once again reiterated to the girl. "Pretenses?" [Name] questioned the man, as she quickly grew confused at the statement.
"Because you're carrying a child, we have to treat you, and treat you with regard until you give birth, whereas when Konoha makes their decision regarding your future after you've given birth.. But..your...clan has its own set of rules, and sets of jurisdictions, and because of what you did...regarding your grandfather and the clan heads, it's up to them to decide what they want to do with you regarding that, no exemptions." He then stated to her as he lowered his voice, unsure who could be listening behind the door, as she processed the information.
She had remembered hearing about this before, how her clan had its own jurisdiction regarding crimes committed against the clan. "Are they aware" She then asked subliminally, as Shikamaru hadn't mentioned the Hyuga's knowing anything about her carrying a child. "Not..from my knowledge or mouth even. But.., [Name] please be prepared for the consequences you may face. There's only so much I can do to shield you from them."
"You...don't have to." [Name] responded back almost immediately after his statement. " exactly why I left, why I did..what I did... I didn't need this constant hovering. and restrictions placed on me." [Name] bluntly stated, as Kakashi looked at her expressionless, "[Name]. Do you feel that...killing your grandfather was justified...?" He asked in a subtle tone, her eyebrow furrowing as he asked the question. "I see that my uncle hasn't had the courage to speak his truth, even when the one who controlled everyone's move, including his own is dead now."
Kakashi's visible eye narrowed slightly, not in judgment but in contemplation. "It's not just about courage, [Name]. It's about understanding the full picture, and how everyone fits into it." She scoffed, the bitterness evident in her voice. "Understanding? Do you want to talk about understanding? My grandfather was a tyrant, a puppet master who manipulated the clan for his own ends. He treated us like tools. I had to break free. I had to do something to change things."
Kakashi's gaze softened. "I don't disagree that things needed to change. But the methods we choose, the paths we take... they shape not just our futures, but the futures of those around us." She looked away, the weight of his words sinking in. "I didn't have any other choice, Kakashi. It was him or my sanity. My freedom."
She remembered Danzo's instigation from her last battle, when he spoke of the words of her being a monster when he put him under a genjutsu, it was a quick statement, but a moment that made [Name] wonder, the connections her grandfather had and the measures he would take to control or even quite frankly, dispose of her. Kakashi nodded slowly. "I know you felt trapped. And maybe, in some ways, you were. But now you're back in Konoha. Things can be different. You can be different."
Her eyes flicked back to him, filled with a mix of somber and uncertainty. Kakashi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Change isn't easy, especially for those who've lived under the old ways for so long. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that people are capable of growth. Even those you think are set in their ways."
She bit her lip, mulling over his words, she reflected upon herself at the words, she was a living statement of it, being capable of growth, to change her ways. "I just... I don't know if I can go back, or to accept everything right now. Naruto...he's so happy for me to be back, but I didn't ask to come back, you only did what you thought best, and I should be grateful, but Konoha hates me, I have been loved and hated since birth, why would I stay where I'm not welcomed...?"
"Trust takes time, everything takes time [Name]," Kakashi said gently. "But it starts with honesty. Honest with yourself, and with being open about the past, and willing to face the future. You..have a lot of healing to do, physically and mentally." There was a long silence as [Name] absorbed his words. Life was always complex for it, and the complexity grew once she realized she was pregnant, going forth, the air around her seemed to continue to be undeniably complex. Finally, she nodded at Kakashi's statement. Complexity was a part of her life, change was a part of her life, and she was willing to bear through it, if there was a light at the end of that tunnel.
"Things..may not feel or ever be the same, But we're here for you" Kakashi assured her, as he referred to Team 7, and the few others who still cared deeply for her even in these dreary times. "One step at a time. For now, focus on recovering and making sure you and your child are healthy. We'll take it from there." [Name] nodded once again, as Kakashi began to depart, as he turned to leave, [Name] called out, "Kakashi... thank you. For understanding."
He paused at the door and gave her a small, reassuring smile appearing from behind his mask. He pondered for a moment before he left, the room silent again as [Name] laid back in her bed, the weight of everything around her still heavy and adamant in her mind, but perhaps, she would find her place in this world again, even when it wasn't its highest.
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He laid on a cold slate of cobblestone, as his blurred vision looked upwards to the ceiling within the lowly lit room he was in as he awaited Madara. His vision was blurred from the battle that took place a few days before. As he sat in what felt like an empty void. Everything around him felt like an empty void. Emptiness. Sasuke had returned back to the hideout alone following his encounter with Naruto and Team 7, as there was a failure to find and retrieve all 3 members from Taka that day. His mind filled with [Name] during those past three days, as his mind reminisced over Madara's words. "Take her, she's dead and useless to us now..." Sasuke clenched his fist once again upon the thought.
