You start to crawl

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Uzumaki family 3rd person pov

It has been a few months since y/n was born. Now she was at the age of when babies start to crawl. "Come on y/n come to daddy." Naruto cries out to his daughter. All she did was giggle and clap her hands and she sits on a blanket with some stuff animals. Giving up Naruto walks into the other room leaving poor y/n alone. Well y/n does not like this one bit. So she tries calling out for her dad but doesn't work. So y/n wiggles her body and gets onto her belly. Slowly but surely little y/n got up on her hand and knees and started to crawl. Getting the hang of it y/n is almost to the kitchen not knowing that Hinata is filming the whole thing.

Naruto pov

I was getting me some ramen for lunch trying to think of way to get y/n to crawl when I feel something bump into my leg. I hear a small whine. Looking down my eyes widen. I see that y/n has crawled all the way to me. "What a big girl you are!" I yell and pick y/n up. Then I realize something. "Wait please don't grow up to fast!"

Uchiha family 3rd person pov

Sasuke sits across the room staring at his son M/n. Who was staring at him back. "Sasuke what are you doing?" Sakura ask. Seeing her husband staring at their son. "I'm trying to get M/n to crawl to me. Tho nothing is working." Sasuke tells her. Sakura sighs and walks out of the room. Then comes back with a stuff black duck. "Here try this." Sakura hand it to Sasuke and walks away.

Sasuke pov

"Why won't he crawl?" I ask myself out loud till Sakura sees me. She leaves the room and comes back with the stuff duck I got him. She then walks away. Holding the toy I look back towards M/n only to see him crawling towards me. "Ok well.." Then he reaches me and I hand M/n the duck. And smirk. "Well now I know your weakness." I chuckle only to have M/n throw his duck at me and crawl away.

Nara family 3rd person pov

Now we all know how smart a Nara can be. This is no exception to little y/n. It all happened so fast. One minute y/n was minding her own business when she sees her brother playing a video game and not paying attention to her. Well getting on her hands and knees y/n crawls over towards her brother. Then she crawls on top of his back and plop down snuggling her face into Shikadai's hair.

Shikadai pov

I'm playing my game even tho I was told to help teach y/n how to crawl. But I am almost done with the level that I'm on. Then I feel something slightly heavy crawl onto my back and hide their face in my hair. "Man what a drag..oh well I don't mind." I talk out loud and continue to play my game.

Yamanaka family 3rd person pov

Now everything was going good at the Yamanaka house. Everyone was busy doing their own thing. Sai was painting. While Ino was working at the flower shop. Now this left Inojin and little y/n. Inojin was determined to get his sister to crawl. So what is the best way to get that done you ask? Well it just so happens that little y/n loves banana flavored baby treats. So much so that Inojin laid a small trail of the tasty treats.

Inojin pov

I smirk as I laid a trail of food to get y/n crawl. I hide behind the couch as I see my sister is indeed following the trail. "Yes it's working." I chuckle to myself. I however didn't realize that my father walked into the room only to see y/n eating while crawling."Inojin did you do this?" He asks as he picks up y/n. I come from behind the couch and nod. "Yeah I tried everything to get her to crawl. Then I realized that she loved her little snacks so I put two and two together." I tell him with pride. "That was cleave rInojin, but now you have to tell your mother why all of y/n snacks are gone and also why y/n won't be able to eat lunch." My father tells me. "Damm I didn't think of that.

Hatake family 3rd person pov

It's a typical day at the Hatake house. Rika washing the dishes while Kakashi was sitting on the couch reading his "book" While little M/n was looking at him from across the room. Now M/n likes being with his daddy. So much so that poor little M/n was very upset with his dad not playing with him. So there is only way way to fix this. Little M/n thought to himself. So he rolled himself onto his hands and knees. Then works his way over towards his dad.

Kakashi pov

I'm reading my book as Rika is doing dishes. I was told to play with M/n but I just got to the good part. So reading abit more would be fine right? Well as I was reading with my leg hanging off the couch. Till I feel something pulling on my pant leg. I put my book down to see M/n looking at me with a frown on his face. "Hey there little guy." I talk to him. Then I notice he has a angry look on his face. Just as I was about to ask what's wrong I hear my name being called. "Oh Kakashi." My eyes widen as I look to see Rika standing in the doorway looking at us. "Oh hello Rika look M/n just crawled. Isn't that wonderful?" "Yes it is. Tho you where supposed to pay attention to him." I nod and look at M/n who I think has a smirk on his face as he crawls away. "Well then.."

Inuzuka family 3rd person pov

Over at the Inuzuka compound Kiba was given the job to watch little m/n. Since he is so small he needs to be watched carefully. Since there were big dogs and cats all over the place. So that bring us to what is happening at this moment.

Kiba pov

I was sitting with m/n very close to me watching the dogs. I smirk. "I see you are looking at the dogs. Maybe I will win the bet and you will like dogs over cats." I see M/n staring down one of the newest puppies. He was small just like y/n. Then I had an idea. "M/n do you like the puppy?" I ask him. He looks at me then back at the puppy. I called over to the pup and he comes over towards us. I could see got M/n really excited. So just like that my little guy was on his hands and knees crawling over to the pup. It seemed to have notice and walked over to M/n. Till they meet in the middle and M/n laughs and pets the little pup. "Yes I win!"


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