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First night sleeping in my new home felt heavenly. I slept so good that I didn't wake up until 12 in the afternoon.

First thing I do in the morning is stretch and brush my teeth. I know a lot of people check their phone first, but I don't too much care. Besides my mom and dad, I know there's no one else calling me.

After I brushed my teeth, I hopped back in bed and looked at my phone. I checked the weather app and noticed that the high for today was 92 degrees. Hot as shit! It would be a nice sunny Saturday here in ATL so I at least have to find something to do.

I turned on the television and reached in the dresser next to my bed to pull out a lighter and 1 out of the 5 rolled blunts. Yeah, I had to re-up before I came out here to ATL. Until I find someone out here that has good gas, I'll just try to conserve the 5 that I do have.

I lit it and laid my head against the headboard as I watched whatever was showing on TNT. A couple of puffs in, I heard a knock on my door. I rolled my eyes and silently prayed that Kelly wasn't that type of girl who was against smoking.

With my blunt still in my hand, I walked over to the door and opened it for her. She stared at me without saying anything, making me frown.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Are you smoking or are my nostrils deceiving me?"

I chuckled, "Yeah I'm smoking, wanna hit?"

She looked at the blunt in between my fingers before finally walking into my room. I handed it to her and we sat on my bed getting in rotation.

"It's still early in the day, why you smoking so early?" She asked.

I shrugged, "It puts me in a good mood, I guess."

For awhile we didn't say anything until she said something that made me smile to myself. I was of course happy to hear that.

"My boyfriend sell drugs on the side from time to time. It's not something he do for real life, but it gets him extra money. He makes about $1,000 a week just by selling drugs."

I laughed, "My mom works for the FBI." She gasped and I mocked her. "See, you shouldn't go around telling people that Kelly. What if I was the Feds or something?"

She sighed, "I would hope that you're not."

"Your boyfriend should be my plug though. I was just thinking about how I needed to find someone out here that sell."

She nodded her head, "No problem. He will be over in a couple hours. I would ask you to go out with us, but I don't want you to third wheel or anything. I know how that feels."

I rolled my eyes. If only she knew. I could care less about third wheeling. I already told her I hated niggas. I don't care about being the third wheel.

"Girl, I don't care." I said finally putting the blunt out. There was nothing else we could do with that.

"So you'll hang with us? We were going out to eat and bowling."

I shrugged, "If it's cool with your man."

She laughed before hopping out of bed, "Of course it's cool with him. He get's off work at 3, so be ready by then at least."

I nodded my head and watched her head for the door, "Cool. I'm about to take a nap until then."

"Girl, you just woke up!"

"That's what weed do to you." I chuckled and watched her walk out before setting my alarm at a decent enough time so I could have time to get dressed.

I woke up an hour later due to my alarm. I can't believe I had already slept most of my day away, but after that eleven hour drive yesterday, I really needed that rest. Eleven hours of being in a car alone was mentally draining as well.

I started my daily hygiene routine and dressed in something fitting for the weather. It was really chilly on the inside but I know it's burning up outside.

By the time I was done getting dressed, it was going on 4 PM, an hour since Kelly's boyfriend been off work. I took a couple of selfies before finally stepping out of my room and walking down the hall to hers. I softly knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

"Oh damn!" She said, "You look good. Are you trying to steal my man or something?" She said jokingly.

I guess she was trying to be funny, but I didn't quite get that joke. "Huh? Is my outfit too much or something?" I asked.

"Oh girl, no! I was just joking with you. Your outfit looks absolutely fine. It was just my way of complimenting you. You do look good."

I smiled, "Well thank you. Your man isn't here yet?"

She shook her head, "He should be here soon. He texted me like twenty minutes ago saying that he was on his way."

I sat on the edge of her bed, scrolling through my phone as she finished getting ready. A couple of minutes went by and I could hear our front door opening and closing. What the hell? She gave this nigga a key?

"That's him." She mumbled and like clockwork, he was walking inside of her room.

"Hi baby!" She greeted happily, like she haven't seen him in a couple of days. He hugged her back and looked in my direction, confused to who I was. Kelly noticed the confused expression on his face and finally gave us a proper introduction.

"Baby, this is my new roommate Beyoncé and Beyoncé this is my boyfriend Shawn. You can call him Jay to make it easier for you."