The Uchiha had a hard time grasping the concept that she wasn't here anymore. The future that stood before him was taken out of his grasp so quickly. He refused to believe it, with all of his heart there was something inside of him that told him she was still alive. The scene that occurred in the battle of the bridge replayed in his mind continuously, as his clenched fist grew tighter into his palms and drew blood from within his palm. He was going to destroy anything or anyone that came into his path.
He had lost everything that truly meant everything to him, and at what price? The path beyond him sought revenge once again. For everything that he had lost, and ever wanted in life. Sasuke couldn't quite understand if this was his destiny. To be the avenger? His thoughts had come to a ceased thought upon hearing Madara nearby, followed by his footsteps, he closed his eyes as he prepared for the operation he soughtโa new pair of eyes.
Konoha Hospital
The day had continued on, the routine of nurses coming in and out of the room throughout the morning to afternoon, Her mind reflected upon Kakashi's words earlier, the one about the Hyuga Clan taking things into their own hands upon criminal offenses. It was probably her most major concern at this moment. She clutched her stomach for a moment as she felt a bundle of emotions, and sickness swirl her mind at the thought of what was to come next. Kakashi's words meant a lot to her, but she was still worried above all and had her own feelings about things that couldn't shake.
Sighing out, she looked around in her empty room, noting that Shikamaru had been gone for about 10 minutes at this point, and wondered what the boy had been up to. He wasn't exactly the greatest watch guard, having left his prisoner unattended for so long, she wondered just how much trust he instilled in her not to just break free right now. She wouldn't actually do it..., but...โ A knock had illicted from the door, breaking her out of the thoughts that plagued her racing mind. "Iโ" Before she could garner the courage to speak up, the door had opened up, a familiar light olive-colored hand resting on the door knobbed as the door opened.
There was a heavy silence within the room as her uncle, Hiashi entered the room alone. She looked in his direction expressionless, as did he. It was an unreadable expression from the both of them, soon her gaze went back to the door as Shikamaru entered the room, and she furrowed her eyebrow at the extra company within the room. Within the past 24 hours she had been awake, and the visitors she did have so far, Shikamaru wasn't present, but now, it seemed he was going to be in the room the whole time.
She quietly let out a tsk at the realization. Someone didn't feel safe with her being alone in the room with her uncle, possibly fearing the worst. Even with her wrist chained to the bed, embedded with a seal that didn't allow her to break free, and still being in a weakened state from a gaping hole quite literally going through her chest, she was still...feared. "[Name]..." he was the first to speak to her, as he approached her, and Shikamaru stood at the door.
The first thing he noticed was her seal โ it was gone. He maintained his expression as he noticed the displacement, wondering just how exactly it was gone. There was a long drawn-out silence as her uncle stared at her expressionless before his mouth parted and closed again, something within his eyes changing as he finally spoke up. "I want you to know...I'm grateful to see you're alive...and here." Now that was a surprise to her, not the first words she expected to hear from him. "But your actions against the clan...has left much turmoil."
Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she remained silent as she waited for her uncle to continue. "The clan and I have spoken deeply about this matter...And there is still much anger and confusion..., divide..." His voice continued on steadily, "But. There is a desire to understand. Understand you." he then stated, "Understand?" [Name] scoffed at the comment, "That's what you want to call it, an understanding? When it was clear as day that I was being verbally and mentally abused?"
Her voice grew sterner as she sat up in her bed and looked her uncle dead in his eyes. Shikamaru still stood in the back, flinching slightly as her voice seemed to rise by the minute. "Uncle...There's...a whole part of her clan that feels this way. We always have. There has always been this divide. What I did may have only justified why that divide exists but it has always been there... and you know that." [Name] responded as she spoke of the branch family, the family that she had been placed in. Hiashi found it difficult to speak to her, to somehow reason with her.
But now he wondered, was he using the right words to get to her? As [Name] looked down and sighed out, easing her breathing she looked back up at the man. "I do...know.." he then responded as he thought about his brother Hizashi, [Name]'s father. "And..I should've done something sooner...I promised your father to take care of both you and Neji..." Shikamaru still observed on from the background, as he looked onwards to the patterned wall in front of him. He felt invisible in the situation, and he believed it was for the best. It was matters beyond him, matters that he didn't fully
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