Filler: Death of Muscular

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"This again?" Izuku asked as he caught a thrown by Muscular. "Why am I back in the past again? I feel like a deity is just screwing with me..."

"What are you mumbling about kid?" Muscular asked Izuku, while trying to get his fist out of the Saiyan's hand. "How are you so strong?"

"Push ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice," Izuku replied before throwing the bastard into the forest, making him land in front of the heroes and villains in the clearing. Izuku then turned to Kota and said, "I'll take you to Vlad... You'll be safe there."

"But wait!" Kota said, before Izuku took hold of his shoulder. "Why did you save me?"

"Because that's what a hero does, Kota," Izuku replied lowering himself to the child's eye level. "A hero doesn't do his job for money or fame, but to save others because they have the power and the responsibility to do so. Now lets get you to Vlad... I have some friends and heroes to save."

The two then appeared in front of Vlad and Izuku said, "Keep Kota safe and don't let harm come to him. I've got a few classmates to save."

Izuku then vanished and he reappeared in front of Muscular who was just about to attack Mandalay, but just as he was about to throw a punch, Izuku landed a blow to the villain's ribcage and sent him back into the forest, before vanishing and then kicking Muscular back into the clearing, before punching him through the chest and looking at the villains.

"Anyone else?" Izuku asked with narrowed eyes, scanning the villains. "Like I said at the Sports Festival... I have more than enough power to defeat All Might. So anyone else want to end up like Muscular here?"

A man-woman then charged at Izuku, who just vanished and knocked him/her out. The Saiyan then turned to look at Spinner who was shaking in terror.

"W-Who are you?" the reptile asked.

"Who am I?" Izuku asked before smirking and raising his power as a white aura enveloped him and his hair started floating upwards. "Why... I'm the one whose going to become the #1 Hero. My hero name? Deku."

Everything then went black.

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