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End of December

Lakia Pov : It was Saturday afternoon in I have another appointment to check on the boys I'm almost close to my due date I'm now 33 weeks it's so hard for me to sleep in I'm always eating alot .

Andrew POV : We arrived at the doctors office they called us in our came in put the ultrasound gel on her stomach in turn the screen towards so we can see them they were getting so big in today we got to hear there heartbeats she printed us our update ultrasound in told us she'll she us on lakia due date .In Christmas has just passed lexi got a princess bike in other toys it was now 2 : 30 it was time to pick up lexi from preschool after we picked up lexi we went on home got busy of planning our baby shower which was January 5 . We everything ready for tomorrow then we just headed off to bed after lexi made dinner.

Next Day

Lakia POV : Soon I'll be having my two buddles of joy in my hands soon in I just couldn't wait .

( After baby shower because I didn't feel like explaining how it went #Lazyforlife comment if you agree .

Andrew POV : Everyone was so excited that were having twins boys we just started talking about baby names we have 1.Aden and Aden 2.Andrew or Alexander. (A/N: Let me know in the comments section which name would you like #1or2 anywho back to the story).

Lakia POV : I was so tried this baby shower wore me out I finally got lexi to bed in I drifted off to sleep I started to get contractions at 2am it wasn't that bad but by 3:30 am it was getting worse so we decided to go straight to the hospital in before we got there something happened to me that I couldn't believe I started to cry and scream in andrew came running in looked at me with his eyes wide ..............

Ooooo cliffhanger in what two updates in one day sorry it's short it's late here in I'm not trying to stay up because I have school so I hope you guys enjoy the 2nd updates in also lakia finally changed her hairstyle that girl is always looking good I'm I right .

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