Nura Rikuo x Reader (Book 1) (Completed)
Hi again everyone Hi-chan's here with another story and I hope you like it since this story I write is about a handsome demon young master and heir to the Nura clan x you and by the title you guys already knows anyway the story goes like this. You are an ordinary high school student not really ordinary. Who attended the same school and class as Rikuo and sits beside him and your also one of his best friends. And like I said before your not ordinary because your a shrine maiden not an ordinary shrine maiden but an immortal shrine maiden and your just like Rikuo who is half demon by 1/4 and half human by 3/4 and also has a night form. And your house is filled with yokai's and yokai general's,yokai house maid's and other's just like Rikuo but still your Yuri clan is not as strong as the Nura clan but it is in second place!. So anyway your life is almost like Rikuo filled with yokai's,and at night you transform into your night form and in the morning you transform back just like Rikuo again forgetting the events at night but eventually you two will remember what happen when the both of you fully transform into your night form permanently.Alright alright that's enough I wouldn't want to spoil the story so if you want to know how you permanently transforms,you have to read the story. Hikari-chan (your choice!) ;)β¦