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Tanya could tell that Lala was one of those females that was loud and acted all bad, but really wasn't about that life. She had ran across many females of that kind and knew one well enough to point them out.

This was Tanya's first time meeting Lala, but it's definitely not the first time she has heard about her. Beyoncé had given her and Tae a well enough description of Lala and her friends to know who was which.

"Who are you?" Lala asked with a frown. Even though she was afraid, she didn't appreciate someone stepping on her property and grabbing on her. She didn't know Tanya at all and it had her confused as to how she knew who she was and where she stayed.

"Don't even worry about that. Just know that I have every right to whoop your ass on your property the same way you did my girl. You really think you can just jump someone and not think there will be consequences?"

Lala chuckled, "Oh, so Beyoncé sent you? How is she? Is she out of the hospital?"

Tanya gritted her teeth and gave herself a mental talk to keep herself from putting hands on the woman before her. She didn't plan on hitting on Lala, but she was tempted to do so because of her smart remarks.

"You should be happy she sent me. She also told me to not put a finger on you because she wanted to do it herself. Unlike you, we don't have to jump and we don't need our friends for help."

Tanya smiled as Lala stood in the same spot with no type of emotion. It seemed as if she was in deep thought about something. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave Tanya a threatening look.

"Get off my property or I'll call 911."

Tanya shrugged, "I don't give a damn what you do. I'm not going to hit you or pull on your unhealthy ass hair like a little bitch. That's what Beyoncé will do. I'm just the messenger."

Lala sighed and pulled out her phone. She was really going to call 911 but stood in shock when Tanya snatched her phone out her hand and watched the glass shatter on the cement.

"Call 911 now, bitch." Tanya said before flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking away.


I leaned over the toilet throwing up for the third time today. Tears ran down my cheek as I threw up everything I've eaten so far.

Thankfully I was at Jay's place alone. He claimed he wanted to relax with me, but he has been out with his brothers for the past three hours. I wasn't tripping though because he has been with me every second of the day, taking care of me since I've been out the hospital. I never thought of him being the romantic type because of his hardcore appearance, but he's the sweetest to me and I love how much he cares for me.

Once I felt like I was done, I stood up and flushed the toilet. I headed for the sink to wash my hands and also my face. Afterwards, I put my hair in a bun and stared at myself through the mirror wondering why the hell have I been throwing up today.

I thought about everything I've eaten today which wasn't much. All I ate was the sandwich Jay bought me, Popeyes, and a grilled cheese sandwich. Those are things I usually eat and they've never made me sick. Why now?

I was standing in the mirror for so long that I didn't even know Jay was back until I heard a few voices getting closer and closer to me. I opened the bathroom door and smiled when I saw one of his many brothers smiling at me.

"I told Jay you was locked up in the bathroom. He been calling your name for a minute and you ain't even answer."

He pulled me into a hug as I laughed, "I'm sorry, I was in the mirror staring at myself."

"You good. How you been? You feeling okay?"

I nodded my head, "Better than ever thanks to your brother." Jay was finally in arms reach of me and I pulled him into a hug after pecking his lips. He smelled so good and I instantly wanted to take him to the room so we could do some things. We had sex twice today already, but I swear I could go again.

Ro, Jay's youngest brother smiled at us. "Y'all hella cute. I approve of this one bruh." Ro said to Jay, pointing to me. Jay kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand so I could follow him into the living room where his other brothers were.

August and Trey looked up from rolling their blunts and gave me a smile. Beauty really ran in their family because all four of them was beyond handsome.

"What it do sis!" August loud self said to me. Jay sat down on the couch and pulled me down into his lap.

"Hi y'all, where have y'all been for the past three hours?"

"Went to visit our mom," Trey said, "When are you gonna visit her?"

I looked down at Jay and he looked at me with the same expression, "That's only if Jay wants me to."

He smacked his lips, "Why would I not want you to visit my mama?" I shrugged my shoulders and all he did was shake his head. I listened to them talk, giving an opinion when asked. Jay rubbed on my butt the entire time and in no time, I was becoming extremely sleepy.

"I'm sleepy." I whispered to him. It was only 9 PM but I was so tired. I've been like that all day. If I wasn't hanging over a toilet vomiting then I was definitely sleeping my life away.

"Aight, you can go to bed. Let me smoke this one first and then I'll be in there with you." He said, inching closer to my lips for a kiss. I puckered my lips and gave him a sweet, innocent kiss before telling his brothers goodbye and heading to the room.

