Chapter 2

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It was only a month after Squidward called that the Anchor Crew came. They were some of Sandy's land friends who destroyed underwater buildings with their anchor. He asked them to destroy Patricks house so Squilliam would be forced to move out. 

He heard a crash outside and looked out his window. Patricks rock had been flipped up but everyting inside had been wrecked. Spongebob ran out of his house screaming and made sure Squilliam was okay. He looked out the window and saw that they were both standing before the ruined house. He smirked and played his clarinet, loudly, to taunt them. 

About an hour later, he heard a knock on the door. He set his clarinet down and walked downstaird. They knocked again. "I'm coming, i'm coming. Stop knocking." He yelled. 

He opened the door and saw Spongebob, standing infront of Squilliam. Squilliam had obviously been crying. Squidward rolled his eyes. 

What is he crying about? It's not like it was his house.

"Hey Squidward," Spongebobs annoying voice piped up. "Can Squiliam stay with you? I'm going away tomorrow and all my stuff is already packed." He rolled his eyes again. "Of course he can't. Have you even met him? He's rich. He can go buy a house for the summer or something." Squidward chuckled. Squilliam shook his head. 

"The house, when it was destroyed, an electrical fire started... it burned all my money." He said, holding back tears. Squidward raised an eyebrow. "Have you ever heard of a bank, Squilliam?" 

Spongebob slipped from inbetween the two and went back into his house. Squilliam turned his head away from Squidward. "The bank wouldn't let me keep my money there. I have too much." 

"Fine Squilliam, you can come in. But you have to sleep on the couch and you're not allowed to touch anything." He stepped aside to let Squilliam in.  

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