Chapter 48: Finals, part 4

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It was now time for the fourth match. Kotohime stood across from Yakumo, both with intense glances. Everyone was watching very closely. Everyone thought that the only exciting match would be Sasuke's but they were proven wrong. Already they had three great fights and the two which were the most exciting was from Anko's two male students. It was a great showing and they expected nothing less from the heiress of the Kurama clan. They waited with anticipation.

Genma started the match and the fight started with a clash of steel. Yakumo's dagger was at a standstill against Kotohime's Fūma shuriken. They both fought for supremacy but neither was gaining an edge. That worried the Fūma member as she knew about Yakumo's frailty. The pushed off each other and engaged in a fight of blades. Both were looking for a clean cut but they were missing each other by a hair. Yakumo moved it and caught Kotohime's arm. She landed a blow to her chest that stunned her. Kotohime recovered quickly and nailed her with an elbow. This made Yakumo release her.

Kotohime grabbed her battle kimono and fell back. She threw Yakumo over her and rolled on top of her. She attempted to stab her with her shuriken but Yakumo was able to recover and deflect it with her dagger. Kotohime tried again and Yakumo used the dagger to hold the weapon off. As Kotohime attempted to push the tip into her, she caught a glint in her eyes. Kotohime found her surroundings different. She took her eyes off Yakumo to see that they were no longer in the stadium. When she turned back, she was straddling a pile of snakes. They hissed and launched themselves at her. She quickly got away, slashing and hacking at the serpents. As she backed away, her feet started to fell hot. She looked down to find herself on hot coals.

Kotohime jumped into the air only to be blasted with a flying kick. She hit the ground but was quick to get off the ground to avoid getting burned or stabbed. She launched her hair at Yakumo but the girl was nimble enough to avoid the attack. That's when she began to do hand seals.

"Magen: Jigoku Koka no Jutsu! (Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique)" she shouted. Kotohime was now feeling the heat as a large fireball was coming at her. Knowing who she was fighting, Kotohime pulled out a syringe and stabbed herself in the arm. She pushed down and whatever was in it entered her system. That's when everything changed back for her. Yakumo was on edge and wondered what the hell she stuck herself with.

"I only have a short time so this is about to get real serious, real quick." Kotohime stated and launched her hair at Yakumo. Yakumo moved quickly to avoid the attack. Each tendril of hair was quick and tried to skewer her. She kept on the move, launching shuriken at the older teen. Yakumo's luck would run out as Kotohime was able to outflank her and wrap her up. She speared her with her hair but Yakumo only dissolved into blossom petals. Sucking her teeth, she quickly planted her hair into the ground.

"Kamishigure – Hagane Mori! (Hair Shower – Steel Forest)" Spears of hair shot out of the ground from all sides. It surrounded Kotohime, protecting her. This would work for her as Yakumo was cut. Yakumo quickly reappeared and was on a knee. She was attempting to hit her with a genjutsu but then she used that technique. While the two cuts she received on her arm was nothing, the gash on her leg hurt like hell. That's when Kotohime pressed her attack.

"Kamishigure – Rōga! (Hair Shower – Wolf Fang)" Wolves came out of the forest and rushed Yakumo. Victory was all but assured but that's when Yakumo began to glow.

"Magen: Mugetsu! (Demonic Illusion: Moonless Sky)" Kotohime watched at everything turned back. Her wolves were shredded to pieces as two huge black wolves appeared. Yakumo looked at her with her waving hair and her glowing eyes. "I do not know what you injected into yourself but it must help you neutralize my genjutsu. However, it will not neutralize this one. This is my special genjutsu and it cannot easily be broken by normal means. You will not escape the nightmare of the Mugetsu world! Genjutsu Kuchiyose: Sen Yurei! (Illusionary Technique Summoning: Thousand Ghosts)" Kotohime watched with awe as an army of ghosts rose from the ground. They were armed and armored. With a signal motion, the army charged.

Kotohime attacked the ghost but her attacks would go right through them. Seeing that she could not attack the ghost army, she moved to attack the caster. That would be useless as Yakumo's wolves would not allow it. The army was upon her and quickly overwhelmed her. She tried to fight it but she could not. That's when Kotohime began to convulse. Yakumo looked on with worry. She created this genjutsu with the ability to knock her opponents out. What she was seeing, it looked like she was dying. She quickly dispelled her two jutsu and watched as Kotohime twitched on the ground. That's when Guren appeared on the field. She pulled out another syringe and stuck Kotohime. Everyone watched as Kotohime began to slowly stop convulsing. Guren then faced Genma.

"As her sensei, I am withdrawing her for competition." Guren said. Genma nodded and faced the crowd.

"The winner of the match is Kurama Yakumo." Genma said. There were some cheers but they were wondering what was going on with the Oto-nin. Guren took the older teen and placed her over her shoulder. She disappeared in a shower of crystals. Yakumo just walked back to the competitor's box. She gave a happy wave to her family who were cheering her on.


Hiruzen watched with a smile. Team Anko had won all of their fights and had done it with some great skill. They all showed incredible forethought and were prepared with back up plans. It was something that was not done in quite a while but he would be shocked if not all of team Anko weren't promoted to chūnin. Seeing the smile, the Kazekage looked at him.

"Something amusing Hokage?" he asked.

"I'm just happy the Konoha's future will be in good hands. I can truly focus on more important matters." Hiruzen said.

"Oh? If I may ask, what other matters are you speaking about?" he asked.

"Why, correcting the mistake I made all those years ago, my wayward student." Hiruzen stated. There was a reaction from the guards but not from the 'Kazekage'. He just chuckled at the old man. "I wonder what Suna will think when they learn of your betrayal."

