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"Tell me everything that happened," Jadon came bursting into my room, smiling giddily as I pulled my blanket over my head.
"Leave me alone, I'm so tired. My head fucking hurts as well."

"It's like one. I held back for ages 'cause I knew you came in late but I need details before I run into him. I need to know how to act."
"Jadon please," I sighed, "Please just be normal with him. I appreciate how much you've stuck by my side through everything but I don't hate him and none of what happened was done with malicious intentions. He needs his friends."

"Obviously I'm still his mate I just need to know whether to be enthusiastic with it or not."
"You haven't been acting like his mate. He told me how awkward it was and how only Reece, Luke and Jesse spoke to him properly last night. I get you're tryna have my back but there's no sides. He's separated from you lot enough by being in Germany and playing in a whole other league, don't divide it up even more because of me."

He put his hand in his hair, "We have been dragging it a bit, haven't we?"
I nodded, "I do genuinely appreciate it though. And if he had cheated or done something horrible then I'd be all for it but he hasn't. It's just been misunderstandings and petty arguments."

He clicked his tongue before answering, "Yeah I get that. Do you want me to grab you some ibuprofen? You look hungover as fuck."
I laughed, "Please."

A few minutes later he threw the box at me before heading back to the kitchen, "I'm making food, be ready in a half hour."
I groaned, pulling the covers back over me and silently cursing him for leaving my door open.

"Morning," I heard Jude's tired voice, making me eavesdrop and move the duvet from my head.
"Yo," Jadon laughed, still banging about with pots and pans, "It's afternoon now mate. You hungry?"

Their conversation flowed as Sancho made food, catching him up on last nights antics that Jude and I missed out on. I was glad they were being normal.

"She awake?" Bellingham finally mentioned me.
"She was twenty minutes ago, looks like she's asleep again."
"I'm not!" I called out, hearing them both laugh and then footsteps as one of them approached my room.

I propped my pillows up, turning to lay on my back and be faced with Jude- looking clearly tired but still perfect. It actually wasn't fair.
He closed the door behind him, making Sanch shout something I was blessed with not hearing.

"You okay?" he flopped down onto my bed beside me, leaning on his elbow.

I nodded before smiling smugly, "Told you they'd be fine."
He rolled his eyes, getting comfier by copying my position but on top of the sheets, "I heard you talking to him. Thank you."

I shrugged as if to say it was nothing before he butted in, "I appreciate you having my back, on a real. You know I've always got yours too?"
"Yeah but-"
"Good now drop it. Let me say thank you."
"Jude I didn't even-"
He made a tutting sound like teachers would do when trying to get their students to shut up, making me laugh and respond by simply moving my head to his chest in hopes of getting a few extra minutes sleep before Jadon would come barging in.

jude's pov:
I could tell she was still tired and so her falling asleep on me shouldn't have come as a surprise but I was still screaming like a teenage girl on the inside.

Moving to lean on me was probably an unconscious decision by her but it put my mind at ease to know she was still somewhat comfortable with me- and my thoughts of us being back at square one from yesterday were wrong.

I stayed as still as I could, not wanting to wake her up, but of course Jadon had to ruin that.
"Guys!" he shouted, before knocking repeatedly on the door and opening it wearily, "You're not-? Okay good. Ayod-"

"Shut up," I whisper-shouted, my previous feelings of being uncomfortable with him no longer important, "We'll be out in a minute. Appreciate it."

His eyebrows furrowed, corner of his lip pulling up in confusion as he leant on the doorframe, "You better not be pulling any weird shit. Either you let her sleep or you both come out now."

"Mate," I kissed my teeth, annoyance growing as it was clear I still wasn't trusted. What the fuck did he think I'd do to her?

"Why you moving weird for fam?" I heard Bukayo's tired voice and heavy footsteps, making my eyes go wide with alarm as I decided maybe his sister should've been woken up rather than laying on top of me right now, "Ayodele we gotta- Oh nah."

I cringed as he looked at me in disbelief and I stayed stuck in the position I was in; nudging Dele ever so slightly in hopes of her saving both our arses.

"You guys spend one evening together? After months of bullshit?" his volume grew, "And what? Everything's fine? You're all good? Both of you are mad toxic, there's no way you're back to fucking-"

Jadon hit his chest lightly, "He slept in the other spare room. Only came out about a half hour ago."
I silently thanked him for that as I debated whether or not talking would just make this worse.

"I don't give a fuck," he pushed his hand away from him, "This is fucking wrong, he's-"

Ayodele started to stir due to the commotion, making us all stop moving and sending glares as we panicked. We were all her bitches at this point, none of us wanted beef with her.

