Today is the day when finally Jimin can get some strong proof or evidence which will help him to get to the murderer.
"Jimin,the date is 6th Feb and time must be around 2-2:30. Yeah so we have to check the cctv footage of this particular date and time. There is one cctv right infront of the entrance of the staircase to the terrace." Tzuyu whispered to Jimin.
To say Jimin is nervous will be an understatement, he is utterly stressed tensed and anxious.
The plan was simple. Tzuyu informed Jimin earlier she knows a guy who is son of one of the board members of the college. So she will ask him if he can help them to check the cctv footage. And so she did. She informed the guy she lost a diamond ring that day and if she watches the cctv footage it may help her to find it. It is not unknown how much Tzuyu is popular among boys for not so good reasons. The guy also exists among one of the boys who immediately agreed to help her in return asked for a date with her which she agreed.
So yeah right now they are standing inside the security room as the guy already took permission from principal who agreed just by hearing his father's name.
The guy already left after escorting them to the room and also asked the guard to do as they ask.
"Yes so the day is 6th Feb time is 2-2:30 around and we need the staircase entrance footage" Jimin informed the guard.
He went through few changes in the system before he found out that day and that time. He played the video and left as they asked him to.
Jimin and Tzuyu now have their eyes on the footage playing infront of them. The time she mentioned slowly came to an end but nothing happened. No guy appeared as she mentioned.
They both looked at each other in disappointment. Jimin proceeded and he started playing the footage at various time intervals by himself. While doing this he noticed a little thing. From 2:15 to 2:17 of the staircase footage got cut out of the video. After 2:15 it directly starts at 2:18. Realisation hit them soon that this footages already got altered.
Jimin groaned and grabbed his head out of frustration.The more he feels he gets closer the more it gets entangled.
"Jimin, look here " Tzuyu's voice brought him back to reality.
"This guy Jimin he is the one I saw that day coming down the staircase, the guy all in black with a navy cap." Tzuyu pointed at another footage near the front gate.
It is a footage of a guy all in black with a black mask and a navy coloured cap which had a black lining in the behind, going towards the front gate. His back was only visible which made it hard to guess and the fact it's not infront of the staircase at that particular time completely rules out the suspicion which they would have took to the police as a proof to file a complaint.
But that doesn't mean it ain't a progress. Jimin quickly took his phone out and took the picture of that guy.
"Somebody altered the video already. This means only thing Jimin. This is not so simple it looks like. This case got higher powers involved and may be most of the proofs are already destroyed in these months. How can we find him? I don't think it is possible." Tzuyu released a heavy breathe she was containing all this time.
"We can take it positively, that means this is surely a murder which the people sitting in power trying to cover up. And we got this little snippet of the guy right, it's great for a start." Jimin though himself has no idea what he will do next. But he need to show confidence to her as he needs her in this process. Yes you can say he is being selfish here by using her, but what else he can do.
"I believe you Jimin anyway I will leave, I have to go to that stupid date with the guy" her eyes from glint to disgust turned in matter of seconds.
"Hey, take care okay. I don't know what move he can do. Just go eat at a restaurant and leave" Jimin surely is being selfish but he no way want her to face any trouble.
Talking about Tzuyu, she felt a way while she heard Jimin's concern for her. It's a big thing for her. Nobody other than her parents cared for her till now.
"Yeah I will take care. See you later" with a small smile she left.
He surely made her believe they can do but he himself is so unaware of what to do next. It feels like everyone was involved in it. College, police, Parks probably. Everyone is trying to hide the culprit but why. He just can't figure it out why they would support a criminal.
Will he be able to find the murderer? Will he be able to give his brother justice?
All this thoughts brought tears in his eyes. Why someone did this to Jihoon. He had his whole life laid infront which got snatched from him.
"Jimin you alright?"
Jimin looked towards the direction of the voice with tears in his eyes which made them blurry but he definitely recognised the voice.
He quickly cleaned his face and nodded. He is sitting in the bleachers currently while several thought corrupted his mind.
"If you don't want to say I won't push you. But know that you can tell me anything.I won't judge or may be I can help you" Yoongi sat by Jimin's side in the bleachers.
"Na it's okay just Kind of missing my previous life, my Seoul friends and yeah all the Seoul life in short"
It isn't a lie. He is surely missing his two best friends in Seoul and his college back there. His life was so good back there that he forgot all the harshness he endured here.
"So how about a trip to Seoul "
"Yeah I am missing them and what?" Jimin looked at Yoongi who beared a calm face like he just didn't mention this terrific travel plan right now all of a sudden.
"What? Seoul ain't too far. And we have weekends so if we get in the train by night we will reach by tomorrow and we will have two days and then can easily come by Monday"
Jimin kept staring at Yoongi with utter suprise as he made this terrific trip.
To be honest it didn't look that impossible he can definitely go for a two day visit and also can inform in his college and friends about his sudden department and college shift which he did hide till now. But one question he wanted to ask which he did.
"And why are you willing to do this? Like you really want to go through the trouble of travelling to another city just because I am missing it?" Jimin stared at Yoongi as he is waiting for a valid reason.
"Umm actually it's been ages, I didn't go anywhere. Sometimes responsibilities, sometimes something else came up and I kind of now want to go to a little trip. So yeah you mentioned and I thought it can be an indication so I kind of proposed this to you. Hey it's not like I am trying to put my sob story to make you agree, it's just if you don't want to. It's okay" Yoongi kept staring at the ground below as he stated his reason with hesitation.
Jimin suddenly laughed. Like no not because of the sob story he heard. Because how Yoongi's entire face turned red. He looked cute and Jimin ain't no way gonna say no to this cute face. So he agreed. To be honest with all this things going on, he really needs a refreshment.
May be going to Seoul will not be a bad idea.
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