"Very good sensei." The voice said, changing to a familiar voice. "Will you reveal my deception?"

"No, I know that you will not launch your attack until you witness Sasuke's match. For now, let us enjoy the complete blunder that you made when you released a talent like Anko. She's done much better at teaching than you." Hiruzen said. Orochimaru just scoffed and turned his attention back to the match.


Outside of the stadium, Guren looked at Kotohime with a frown. Next to her, Kagerō stood and looked at her teammate with concern.

"You are a stupid child. Eight minutes and you went over it. That venom would have killed you if I did not interfere. Did you forget the promise that you made to Midoshi?" Guren chided.

"I... just wanted to win, to defeat that girl. It was why she gave me the venom. I just wanted to make her proud." Kotohime said.

"How can she be proud if you're dead? You swore to her, just like Kagerō, to stay at her side forever. Do not throw your life away for victory." Guren said. Kotohime just nodded and kept her head down.

"What is our next move sensei?" Kagerō asked.

"You two are to get out of the village and return to Oto. You will not participate in this fight. Get out as quick as you can, return to the cave and wait for me to return." Guren ordered.

"Yes sensei." They said and left. When they were out of sight, Guren turned slightly to her left.

"I will assume that they will be let go." Guren asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on how good your trained those two." Anko said.

"Well then I do not need to worry. I will see you on the battle field." Guren said and walked away. Anko just grinned and vanished with a puff of smoke.


Rock Lee was excited as he faced his rival, Neji. He was ready to show Neji just how much hard work he had done to win. Neji just looked at him and settled into his stance. Rock Lee did the same with a smile on his face Genma started the match immediately. Lee charged at Neji and attacked. It was an amazing showing of taijutsu. Lee was not afraid to engage Neji who used the Jūken to the best of his ability. Lee was able to take the blows and keep on going. Still, Neji was still a prodigy and he was showing just exactly how good he was.

"Konoha Senpū! (Leaf Hurricane)" Lee shouted. He lashed out with three kicks. Neji dodged two but the third landed flush on his jaw. Taking the blow, Neji spun into a palm strike that landed and sent Lee a few feet away. Lee tumbled a little before popping up onto his feet. He got into his stance and had a smile on his face.

"As expected, you are still so strong! However, I have not begun to fight yet!" Lee exclaimed.

"You may have gotten a little better but it will do you no good. No matter how hard you work, you can never beat me. Even if you take off your weights, it will be useless." Neji commented.

"We'll see!" Lee shouted. As he removed his weights, they made a loud thud on the ground. He began to un-wrap his bandages. Crossing his arms, Lee's body began to twitch. Neji was confused until Lee vanished. Neji raised his hands to his face to block the dust that Lee kicked up from circling him. In an instant, Neji felt the ground leave his feet. His jaw hurt like hell and he was stunned. Lee continued his assault with a series of kicks that launched the two higher into the air. Lee then wrapped Neji with his bandages and trapped him in a cocoon. He grabbed him and began to spin.

"Omote Renge! (Front lotus)" Lee cried out. As they descended in a tail spin, Neji regained his bearings. Noticing that he was trapped, Neji went back to his training with Hiashi.

"Jūkenpō Ichigekishin! (Gentle Fist Art, One Blow Body)" Neji called out. This freed Neji from the bandages and blasted Lee away from him. Because of the spin action, the two were sent toward the ground, spinning and twirling like crazy. Neji managed to correct himself and landed. Lee was not so lucky and he hit the group kind of hard. As Lee got to his feet, he looked to see that Neji was in his face.

"Hakke Rokujūyon Sho! (Eight Trigrams, Sixty-Four Palms)" Neji shouted. Neji hit Lee with two consecutive strikes. It was soon followed by four strikes, then eight strikes, the sixteen strikes, then thirty-two strikes and finally sixty-four strikes. The final two strikes were very powerful because Neji stepped into them. Lee was sent flying and hit the ground with a thud. Neji got his breath back while he looked at Lee on the ground.

Genma was about to call the match but to his and Neji's surprise, Lee pushed himself to his feet. He stood on his feet shaking. Neji looked at his teammate with surprise but he quickly schooled his features.

"It's pointless Lee. I'll agree that you are better than before but you cannot defeat me." Neji spoke.

"We will see about that." Lee said tiredly. He crossed his arms again and gave Neji a very serious glance. "Remember my friend, the Lotus always blooms twice." Lee said. With a shout, Lee began to unleash chakra, something that should not be possible.

"Seimon! (Gate of Life)" Lee exclaimed. The ground cracked around him. His skin began to turn red and veins were beginning to show. "Shomon! (Gate of Pain)" Lee coiled like a serpent before launching himself at Neji, creating a huge explosion. Neji felt incredible pain as Lee's foot connected with his face. Lee moved around the arena and battered Neji. He knocked him around like a pinball. "Tomon! (Gate of Limit). Lee glowed for a brief moment before he blasted Neji into the air. He then reappeared above him and blasted him back toward the ground. With that attack, Lee managed to tie one of his bandages around his waist.

Lee pulled him back toward him, using the bandage. Neji opened his eyes and saw that Lee was preparing to use a very powerful attack. He knew that if this landed, he would be done for. He quickly broke free of the bandage but he could not stop the incoming attack. He then expelled his chakra from all of his points. It was a long shot but he had no choice. Forming a dome, Neji willed himself into a spin.

"Ura Renge! (Reverse Lotus)"

"Hakkeshō, Kaiten! (Eight Trigrams Palms, Revolving Heaven)" the two attacks clashed and an explosion followed after.


Authors' Notes: Hey all, sorry about the late update but it had been a crazy month for me. I had project to do and they were due. It barely had time to write.

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