Soon as I laid down, I felt my stomach turn. In a rush, I made my way to the bathroom and once again vomited. I didn't know what was going on with me but I made a mental note to make a doctor appointment very soon.


"I told you I could have came alone." I said to Jay as we pulled into my now old apartment. He put the car in park and shot his eyes towards me.

"What made you think I was going to let you come over here alone?"

I rolled my eyes, "Tanya or Lashontae could have came."

"But they couldn't," Jay said shrugging his shoulders, "I'm just looking out for you ma." We got out the car and headed towards the front door. I still had the key to get in so I used it to unlock the door.

I wasn't even worried about seeing Kelly. I was more worried about her seeing Jay and I together for the first time as a couple. Things would be extremely awkward so I really hope that she's not around.

It was my first time back in my apartment since the night I was jumped. Everything was still the same besides the dent on the floor where I almost bust my head wide open.

Jay grabbed my hand and we walked into my room, dodging Kelly. Unfortunately we had to pack up at least some of my things so even though I didn't see her now doesn't mean I won't see her at all.

"Where do we start?" Jay asked as he looked around my room.

Two hours later and we were finally done packing up most of my things. I had more clothes than anything so that was our main focus. As I gathered my things, Jay walked back and forth putting everything in his car. He took my final bag of clothes and I made my way out of the room to grab a bottle of water.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw Kelly standing at the counter getting ready to cook. She stared at me but didn't say anything like expected. Just when I was getting ready to walk back into my empty room, Jay walked through the front door.

"It's one thing that y'all slept with each other behind my back, but now y'all want to be petty and throw it in my face?" Kelly said, finally breaking the silence.

I chuckled while sipping on my water, "Girl fuck you. We not worried about you."

"You should be!" Kelly yelled, "I should've burned your shit like my friends asked me to but I was nice enough to not touch anything."

"Yeah, go ahead and listen to your friends like you been doing. You went through all that trouble and I still took your man. Fuck you!"

I forgot Jay was even around until I felt him tugging on my arm as he stood behind me. "We ain't come here for that," He said to me, "Go get the last of your things so we can go."

"I hate you!" Kelly yelled out to Jay, "You hurt my feelings and don't even care! How could you do me like that Jay? Cheat on me with my roommate? Are you serious?"

He sighed, "Kelly, I'm over you so I'm not going back and forth with you over this shit. It's done, it's over. I wish you the best, but you need to chill."

"Chill?" She questioned, picking up the spatula and throwing it right at his head. Luckily he dodged it to avoid a big print on his forehead, "You want me to chill?" Everything happened too quickly for me. Next thing I know, Kelly was throwing punches at him. I stood in the same spot as before watching her hit on him until I finally came back to reality.

I pushed her off him and stood in front of him so she wouldn't be able to touch him again.

"That right there will get your ass beat," I said to her, "He didn't hit you so why you hitting him? No one came over here to put hands on you. I came to get my things and leave. Stop starting shit knowing you can't fight for yourself."

She huffed and puffed with her eyes still on Jay's. He gripped my waist and led me to the room so I could finish getting my things. Thankfully we left Kelly's place without another word or punch being thrown.

I could tell by the way Jay was driving that he was upset. I sighed and grabbed his free hand. I kissed the back of his hand and smiled when he looked at me. He had shades on so I couldn't see his eyes, but I knew he was pretty upset.

"Calm down baby," I said to him, "She's no one to be upset over."

His jaws clenched but he nodded his head, "I know. Thank you."

We drove back to his place and I immediately laid across the bed. I was so tired and hungry, but I'll have to eat later. All I wanted to do right now was sleep. I finally found the strength to get up and remove my clothes. I got under the covers and was drifting off to sleep until I had that sudden urge to vomit, again.

"Ugh," I groaned, "Please go away."

"What go away?" I heard. I opened my eyes to see Jay in the doorway eating my yogurt – the one I told him specifically not to touch. I didn't have the energy to argue with him over it. I rolled my eyes and tried to get more comfortable but I couldn't. My mouth was watering and I knew soon that I would have to throw up.

"You in here talking to yourself?" Jay laughed, "I knew you was crazy."

I opened my mouth to say something but instead I gagged. I hopped out of bed with a quickness and ran towards the bathroom. I could feel Jay's presence near me as I leaned over the toilet to vomit.

"Damn girl," He said, "What you been eating? You okay?"

I shook my head and moved my hair out of my face, "I think... I think..."

Jay frowned, "You think what?"

"I think I'm pregnant Shawn."


So y'all think Beyoncé dropping the album soon?

And if you haven't already, check out my new story. An update will be coming soon!

:) Thanks for reading!

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