In teachers group chat:
HideMyBodyCallME: So about that repair work you told me to do @MickeyGoneWrong
MickeyGoneWrong: Yes?
HideMyBodyCallME: How am I supposed to fix a wall that Midoriya did?
TiredAsFuck: what did he do again?
Rock'n'Rolling: Oh Sho! You were especially woken up because of that.
PussInLatex: I want that story.
TiredAsFuck: I remember....
PussInLatex: Still want that story.
WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Well Young Bakugo tried to wake up Midoriya and got boosted through the wall.
PussInLatex: Wait! WHAT!
WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: My boy loves his sleep and doesn't like it to be woken up.
Rock'n'Rolling: Sounds like you Sho.
TiredAsFuck: I can totally understand him.
HideMyBodyCallME: So what am I supposed to do with it?
PlaymobileBitch: Fix it.
HideMyBodyCallME: Thanks genius but I mean Bakugo who got stuck in the wall.
PussInLatex: I want a picture!
MindFuckingDog: Same.
Unkown number entered the chatroom
WatergunBitch: I didn't know this was possible.
LostInSpace: It isn't.
WatergunBitch: Then who's this?
PussInLatex: I still want the picture.
MindFuckingDog: Is Midoriya okay tho?
WatergunBitch: He was the one yeeting someone and you ask for the thrower and not the thrown person?
PlaymobileBitch: I mean... He is the one with the most problems.
WatergunBitch: True...
PussInLatex: So... do I get my picture or not?
MickeyGoneWrong: No. It seems we have an unwanted guest here.
Rock'n'Rolling: Oh yeah I nearly forgot about this.
TiredAsFuck: Idiots, all of you. Why am I even here?
Rock'n'Rolling: Because you love us!
TiredAsFuck: Assuming that is illogical. I hate you all.
Unknown: We all know that is not true but I am not here for this.
PussInLatex: Umm, who is you?!
Rock'n'Rolling: Night, it's who are you.
PussInLatex: I know what I said.
Unknown: How about who are they?
KillMeHealMe: We already have a mystery creature here, we don't need another one.
Unknown: Is he such a mystery now? I know a lot about a certain chimera.
TiredAsFuck: MickeyGoneWrong, you're in trouble... I'm interested. Go on @Unknown
Unknown: What if I told you all about his past a bit or his habits?
Rock'n'Rolling: Isn't that kind of thing private?
PussInLatex: Yeah what he said!
TiredAsFuck: Tell us.
Everyone: AIZAWA!
TiredAsFuck: What? I'm interested.
Unknown: It is pretty decent stuff too. So you all sure you don't want this?
TiredAsFuck: He knows everything about me so why not, some payback is due?
Everyone: TiredAsFuck stop!
TiredAsFuck: No<3
Unknown: Oh I know everything about you all too but I am only out for a certain chimera.
TiredAsFuck: hurry up, I have patrol in a few.
Unknown: Oh I want him to witness his own doom @MickeyGoneWrong
MickeyGoneWrong: Yes?
Unknown: Are you ready for a worthy challenger?
MickeyGoneWrong: I'm due for some entertainment... Why?
Unknown: I know all your secrets.
Unknown: Your past too.
Unknown: Your habits as well.
MickeyGoneWrong: Can I take it back?
Unknown: No. Besides I am bored and I kinda like the idea of messing with your mind.
MickeyGoneWrong: Shit.
Unknown: Any last words?
MiconeWrong: I'm resigning after this.
Unknown: You are basically the owner of UA... why would you resign?
MickeyGoneWrong: I have a bad feeling.
Unknown: Still doesn't change the fact that without you the school will be doomed.
TiredAsFuck: @Unknown has a point. You are the glue of UA.
Unknown: See even the sleepy caterpillar says soo.
TiredAsFuck: Doesn't mean I like anyone here.
Unknown: hahahaha shall I pull a note up that you once said? A moment of carelessness and you lost some words you don't want them to know.
TiredAsFuck: Don't. I didn't do anything.
Unknown: True and you lucky I am not out for you.
Rock'n'Rolling: I want to know what TiredAsFuck said.
Unknown: He
Unknown: Said
Unknown: ....
Unknown: XD not saying it!
PussInLatex: Man!
Unknown: Anyways back to the point. MickeyGoneWrong-san you as a chimera or should I say a MickeyMouseGoneWrong, will definitely regret this. Also trying to find out who I am is useless.
MickeyGoneWrong: Ok then @Unknown. Let's go.
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