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(enemies to lover type imagine)

nelson's pov
me and lavar were sitting down waiting for cam to get here since he's a little late. meanwhile me and lavar we're playing truth or dare while y/n was shooting 3's. ''truth or dare nelson'' lavar says while smirking. ''dare'' i say a little hesitant ''i dare you to 1v1 y/n right here right now. and if you win i get to pick what you win'' lavar says while rubbing his hands together. ''bet it better be money'' i say while standing up walking over to y/n.

your pov
i shoot a three but it bounces of the rim going to the side of the court. when i look to where the ball is going i see nelson catch and pass it back to me. ''thanks'' i say a bit quietly since he did something nice for once. ''no problem but umm wanna 1v1 while we wait for cam to get here?'' ''ok what do i get if i win?'' i ask ''whatever you want but if i win lavar is picking what i get'' he says while shrugging his shoulders. ''bet lets start the 1v1 i guess'' ''k'' he says.

time skip after the 1v1
(im to lazy to write the 1v1)

nelsons pov
i won the 1v1 against y/n. me and her were walking up to lavar to see what i win. ''alright lavar what do i win?'' i ask him ''hmm im not gonna tell you right now im finna wait till we get to the house because cam is here here now.'' ''fine'' i say ''y/n if you won what would you have picked?'' i ask her genuinley curious. ''oh umm i dont really know what i would have picked.'' she says ''oh ok'' i say

time skip to back at the house

y/n went to her bedroom while i went up to lavar. ''ok lavar what do i win?'' ''you win a kiss from y/n on the lips'' lavar says while grinning evily. ''lavar are you for real?'' i say regreting him pick what i win. ''yes im being so for real go get a kiss from her on the lips'' ''bro i swear to god im only doing this because its a dare'' truth is im not doing it for a dare i really like y/n i just never told anybody because i know she doesn't feel the same way about me i have waited my entire life to kiss her but now if she rejects me i can say it was a dare.

i wanted to mentally prepare myself for what im about to do. it was only me and y/n in the house since cam,lavar and marie went to go get food. i was so stressed until i had the perfect idea...

y/n was still in her room so i knocked on her door.

your pov

i hear someone knock on my door so i get up to go open it and when i did i saw nelson. ''oh hi nelson what's up?'' i ask him. ''umm wanna watch a movie since its only me and you in the house'' ''yeah for sure'' i say ''bet''

we pick a movie and it starts

20 minutes into the movie nelson puts his hand on my thigh i instantly get butterflies and if im being so honest i had a crush on nelson i just never told anyone because i know he doesn't feel the same way...
a couple minutes later in the movie take me back to the night we met starts playing. i look over at nelson but hes already looking at me his eyes go down to my lips then back up at my eyes. he leans in and kisses me, he pulls away ''sorry i umm'' i cut him off my kissing him again. he kisses back and we finally pull away. ''thats what lavar picked for me to win, a kiss from you. i really like you tho y/n'' ''i do to nels'' ''wanna be my girlfriend?'' ''yes of course!'' 
we smile at each other and the song ends. we hear cam,marie and lavar enter the house so we leave my room to go eat.

nelsons pov

''yo nelson did you get it?'' ''yeah shes actually my girlfriend now'' i say smiling ''yuhh that's my boy'' lavar says hyping me up.

heyy yall so i gonna be writing another imagine and post it later today i promise. if yall have any requests feel free to request please dont be a silent reader and thank yall so much for all the votes! i for real love writing nelson imagines so please request as much as you want!

time posted: 8:53am
word count: 807

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