nelsons pov:
while i was scrolling through tik tok y/n's live popped up she looked so pretty. (you are nelson's celebrity crush) I finally decided to try to talk to her so i texted my friend jax to help me out.
(they're texts)
nelson: yoo jax
jax: yooo wsp?
nelson: so i kinda need your help with something
jax: yeah for sure what do you need help with?
nelson: so y/n is live rn could you join and ask her if she knows who i am and if she says yes ask her what she thinks of me
jax: yeah i gotchu bro
nelson: thanks bro this helps me so much
*jax hearted a message you sent*
i join y/n's live and see that jax also joined
jax_palmerr: heyy so do you know who nelson nuemann is??
''my favorite color is purple i play for the weekend elite and yes i do know who nelson nuemann is i see edits of him pop up on my for you page'' she says while smiling when she talked about nelson.
jax_palmerr: cool so what do think of him?
alissa_cameron: please play the weekend by sza
''ok bet im boutta play it rn'' *the weekend by sza starts playing on her alexa* ''what do i think of nelson, he for real so fine i cant lieee and he's funny too'' after she said that i started screaming with happiness while jumping on my bed.
i decided to be bold and comment something
nelsontheprodigy_: oh yeah?
after i sent that comment her eyes widened ''oh my god yall i messed up so bad hes legit in this live'' she says while covering her face with her hands
i wanted to talk to her because now i feel like im ready
i go live and request to join hers
your pov: a notification on my live pops up saying ''nelsontheprodigy_ requested to join your live'' i internally screamed because i was not mentally prepared for this. i press accept.
nelsons pov:
i requested to join her live and my heart was beating so fast.
i join her live
''yooo you wanna battle?''
''yeah for sure'' she says while smiling
*we start the battle*
''so'' i say while putting my phone on my tv stand ''i heard that you think im fine'' i say while smiling and rubbing my hands together. ''mhmm'' she says i can tell shes nervous. ''you dont gotta be nervous pretty girl'' i say while picking up my phone again walking downstairs ''i know but like im kinda embarassed that you heard me call you fine'' she says ''yeah but its not really that embarassing because i think your so fine aswell'' i say while smiling
''thank you pretty boy'' she says while smiling at me through the screen.
we stayed on live with each other for 1 hour before we ended the live because she had to go. i then got a notification *y/ntheprodigy_ started following you* i smiled when i saw the notification then she texted me on tik tok.
y/n: heyy so i wanted to keep in contact with you and my number is ***-***-*** and my snap is y/n.l/s (last name)
nelson: heyy and thanks i also wanted to keep in contact with you :)) im gonna add your snap and save your number rn
2 months later:
me and y/n hung out so much in the span of 2 months and i have a huge crush on her. Since i feel like its time im gonna confess to her but i cant do it over text.
i walk to her house because when we hung out for the first time she sent me her address and it turns out we live 3 minutes away for each other.
when i get there i go up to her door and ring the doorbell. her mum answers and says ''oh hi nelson! y/n's in her room'' she tells me. ''ok thank you''
i say while entering her house and taking off my shoes. I rush upstairs and knock on her door
she opens the door ''oh hey nelly! i didn't know you were coming over today but come in'' she says ''thanks and i didn't either but i have something to tell you'' she sits on her bed and pats the spot next to her ''sure whats up?'' ''ok y/n i really like you and i know we have only known each other for 2 months but i really like you'' ''aww nelson im so happy you feel the same way i have always had a crush on you since the first time we hung out'' music was playing in the background and then earned it by the weeknd started playing. I start leaning in and i grab her jaw lighty and she grabs the side on my face and our lips touch. We pull away while smiling at eachother. ''Y/n will you be my girlfriend?'' ''yessss'' she says while hugging me.
the end <33
ok so i have another idea for an imagine but again if you guys have any requests feel free to request them!!
time posted: 5:35pm
words: 892
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