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Uzumaki family (damm it) Naruto pov

"Come on y/n say daddy." I call out to my daughter. "No say Boruto!"My son pushes me out of the way. When he does I stub my toe on the table. "Damm it"! I rub my foot when Hinata came into the room. "So how is it going?" She asks I was about to answer when..."Damm it!" Everyone froze and looks at y/n. "What did you say y/n?" I ask her getting nervous cause of the aura building around Hinata. She looks at me and smile. "Damm it!" "Boruto can you please take your sister to your room while I talk with your father?" Hinata asks. Boruto does. Now its just me and my wife. Then my world went black after a strong punch to the gut.

Uchiha family (duck) Sasuke pov

I look at my son with a blank face as he does the same. It has been a hour since I tried to teach him to say dad, daddy, dada, or something of that nature. "Come one M/n say something." I tell him he "Hn" He looks away. "That doesn't count as a word." Then as I'm about to give up I hear him speak. "Duck." "What was that?" I ask then I see him pointing to a old picture of me on team seven. "Duck!" "Well I guess its better then the word that rhymes with duck..."

Nara family (daddy) 3rd person pov

It's a hot summers day in Konoha. Everyone trying their best to keep cool. Well they aren't the only ones. In the Nara compound giggles can be heard. In the back yard of the Nara compound we have little y/n playing in a baby pool. With just enough water for her to play in but not to full. But she wasn't alone her daddy had the day off so he can spend it with his family.

Shikamaru pov

I was sitting in the backyard watching y/n While Tamari was in the house making lunch with Shikadai helping her. Leaving me to watch y/n. "Man I could be napping right now. What a drag." I talk tomyself out loud when I don't hear y/n splashing anymore. "Hmm?" I look towards the pool. Only to see y/n looking at me. "What do you need?" I ask knowing she couldn't understand me. I'm about to close my eyes when.. "Daddy!" I hear y/n yell. I sit up looking at my daughter. "Did you just say daddy?" "Daddy!" I smile abit and walk over to y/n. "Your getting smart." She smiles at me and splashes me with water. "Is that what you wanted?" I see her nod. I grab a toy and play with her. Not knowing Tamari filmed it all.

Yamanaka family (art) Sai pov

I was home taking care of y/n while Ino was spending the day with her friends and Inojin doing the same with his. I currently was painting while little y/n was sitting in my lap watching me do my art. I look to see her very interested in it. "Do you want to try my little flower?" I ask her. Y/n nods and I hand her some washable markers and a piece of paper. I chuckle seeing her grab the maker and just scribbling on the paper. I was going to go back to mine when y/n pulls gently on my shirt. "Yes?" Then she smile and points at herd rawing. "Art." My eyes widen and I smile. "Yes that is a great piece of art. Also what a very good word. I can't wait for Ino to get home.

Hatake family (pervert) Kakashi pov

I twas a normal day for me and my family. Rika was in the house making dinner while I had y/n on my lap while I was reading my book. Every now and then I make sure y/n was ok. I get to the best part when I hear a fake cough behind me. I put down my book to see Rika was glaring at me. "What is wrong Rika?" I ask till M/n is scooped off my lap and into her arms. "I can't believe you are reading that book when you have your son on your lap. I don't want him to end up like a pervert like you. Isn't that right M/n?" She then sets y/n down on the floor and walks away. "She is moody today isn't she M/n?" I look at my son only to see him point his finger at me. "Pervert." And crawl away.

Inuzuka family "puppy" Kiba pov

I was home alone watching M/n as Tamaki was having a girls day with her friends. Which I didn't mind cause I get to spend more time with my son. In fact we were out side playing in the small sand box that we made just for M/n. "How is my son doing?" I ask. M/n looks at me and smiles. Playing in the sand happily. "Your just full of energy aren't you." I chuckle to myself. As I was watching M/n I didn't notice the puppy that helped him to crawl was coming over towards us. "Puppy!" I hear M/n yell. "Did you just say your first word!?"I yell then smile at my son as he pets the puppy. "Puppy!" Hey ells out again. "Yes I won the bet again!"


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