Getting Ready

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This is what the baby room look like

Couple of days later after Andrews Bday ( because the author was too lazy to write what happened at the party)

Andrew POV : I was fixing up the twins room I couldn't wait to show lakia I just knew she would love this we're still trying to decide what to name the boys.

Lakia POV : I was shopping for some new clothes for me for when I get bigger and some clothes for the boys I couldn't wait to see their pretty faces.

Andrew POV : I finally finished the room then I heard the front door open I went down there to help lakia with the bags in decide to blindfold her she ask what I was doing in I told her she'll see in she just went with the flow .

Lakia POV : I came home to get blindfold I didn't know what this boy was up too so once we reach our stopped he told me to take the blindfoldoff in I just started crying the room look so beautiful it was just amazing it had a 2 blue rocking chair andrew knew how much I loved blue now all when need is the names. ( A/N: That's where ya'll come in let me know what you want the twin boys name too be in the comments the best ones will be dedicated in the chapter there born in ).

Andrew POV : When I saw lakia face she was in tears of joy I knew she loved it in I knew she couldn't wait till the twins get her she is now 10 months in getting bigger in that means her boobs getting bigger as well can't wait to motor boat them Ballons sorry twins but them boobs are mine I say in though until lakia broke me out of my thoughts

Lakia POV : I was so happy that andrew design the babies room how I wanted it I looked at Andrew I saw that he in he's own thoughts staring at my breast I see the lust in his eyes I decided to break him out his thoughts by calling him he finally cameout his thoughts I went to him in kissed his soft lips andrew starting to grab my ass in I moaned in then I tongues we stop to take a breath I look at Andrew in told him I don't have to go get lakia till a few more hours he look at me in smiled in when literally ran in the bedroom.

Few hours later :

Andrew POV : We just picked up lexi from my mom's house she was sleep in her booster seat I looked over at lakia she was sleeping as well I loved to watch her sleep she sleeped so peaceful I put my hand on her belly when finally arrived home. I woke up lakia in told her come on in I went to the back seat to get lexi in I brought her in put her pj's on in put her in her bed I turned the light off in closed the door in went on to the bedroom i saw lakia went to bed so I joined her in sooner or later I drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys how are you enjoying this book so far I really need your help with picking a name for the twin books if u do tht I'll be honored to check out your stories in definitely share I really appreciate your guys votes and you guys reading my book .....oh in one more thing next week on September 10 is my bday yayyyyy I'm so happy I just can't wait anyways see guys next week I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoy writing it 

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