The Future

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  Last update for awhile. Hope you all enjoy!

   "Ok so you're friend has gone crazy, she's having constant mood swings and you think it's the Kakí Enérgeia that's doing it".

"Yep" Butterfly responded.

"Are you sure she's not just pregnant?"

  Branch and Butterfly darted each other a nervous glance, "nope" Branch said.

"Ok...well, I don't have anything that can help in my store but, according to the book...".

   The four of them were gathered around the table once again, trying to figure out how to fix Poppy.

"...the Kakí Enérgeia can only attach itself to a soul on command".

"What does that mean" Sparkles asked.

"It means someone has summoned the evil spirit and ordered it to possess your friend".

"That's not good" Butterfly commented.

"Not at all. I guess that means the only way to stop it is find the person who's in command. They will be able to order the spirit to leave".

"But who would do something like that to Poppy?" Butterfly asked.

   Branch sat back in his chair, "hmm, the only person I could think of is Creek, but he's dead so...".

   "It could take forever to think of someone, and it's getting late", Sparkles said, "we should find a place to stay".

   "She's right" Skie said standing, "there's a fabulous hotel about three blocks from here. We can talk again tomorrow". She lead them to the door once again.

   It was when she started unlocking the door that Butterfly spoke up, "WAIT!".

   Everyone stopped and turned. "If it's not any trouble, you should totally like read our minds and tell us our future!" She said energetically.

   Skie chuckled, "sure why not".

   They all went back to the reading room and sat back down.

"Alright, who's first?" Skie asked.

"You should go Sparkles" Butterfly insisted.


   Sparks was hesitant, but eventually held her palm out to the yellow troll.

"Ok, let's see what we've got here"

   Skie examined the many lines and creases in her hand, "from this I can tell you're a very...protective person. You get really attached to people and hate to see them suffer. But, you also have trouble showing your emotions. Besides that" she sat back in her chair, "I'm sensing a very... dangerous vibe from you. You seem like the kind of person who hides knives around the house".

   Sparkles eyes widened as Butterfly watched in awe.

"I'm sensing you had a troubled past. Dealing with your family and loved ones. As for your future, all I have to say is, forgiveness goes a long way" she smiled then moved on to the next person.

"Me next, me next!" Butterfly shoved her hand across the table.

"Butterfly. You are very cheerful and funny. You're also very resilient and always there for your friends. Now in your past you made some fantastic new friends and went on the trip of a lifetime".

"I guess so. But what about the future?!"

Skie chuckled, "in your future I see a you with big responsibility. Some advice I'd have for you a mature role mode".

Butterfly nodded then switched places with Branch.

   "Branch", Skie began, "you are a kind, passionate troll. You're definitely a romantic but also a little introverted".

"Actually a lot introverted" Butterfly interrupted.

"'ve had trouble expressing yourself in the past, but your getting better're engaged aren't you?"


"Right, well your fiancé has definitely brought the best out of you these past couple of years. Now for your, how do I say this" the psychic pondered for a moment, "things aren't always what they seem".

Branch stared blankly, "th-Thank you. I'll keep it in mind-".

"Oh and another thing... I'm seeing the word Symphony in your future, but instead...used as a name".

   Branch nodded thinking about what Skie was telling him.



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