Chapter 3

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Squidward woke to the sound of footsteps ascending the stairs. "Squidward, is ther anywhere else I can sleep? The couch is uncomfortable to sleep on." Squidward groaned and rolled over to face him. "At the end of the hall, theres a bunch of blankets. Go get some of those and sleep in the bathtub."

Squilliam nodded and left. Once he stopped hearing Squilliam moving around, he pulled himself out of his bed. Guilt was eating away at him. He remembered when he had to sleep n the bathtub at band camp for 2 weeks and he hated it. Even though they were enemies, he couldn't do that to Squilliam. 

"Squilliam." He said to the bathroom. He heard blankets rusling in the tub. "You can come sleep in my room. But only this once. This doesn't mean I like you." Squilliam stepped out of the tub. "Thank you." He whispered. 

Squidward was as far away from Squilliam as he could get on the bed. He started shivering, Squidward had taken all the blanket but he was asleep. Squilliam didn't feel like getting up. He pushed his hatred aside and moved closer to Squidward. Close enough to cover himself with the blanket. 

When Squidward woke up, he found that Squilliam was spooning him and had one tentacle around his waist. He was warm and his hands were soft. Why am I thinking that? Squidward fully woke up and pushed Squilliam off, repulsed. 

He goes downstairs to the fridge and opens it. There isn't much to eat and he makes a mental note. The light bulb is flickering slightly. He goes back upstairs and begins a new painting. By the time he's finished, it's late afternoon.

"I should go to the store." He muttered, racing down the stairs. Squilliam was on his couch, wrapped in a blanket watching some soap opera.

Soap operas... He thought. I love soap operas.

"I'm going to the store, Squilliam." He says, grabbing his wallet off the table. "Don't burn my house down while I'm gone."

Squilliam does a little salute and wraps the blanket around himself tighter.

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