I nodded my head and shyly smiled at him as he gave me a simple head nod. "You ready?" He asked Kelly.

"Yeah I am. Beyoncé is tagging along with us if you don't mind."

He didn't seem fazed by me tagging along. All he did was nod his head so I'm guessing he was cool with it. If not, I wouldn't mind doing my own thing. Period.

We finally walked out of the apartment and headed for Jay's car. He was driving a nice ass Range Rover so I'm guessing his $1,000 a week that Kelly mentioned to me was coming through on his end. I hopped in the backseat and tuned the couple out as we made it to our destination.


"Y'all about to get y'all asses kicked!" I said as I grabbed one of the bowling balls. We've only been bowling for about ten minutes, but I was whooping their ass. I had almost 60 points while they both only had like 40. It was sad, yet funny.

"Girl, I'm just warming up." Jay said with a smirk.

I finally got the strike that I was needing and turned to him, "We'll see about that."

He began to bowl and Kelly looked at me, "Hey, I'm going to the bathroom before it's my turn." Before I could say anything, she ran off.

Jay finished his turn and looked at me, "So what were you saying again?" I looked at the scoreboard and finally realized that his ass was beating me! Only by like two points though, still.

"That was just luck." I chuckled.

"Yeah, aight." He took a sip of his beer and stared at me. I was going to ask him what the hell he was looking at but he spoke up before I could.

"So where you from?" He questioned.

"I'm from Houston. I moved here to Atlanta just a day ago. I found a job out here working as a fourth grade teacher at an elementary school."

"I can hear it in your voice," He said with a head nod, "You're country as hell."

I gasped as if I was hurt by his statement. If I had a dollar for every time I was told that I was country as hell, I would be Oprah rich by now.

"Yeah I know," I said with a shrug, "I get that all the time."

"So how old are you?"

I found it weird that he was asking me all of these questions like he was trying to get to know me or something. Instead of saying something smart, I just answered his question.

"I'll be 22 next month."

"Cool," He said, "I'll be 24 in December."

Thank God Kelly came back. Things were getting really awkward to me and I honestly didn't know how to keep a conversation with her man.

"What y'all over here talking about?" Kelly asked as she came back.

Her boyfriend looked at me before taking a sip of his Budlight, "I was just getting to know your friend. Nothing too deep."

I slowly nodded my head and watched Kelly bowl. She really did suck ass. The ball had went off to the side before it could even reach the end.

I was kind of pissed that Jay had beat me. He was gloating too much and yes, I'm a sore loser. I hated losing.

"Okay, you won," I said to him, "Shut up." I tried to say it as playful as I could. I was not expecting him to wrap his arm around me and put me in a chokehold.

All I could do was laugh. "Get your hands off me nigga!"

"I've only known you for a couple of hours and you already talking mad shit."

I eventually got out of his grasp and looked towards Kelly who was shaking her head at us. "Y'all are a mess. Come here baby." She said to Jay.

I kept my focus on my cell phone as they did whatever. I silently thanked God when we made it to his car. I wasn't feeling the lovey dovey mess but I guess that happens when you're third wheeling.

We made it back to our apartment and Jay walked us up. Walking in, I remembered what Kelly told me earlier so I just had to ask.

"Jay, do you sell?" I asked.

He looked at me confused until Kelly let him know that I was cool people or whatever.

"Yeah, what you need?"

I smiled at him and Kelly laughed, "Baby she's a pothead."

"I'm not. Weed is just a stress reliever for me. Kelly told me you did it on the side and I just wanted to make sure. You can be my plug for now on since I'm new to Atlanta and don't really know anyone."

Kelly walked off to her room while Jay and I stood in the living room. I'm not sure why she always leaving me alone with her man. I would never.

"Cool, well just give me your number and we can go from there." He said, pulling out his iPhone X and giving it to me. I put my number in and called myself from his phone so I could have his number too.

"Alright, well I'll hit you up when I need you." I told him, slightly chuckling at myself.

"Yeah," He said staring me down, "You do that."

Eventually Kelly came back in her pajamas and I dismissed myself by locking myself inside my room and getting ready for bed. My first night out in Atlanta was a success thanks to Kelly and her man.


Thanks for reading! Y'all feeling this?👀

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