Filler: Momo vs Nomu

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A/N: Sorry for the joke everyone! I just couldn't resist! But still... Your reactions had me almost falling out of my chair for laughing so hard. Anyway, to make up for it, here is the next filler! Enjoy!

Momo found herself in the USJ fighting villains and she said, "Why am I here? I should be taking care of Kota and Eri..."

"Yaomomo!" she heard Jirou yell only to catch a fist with expert ease before glaring at the villain.

"Don't you know never to mess with a mother?" Momo asked confusing the villain, before kicking him so hard that he went into a wall. "Jirou, stay here and keep fighting these amateurs... I'll go see if anyone else needs any help."

"But..." Jirou said only to get interrupted by Momo shouting, "NOW!"

Momo then brought both hands down to her side, before beginning to charge up two yellow energy spheres, before drawing them in front of her and shouting, "MAIDEN'S RAGE!"

An energy wave then shot out of her hands and hit the Nomu in the back, causing the creature to drop Aizawa and turn to look at the raven haired beauty.

"If you want to fight, then pick on someone your own size!" Momo said with a frown on her face.

"Why is a beauty such as yourself going to fight such a monster?" a villain asked before gaining a lecherous grin. "Why not allow us to show you a good time?"

"How about I send you all to HFIL and be done with it?" Momo asked as her hair started floating upwards and a golden aura appeared around her. "Besides... I'm waiting for the perfect one."

Her hair then turned gold and her eyes turned teal as the golden aura flared up and Momo said, "Goodbye. HAAAAA!"

Momo then shot a golden energy blast and it vaporized the villain along with a few others, before turning to looked at the beast that's called Nomu.

"I guess I could also take this one down myself..." Momo muttered, but then shook her head. "No, it's All Might's job to do so... But I do want to fight something..."

While the female Super Saiyan was contemplating her choices, Nomu ran up to her and threw a punch at her face which she blocked with practiced ease, before she said, "You know what? Fuck it... I'm going to fight it."

The Nomu then tried to punch her again, but the female Super Saiyan caught it and she threw it into the air, before vanishing and reappearing above the monster and clasping both hands together before slamming the monstrosity to the ground. She then landed and said, "That was too easy. Bring something much stronger next time will ya?"

"Who are you?!" Shigaraki shouted.

"Who I am doesn't matter," Momo replied, before glaring at the villain. "All that does matter is this... Next time I see you, I'll send your damn ass behind bars where you'll rot for the rest of your life and then you'll rot in hell."

The heroes then burst through the doors and Momo said, "About damn time..."

She then went black as she fell into unconsciousness.

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