"Pregnant?" Jay questioned with a frown. I sat up and began to brush my teeth as he stood off to the side staring off into space.
"You think you're pregnant? That's what you said, right?" He asked nervously. I just looked at him since I was brushing my teeth and couldn't talk. When I didn't say anything, he put his head down and began walking around like a lunatic.
"I don't know for sure but I've been having this weird feeling for the past couple of days." I said.
"Okay? It could be a virus or something. What just makes you think you're pregnant?"
I sighed and stared at Jay through the mirror. Right now, I hated his tone. He seemed so hostile compared to a few minutes ago when he seemed worried sick about me.
"Jay, I've had a virus before. I know what it feels like and it doesn't feel like this. There's someone inside of me and —"
"Stop!" He said putting his hands up, "Take a test or go to a doctor first before you just claim that you're pregnant. You don't even know."
I turned to look at him and gave him the same mug he was giving me, "Why are you acting like this right now?"
"Because Beyoncé! You come out of nowhere saying this shit knowing how I feel about that. When have we ever talked about a child? Never!"
"And how many times have I told you to put on a fucking condom and you refused to? How many times have you came inside of me and didn't give a damn? There's consequences of that!"
"Are you not on birth control?" He yelled back.
"No Shawn, I'm not!"
He groaned and punched the door before walking out. I could feel myself getting hot and heated. I wanted to cry so bad by the way he's reacting to this news. I didn't know for sure if I'm pregnant and he may be right, it just may be a virus, but he could still have reacted differently.
I followed him to the room while he mumbled under his breath. "If you have something to say, say that shit to my face." I said to him.
He turned to look at me and I could see how red in the face he was. Why was he so mad like he's the one that'll be carrying the baby? That pissed me off.
"Just get out my face right now Beyoncé."
"No I'm not getting out your face, because you have no reason to be mad right now. You came inside of me Jay. What the fuck did you expect?"
He groaned, "I expected for you to be on some type of birth control to avoid this shit right here."
I frowned, "So if I'm pregnant, you won't be in the baby's life?"
We had a stare off and when he didn't say anything, I shook my head and walked around him to grab my keys and phone.
"Where you think you're going?" He questioned as I picked up my wallet.
"I'm getting out of your face like you asked, so leave me alone."
I tried walking around him but he continued blocking me. I sighed and gave up when I realized he wasn't going to stop.
"Where you going Beyoncé?"
"Out of here!" I yelled, "Why the fuck are you even worried about it?"
He grabbed my hands and shook his head, "You ain't leaving here. Be mad all you want, but you not going anywhere."
I couldn't even wipe the tears that fell down my face because of the grip he had on my hands. He stared at me while tears streamed down my face.
"Why are you crying?" He asked.
"Why are you acting like you don't want me to be pregnant?"
He sighed and wiped away my tears, "It's not that ma. I just want you to be sure, and if we being honest I'm not ready for no child in my life. I have shit to take care of and a baby is only going to hold me back."
I really couldn't believe he was really telling me these things. I nodded my head and once again tried moving around him. How could he tell me this as if he was carrying the child? He makes me fucking sick.
"You really about to leave Bey?" He said holding onto my waist.
"Yes. I'm going over Tae's place since you're so worried. I can't believe you just told me that a baby would hold you back. Are you kidding me? You're not even carrying the child Jay! How can you say that?"
He rubbed his face and pulled me back towards him. I stood in front of him with my arms crossed over my chest.
"I'm sorry, but can we please take a test?"
I stared at him and shook my head in disappointment. He leaned his head down and pecked my lips, but I didn't kiss him back.
"Move." I mumbled with his lips still on mine. He only use that to his advantage by sticking his tongue in my mouth and kissed me until I had no other choice but to kiss him back.
"Why you acting like you don't love my kisses?"
I rolled my eyes and tried getting out this hold he had me in. He refused to let me go though. "I don't know why you're hugging and kissing on me like we friends or something." I said into his neck as he hugged me tightly.
"Are you seriously mad?" He said after realizing that I wasn't into this little cuddling thing he was trying to do.
"Yes I'm seriously mad! How could you tell me that Jay? I could possibly be the mother of your child and you're telling me that a baby is going to hold you back. What the hell you think a baby will do for me? But I'm a woman and I can't run away from my responsibilities like men do. I have to carry this baby for 9 months, miss out on my career, deal with all the sickness and weight gain, yet you're saying a baby will hold you back. You're crazy."
He sighed, "Come on Bey. We young and we don't know nothing about kids and being a parent. Besides, our relationship still fresh and we still have so much shit to learn about one another. I'm just saying baby.."
