Secret Crush

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Ruby pov

I walk out the bookstore hearing blake say "bye ladybug" hearing this causes my heart to skip a beat i turn a bright red and start running home to go to sleep so i can see blake again but as i get there i open the door to see my dad looking at me angry

"where were you your almost an hour late" my dad growls

"im sorry i was at the book store and lost track of time" i say this while bowing down

As i get back up he looks at me his face suddenly becoming very concerned "were you crying"

I place my hand on the back of my head trying to seem innocent "yeah the book i was reading was really sad"

He gives me a suspicious look not seeming to buy it but doesn't push forward "well im gonna go to bed" i say rushing up to my room

I get in my room and jump on my bed recalling my experience at the bookstore "man blake was so nice she didn't even mind me calling her blakey" i then remember her nickname for me "she called me ladybug and wasn't mad when i got sad and hugged her" with those final words going through my head i turn a bright red hugging a pillow and squirming around until my door opens

"what are you doing ruby" i look up to see yang standing there with a confused look on her face

I jolt up turning a soft red "n-nothing im doing absolutely nothing w-what are you doing"

"well weirdo i was at the store and when i came home i see my sister rolling around on her bed like a crazy person so gonna tell me why your rolling around" yang says this with a big smirk on her face

"cant a girl just roll around" i say not even trying to make it believable

"whatever weirdo good night" she says this then closes my door leaves i then lay down and drift to sleep

*the next morning"

I wake up seeing the sun come through my window and a nice smell wafting through the air a smell i know very well

I rush downstairs and into the kitchen looking at the table i scream "pancakes!"

"now what do you say" yang says turning to see me already eating 3 pancakes at once

"thaung goo" i say with my mouth full

"that's gross ruby swallow first" yang says setting her giant pancake stack on the table

I swallow my food "sorry sis i mean thank you"

After finishing my food i go back to my room getting ready to go back to the bookstore

I decide to wear my red hoodie with a black skirt and tights

Now being ready i go downstairs and head towards the door and am stopped by yang "where ya goin sis" i look over to yang who looks concerned

"im going to the bookstore" i give her a smile as if to say im fine

She seems relieved "can i go with you"

I give her a happy smile "sure lets go" we then walk out of the house then head toward the bookstore

We eventually get to the store opening it the bell rings and i hear "welcome to tuksons book trade home to every book under the sun" i laugh to my self hearing her say the slogan perfectly on que

She looks up seeing me a smile comes to her face "oh hello ladybug"

Hearing her say this again causes my face to turn red

Yang hears this and looks at me and goes into her big sister mode "are you making fun of my sister" she growls walking toward blake

Blake looking very intimidated says "n-no i would never"

"yang stop scaring blake!" i scream and she seems to cool down

Yang looks back at black and bows down "i am so terribly sorry i get protective easily"

"please stand up I totally understand especially with what happened to ruby" blake says with the nicest smile

Yang stands up and looks at blake "you know about that? Yang says looking a bit confused

"i accidentally said something mean to ruby and she told me what happened after that" her bow seems to get lower as she says this

"its okay blakey it wasn't actually that mean" i say walking up to the counter and smiling at her

"blakey, ladybug? when did you to become such good friends?" yang asks looking at the both of us

"around the time ruby stopped crying" blake says matter of factly

"you were crying" yang says going back to big sister mode

"yeah talking about the past made all those feelings from back then resurface but its ok because blake was there to cheer me up" i say this giving a warm smile to blake

"well then thank you blake for being there for my sister" yang says bowing

"it was my pleasure" blake says glancing in my direction

"well blake it has been a pleasure but i have to go, ruby you can stay if you want" she looks at me smiles and then walks out of the store

I then look over to blake who gives me a smile warm enough to melt my heart

"hey ladybug?" blake says to me with a smile

"y-yes b-blakey" i say turning a slight red

"i get off in an hour would you like to go get a coffee when i do" blake asks fidgeting a little

"i-i w-would l-love t-to" i say turning a deep red

"then its a date hehe just kidding" she says causing my knees to give out from pure joy

"ladybug!" she says running over to me "are you okay you're not hurt are you" as she says this she picks me up putting my head on her lap causing me to pass out from excitement

*ooohh cliffhanger kinda i mostly just ran out of time*

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