Chapter 47: Finals, part 3

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The match had reached a stalemate but Shino could see that Sai was making some sort of headway. The Mushi Kame no Jutsu (Insect Jar Technique) was working but Sai was now using ink birds to launch explosive attacks. His jutsu could not handle that and now he had to come up with a new strategy. His first move was to ground Sai. It would take some chakra but it would be worth it in the long run.

"Hijutsu: Mushiyose (Secret Technique: Insect Gathering)." Shino said. A large web of chakra surrounded the floor. Sai watched as bugs came out of every crack. They gathered and were forming a rising hill. Sai looked to go higher but Shino was not about to allow that. He jumped onto the hill and was shot into the air. The speed of his ascension surprised Sai. Shino launched several shuriken that hit the bird that he was on. Sai jumped off as it dispelled.

Sai was looking to make another bird but Shino stopped him with another volley of shuriken. One hit Sai in the hand, forcing him to drop his drawing scroll. Sai used a kunai attached to a wire to stop his descent to the ground. He swung and landed on the wall. Shino was back on the ground and the insects he summoned were returning to their homes. Shino unleashed his colony and they went after Sai. Sai cut the wire and ran down the wall toward his scroll. He dodged gracefully and was able to reach it.

Sai quickly drew another bird and was quickly on it. Shino just looked at him as Sai took to the air. That's when Sai flew right at him. The bird moved very fast and Shino could not put up a defense. Sai passed and sliced Shino. A little bit of blood sprayed out from the wound on his arm. Sai flew back into the air and turned back to make another dive. Shino pulled out a kunai and readied himself. He was able to block another slash but the speed that Sai was moving at knocked him off his feet. His kikaichū could not get Sai as he flew up in the air again.

Sai decided to put several explosive notes on the bird he was on as it dove again at Shino. Shino stood and did his jutsu.

"Mushi Kame no Jutsu!" Shino called out and the kikaichū circled him. Sai jumped off of the bird and did a combat roll. As the bird hit the defense, he detonated the explosive tags. Most of Shino's colony was burnt to a crisp and Shino was sent flying. He hit the ground hard and rolled to a stop. Sai stood and made his way over to Shino. He looked at him and looked ready to finish the fight when he saw Shino move. That movement was Shino dissolving into kikaichū and attacking. Sai dodged and landed across from Shino who was breathing a little hard. Sai smiled at him.

"You are quite skilled Shino-san. I can see why Danzō-sama wished to train you." Sai said softly. It was not too loud so everyone could hear.

"Yet my family member was chosen instead. I do know of your master and I would have refused his offer for training." Shino said with the same soft volume.

"Is that so? That's disappointing. Anyway, I believe that I will end this match." Sai said and prepared to strike.

"The match has already ended in my favor." Shino said. Sai looked confused until he grabbed his chest. It felt like something was digging out his insides.

"W-What did you d-do to me?" Sai asked as he dropped to a knee.

"Torune trained you well. Still, I had an ace up my sleeve. My shuriken, I covered them in larva that would have injected into the body if they connected." Shino said, surprising Sai. "These larvas grow quickly and if you are not a member of my clan, they attack you from the inside. Right now, they must be feasting on your heart or lungs." Shino explained. Sai was shocked until he smiled again.

"I n-now see why Danzō-sama w-wanted you." Sai said. He turned to Genma. "I would like to surrender." The boy said. Genma nodded and looked at Shino. Shino walked up to Sai and placed his hand on his chest. He flared his chakra to signal the insects inside him. Sai grunted a little as a few bugs dug out of his chest. They walked up Shino's arm and into his jacket. With that, Shino walked away.

"The winner of the second match is Aburame Shino." Genma announced. The crowd clapped for the performance.


Naruto groaned and opened his eyes. Everything was blurry but that soon passed. He tried to move but it hurt to do so.

"I wouldn't move if I was you Naruto. Your body isn't healed from the strain of your fight." Naruto turned to see his sensei with a volume of 'Icha, Icha'. Anko stopped reading and looked at her student. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm still pretty trashed. Using the foxes' chakra hurts a lot. Let's not forget that Midoshi put her hand in my chest." Naruto explained.

"So, should I disqualify you from the next match?" Anko asked.

"What? No way! I'll be better in time for my next match. Maybe not at a hundred percent but I'll be ready." Naruto said.

"Don't rush it kid. Besides, that Shino kid of Kurenai's will not be some pushover." Anko said.

"Don't worry, I have something for Shino." Naruto said with a grin. That's when he realized something. "Oh hey, that means Jakken's match is up next right?"

"That's right but you will not be seeing it or Yakumo's match. You're going to stay on that bed until I say otherwise. Don't argue with me or I will stab you with Doku." Anko threatened. Naruto pouted but relented. Anko just went back to reading, knowing that her Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone) would dispel if anything happened.


Jakken stood across from Temari. He had his new kusarigama out while Temari unfolded her tessen. In the stands, Tenten watched closely. She trained with Jakken with the weapon and she hoped that Jakken would be alright. Back on the field, Temari noticed that Jakken was looked at her funny and it was starting to bug her. That's when he spoke.

"You know, you've got some nice legs. I think that's what I'll call you." Jakken said.

"Excuse me?" Temari said with an edge.

"Sorry, it's just a habit I have. I like to give people nicknames that fit them. You shouldn't feel insulted. You have some nice legs. Nice and smooth, you seem to take care of them." Temari was snarling at Jakken. The teenager just smirked at her. "What? You don't like it?"

"Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Sickle Weasel Technique)!" Temari roared and launched her attack. Jakken twirled one of the sickles on his weapon. He then tossed it at Temari's jutsu. Temari was shocked when his weapon was not blown away. She quickly rolled out of the way of the buzz-saw as it passed. Jakken pulled the chain and it returned to him. The smirk never left his face.

"That's a bad thing there 'Legs'. You can't allow anger to rule you actions." Jakken said mockingly. Temari snarled and swung her fan again. Jakken did the same thing and launched his weapon. Again, it cut right through her jutsu. Jakken threw the other sickle as Temari. Temari was forced to use her agility to dodged Jakken's attacks. She would launch a jutsu but Jakken would quickly beat it with his kusarigama. He managed to maneuver Temari into the path of one of his sickles. Temari used her closed fan to block the weapon. Metal grinded on metal before she batted it away.

Jakken was inside her guard and brought the other sickle down in a chopping action. Temari blocked it and had enough strength to keep Jakken from pushing the tip of the blade into her forehead. She then kicked Jakken's arm, forced him to release the sickle. She flung it upward and away. This left Jakken defenseless. Temari was about to clobber Jakken until he pulled the chain. Temari saw the two sickles closing in around her stomach and quickly substituted with a log, which was bisected.

Jakken turned to face Temari who unfolded her tessen. Jakken got into a stance and began to twirl his sickles again. Temari was trying to think of a way to beat this guy. She already deduced that his weapon was able to cut through her attack. It was probably because of the spin that he could do with the weapon or the weapon was designed to do just that. Either way, her most used jutsu was out. She needed to get her head in the game and finish him off.

She suddenly did three big swings. The final swing created a sand storm that came at Jakken. Jakken did hand seals and slammed his hands on the ground.

"Doton: Doroku Gaeshi (Earth Release: Earth Return Shore)!" Jakken called out. A large slab of the earth rose to protect him from the sandstorm. He stayed close to the wall as the storm passed. When it cleared, he was surrounded by clones. Jakken did a wide sweep with his weapon but Temari vaulted over it. She landed a dropkick that backed Jakken up. She popped up and threw a spinning thrust kick. Jakken dodge the kick that hit the wall. Temari used her tessen and the wall to hold herself in the air. She caught Jakken in the jaw and Jakken stumbled. While he was stumbling, Jakken pulled on his chain. This jerked Temari forward and into a kick from Jakken. He then whipped the chain, launching Temari into the air. Jakken followed her and threw a roundhouse kick. Temari blocked it and was sent flying into a sand bar.

Jakken landed on the wall and jumped up, whipping his weapon around. Knowing what was coming, Tenten, Yakumo and every other ninja hit the deck.

"Kyofu de Jishin (Quake with Fear)!" Jakken shouted and launched the sickled into the ground. Temari was quick to her feet just as chains popped out of the ground and launched all-around the stadium. Jakken landed on the chains as did Temari. "Wow, those legs aren't just for walking huh?" he asked with a smirk.

"Stop looking at my damn legs!" Temari shouted. That's when Jakken grabbed the chain.

"Raiton: Kangekiha (Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration)!" Lightning erupted from his hand and through his chains. Temari realized too late and was shocked with some volts. She hit the ground, twitching from the volts of lightning that she got hit with. Jakken stopped his jutsu and landed on the ground. He dispelled the chains and relaxed. Genma checked over Temari and saw that she would be fine.

"The winner of the third match is Watanabe Jakken." Genma announced. Jakken just soaked up the cheers and he made his way up to the stands. On his way, he was stopped by Tenten. She did not look happy.

"What's up with you? Angry that I got to show my greatness?" he asked.

"What the hell was that?" Tenten demanded.

"What the hell was what?" Jakken asked confusingly.

"The flirting that you did with that Suna kunoichi?" Tenten snarled out. By now, the two had a small crowd of people watching them.

"Flirting? That was strategy. I called her 'Legs' to throw her off her game. I just did it to piss her off just like I do to you, Yakumo, Naruto, Anko-sensei, everybody. You lose focus when you're angry and I use that to my advantage." Jakken said. Tenten seemed to calm down after that. "Still, I don't know why all you women get so angry about anyway. I actually compliment her. She does have a nice pair of legs." The people around them went 'ooh' when he said that. Jakken looked at Tenten who began to shake. Her fists were clenched and the anger in her eyes put Jakken on edge.

"You... You..." Tenten growled.

"What the hell are you so angry about!? Don't tell me that you're jealous?" Jakken asked. That broke the dam.

"YOU BAKA!" Tenten roared before giving him a very hard, earth-shattering slap across the face. The crack was heard all-around the stadium. In the competitor's box, Yakumo just shook her head at Jakken's scream.

"Why Kami? Why did you place me with two boys who are completely clueless about women?" she muttered. Against the wall, near the other jōnin, 'Anko' was laughing her ass off.

"Oh man, those two are going to be a very fun couple to tease." 'Anko' said between chuckles.

"Yosh! My young, beautiful Tenten is only showing the spirit of her maturity! Show him Tenten; show him the power of your love!" Gai exclaimed. It earned him a kunai flying at his head.

"Oh Kami, stop it! You're killing me!" 'Anko' said while laughing. She hit the ground in a pool of laughs. Kurenai just sighed at her antics while Asuma let out a belly laugh.


Authors' Notes: I got two matches done and I will probably get two more. I like the fact that I can write stuff out and put it on the screen. I liked how this chapter came out and I hope you do too. Enjoy.

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