I poked him in the chest, "You wasn't saying that when you was fucking me Shawn. You didn't care about us being young, you didn't care about condoms, and you definitely didn't care about nutting inside of me. Why do you care now?"
He shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at me. I looked at him a couple of times until I knew I would fall in his little trap. "Come here.." He said reaching for my hand, but I moved back a little.
"Bring your ass here Beyoncé." He said, making me look at him crazy at first, but soon realizing that I like that. I slowly walked my way between his legs and looked at him as I awaited his response.
"Can we just take a test and go from there?" He suggested, "We don't even know for sure if you're pregnant or not and I don't want to be over here stressed for no reason."
I heavily sighed and rolled my eyes, "Whatever. I'll take one tomorrow."
"Girl I told you that shit would happen." Lashontae said as she ate her mashed potatoes. Today was my first day back at work since missing those two days because of Kelly and her clique. It felt great to be back. The kids has put a big smile on my face with their thank you cards. It had me at a loss for words that I would have one of my own very soon.
I took two pregnancy test when I took my lunch break an hour ago and the result came back positive for both. I have yet to tell Jay because I'm not sure how he would react. Tae reacted nonchalantly like I thought she would. She wasn't big on emotion so I expected that. I have yet to tell Tanya though. I'm pretty sure she'll be mad, yet happy all at once.
"It's not my fault.." I mumbled.
She laughed, "Bitch, it is. You letting him nut in you like there's no tomorrow. Now you have to carry his child for nine months. Are you even ready?"
I shrugged my shoulders. I've always been good with children, hence why I'm a school teacher, but I'm not sure how it would be to have my own. That's a different ball game that I definitely wasn't prepared for.
"No," I said honestly, "I don't know anything about being a mother so I can't even lie and say I'm ready."
She nodded her head, "No one is ready until that baby pop out your coochie and the doctor put he or she in your hands. Trust me, it was hard. I've been raising my son by myself for three years now and he's a handful. I love that little boy to death though."
"So how was it like when he was crying and you didn't know what to do? Has that ever happened?"
She sipped her drink and nodded her head, "Oh yes. Thank God for my mother though. She was there to help me every step of the way. I wouldn't know why my son was crying and she would know instantly either he was sleepy, hungry, or needed to be changed. I didn't know anything to the point where I wanted to breakdown and just say fuck it. Overtime, I learned and things became better."
I slowly nodded my head, "My mom is going to kill me. I can already see it happening. When my best friend got his girlfriend pregnant, she almost killed him and that's not even her biological child."
Tae laughed and soon we were joined with Tanya. We all sat at the lunchroom table as our students ate their food.
"Took you long enough." Tae said to Tanya as she sat down.
Tanya rolled her eyes, "Girl I almost had to curse this little boy out. Sent him to the office and that little fucker went everywhere but the office."
Tae and I laughed. Tanya was an 8th grade Math teacher and I honestly don't know how she do it. Kids that old think they know every damn thing and I didn't have the patience.
"Well, Beyoncé has something to tell you." Tae said with a smirk. Tanya looked at me weirdly before eyeing the both of us.
"What happened?"
I sighed, "So I took a test today.."
"A test? Like Scantron, or?" Tae laughed and all I could do was look at her dumb ass until she finally caught on. "Bitch, no way! A pregnancy test?"
"Yes.. and it came back positive. Both of them."
She smiled at me before shaking her head, "I knew it would happen, but I'm happy for you. Congratulations! How did Jay react?"
"I haven't told him. He's not going to be happy about it though.."
Tae frowned, "And why not? He's the one that was fucking you like pregnancy isn't such a thing. He should be prepared."
I shrugged, "I don't know..."
We continued eating our food. We made sure to keep our eyes on our students from time to time. Especially Tanya since her students were the absolute worst.
"Well since you're pregnant now, what are you going to do about them bitches that jumped you?" Tanya asked.
I shook my head, "I honestly don't even care anymore. We are too old to be fighting and they just mad anyway because I'm with Jay now. Who cares how they feel."
"But they jumped you," Tae said with a frown, "You not going to do anything about it? Plus, polices aren't doing anything. They don't give a damn about a fight so I think you should take matters in your own hands."
"I agree," Tanya said, "But you're pregnant and you're not fighting anyone because I said so. I say we meet up with them for closure and then you let Tae and I do all the work."
I slowly shook my head, "I'll rather fight my own battles y'all."
"But you can't!" They both yelled, "So we got this..."
Thank you all for reading! This story is starting to make me frustrated, lol so it's ending pretty soon. Please vote, comment, leave feedback, share, etc.
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