She returned her head to her pillow before rubbing her eyes and sitting up, spotting Bukayo in the threshold and failing to notice his demeanour, greeting him with a wide excited smile, "Bukayo! How was last night? Who took you guys home? Oh and what the fuck happened with Marcus' phone, was it nicked or just lost in the end?"

Her run of questions were met with silence and she finally looked between the three of us, gathering the situation. Her smile dropped and her eyes no longer glowed and instead rolled, "You're all so immature, it's crazy."

"I'll talk to you later if you can find the time to be away from him for twenty minutes," Her brother spat, referring to me before spinning on his heel and slamming his door behind him. The immaturity from all of us was, indeed, immature.

She blinked a few times, looking at me but then directing her question at Jadon, "Is he being serious?"
"I mean, you did ditch yesterday," he shrugged as I watched her physically deflate.

I had to say something.

"She did also almost relapse, I think that's more important than whether she followed Bukayo around for the night or not."
"I never said anything about importance-"

I was pissed now.

I interrupted his excuse, "You're implying that by her leaving, what he's just said is justified. We didn't leave because we wanted to ditch and do our own thing. If we spent another twenty minutes in there- sorry Dele- but I'm not sure her sober streak would've stayed the way it is. Jadon you should be understanding this. Bukayo's the one that goes and throws hissy fits whenever she does something he doesn't approve of."

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Bukayo ain't-"
"Jadon sit back down," she scoffed before getting up and walking over to her wardrobe, "The three of you are sorting this shit out. It ain't my problem anymore. I'll be back tomorrow, I can't be dealing with all this extra stress right now. Jadon go cool off, eat your munch. Shut the door behind you."

He hesitated before doing what she said, causing me to bite my lip to prevent me from laughing and making the situation worse.

"Are you okay darling?" I watched as she rummaged around in draws, her actions quick and animated like they always were when she was angry.
"I'm fine."

"I'll help you with your clothes in a minute; have a rant, you'll feel better for it afterwards."
"I don't give a fuck anymore Jude. I don't care."
"Clearly," I said sarcastically, instantly regretting it as she turned around.

"What do you want me to say? That I'm upset? That, yet again, another persons let me down?" her eyes grew glossy, "How could Jadon say that man? I explained to him what happened. I admitted it to Bukayo too but he's always like this at first then he's cool, I expected it. Jadon's never not had my back, especially with my addiction. I just-"

Her voice cracked as she scoffed at herself, turning back to her drawers so I could no longer see her face; confirming she was crying.

"Ayodele," I got up, lowkey forcing her into a hug as she kept hitting my arm away and trying to just get on with packing, "He don't particularly like me right now and he was backing his boy. It shouldn't have had to be at the extent of you but it was. I don't think he truly believes you left all of them for me but he couldn't side against Bukayo right now, could he? Everyone just needs to chill and settle one problem at a time. Why are you packing? Where are you gonna go?"

"A hotel? Alejandro's? I can't deal with my brother when he's like this, genuinely. Remember on campus when he'd blow up at the littlest things and it was always my fault but then two days later he's apologising?"
I chewed the inside of my mouth, nodding.

"I haven't had to deal with him like this for ages now we don't live together so I forgot how fucking tiring it is. He needs a couple hours to chill, Jadon and you need to squash whatever beef you've got, then so do you and Bukayo. Until that happens I'm gone."
I let go of my hold on her, "I can go squash it now, you don't need to-"

"Jude," she let out a breath before moving back over to her bed, lying across it the wrong way and staring at the ceiling, "Give everyone a chance to think the situation through. I appreciate it, but in all honesty I just wanna get out the house. It doesn't have to be a big deal. I think it's about time you guys have time alone with it just being you boys- and before you complain, once this is sorted you'll enjoy yourself and you know that."

I hummed, "I guess. Can I drop you wherever you're going?"
"I need to call Alejandro or Lara but you're not driving me three hours mate," she laughed, pulling out her phone, "Go shower or something. I'll sort what I'm doing."

"Just tell me I stink," I rolled my eyes jokingly, approaching her bedroom door to exit.
"You reek."
Her laugh met my ears a second time, causing me to bite back a smile.

"Don't leave without saying bye, yeah?" Her door was open now as I checked the hallway was clear of any opps.
She nodded, "Of course."

shit place to end the chapter but icba to write anymore rn and i haven't updated in a whileeee so just appreciate it plz ๐Ÿ˜‡

also im sorry i needed drama it gets boring otherwise xx

(haven't proof read lmk if theres mistakes plz)

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