secrets unveiled

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*blakes pov*

I ask ruby if she would like to go out for coffee and make a joke about it being a date and when i did she fell over

"ladybug!" i scream running over to ruby

I put her head on my lap and as i do she passes out causing me to panic even more

"ruby!  Are you ok" i say this while gently shaking her awake

She slowly opens her eyes seeing the position she is in and quickly jumps back up "b-blake what happened"

"you collapsed then passed out when i picked you up" i give her a concerned look

"oh i d-did that's embarrassing" she says this turning a light shade of red

"are you not feeling well you look kinda red" i then put my hand on her forehead "you don't seem to have a fever"

She jolts back turning an even darker red "i-im f-fine i think i just need s-some fresh air"

"well if you say your fine then ill believe you im going to lock up now can you wait outside" i give her a sweet smile

"alright see you in a minute blakey" she then walks out of the store

I quickly lock up then head out the store "alright little ladybug are you ready to go" i give her a kind smile as i say this

Her legs start to wobble and she starts to fall again so i run and catch her by the waist "i thought you said you were okay" i say giving her a concerned look

"i am y-you j-just scared me" she says this turning red again

I give her a suspicious look and say "okay then lets go" i grab her hand and start walking towards the coffee shop

"b-blakey w-why are y-you grabbing my hand" her voice goes soft while saying this

"well i wouldn't want my little ladybug getting lost on my now would i" i laugh a little

She doesn't say anything and just lets me lead the way

We eventually get to the store and take a seat ruby is still being very quiet

"is everything alright ladybug" i ask with concern in my voice

She gives me a sad look "can i ask you something"

"of course you can ask me anything" i give her a patient smile

"why are you so nice to me" she gives me a serious look awaiting my answer

I am a little shocked by her question and am about to answer until i am interrupted by a familiar voice "hello blake how are you today"

I look up to see a tall brown haired girl with a pair of rabbit ears "oh hello velvet im great how about you"

"im good now will you be having your usual" she gives me a kind smile

"of course now what will you have ladybug" i say looking over to the girl slowly sinking underneath the table

"oh my i didn't even see you there how do you like your coffee" she looks down at ruby who sinks further down the table

"c-cream and 5 sugars" a soft voice rings out

"of course ill be back with your drinks soon" velvet says walking back to the counter

I turn to ruby and give her a smile "its because your someone who deserves to be happy"

"wait what" ruby says looking confused

"you asked me why im so nice to you and the reason is that you deserve to be happy and if me being nice to you can make you even a little happy then that's good enough for me" i say this in a soft tone and put my hands on hers

"t-thank y-you blake your the best friend I've ever had" she says with tears forming in her eyes

"thank you ladybug but if you don't mind can i ask you somethings" my face turning a light red from her last comment

"of course you can ask me whatever you want" she gives me the sweetest smile

"most people react negatively towards fauness yet you treated her as if she was anyone else why" i say this scared to hear what her answer might be

She gives me a confused look "why would i ever be mean to someone just because they're different than me"

I give a sigh of relief and squeeze Ruby's hands "you really are a great person"

She turns a light shade of red "w-what was the other question"

"oh yeah well what i want to know is why you weren't as shy with me as you are with other people when we first met" i stare at her waiting for an answer

"w-well to be honest i don't know why you just seemed like someone i could talk to" as she says this she turns red again

I give her a gentle smile "i hope im not interrupting something but your drinks are done" i jump back and look at her turning red

"oh t-thanks velvet" i say grabbing my coffee

"t-thank you" ruby practically whispers

"no problem a friend of Blake's is a friend of mine" she gives ruby a nice smile then walks away

We talk about our favorite books while finishing our coffee then head out of the store

I grab Ruby's hand then start leading her to my house "where are we going" she asks confused

I stop at the front door "ladybug there is something i want to show you but i cant have anyone else seeing" i give her a serious look

"what is it blakey" she gives me concerned look

"please come in" i walk in and sit on my couch

She walks in and sits next to me "what did you want to show me blake" she says in a soft voice

"okay just please don't freak out" i say this then slowly remove my bow looking down afraid of what she'll say

Its quiet until i feel her arms around me "thank you for telling me"

I look up to see her hugging me a smile coming to my face as i hug back

She pulls away giving me a smile "how many others know"

"velvet and my friend weiss" i say smiling back

She gives me a surprised look "if its a secret that big i have to tell you mine"

"no you don't have to tell me anything" i say not wanting to pressure her

"its ok i want to tell you i just don't really know how to say it i haven't told anyone before" she says beginning to look embarrassed

"wait are you sure you want to tell me first and not your family" i look at her shocked

"im sure especially sense it affects you the most" as she says this her face goes red and she turns away

"well if you really want to tell me i won't stop you" i say while turning her head towards me

"okay im just going to say it, im a lesbian" she looks at me with a scared look

As she says that i feel a spike of happiness "wait really"

She nods her head then i realize something "didn't you say this affects me more than anyone else, how"

She goes a bright red "w-well i know we met yesterday and its weird but i  like you"

I sit there trying to comprehend what was just said to me but before i can say anything she pipes up again

"im sorry i made everything awkward you probably think im crazy ill ju.." before she finishes i grab her and pull her into a hug

"ladybug why would i ever think your crazy if anything im the crazy one" she looks up at me with tears in her eyes

"why would you be the crazy one" her voice quivering as she says this

"because i would do something like this" i then pull her into a kiss

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