Chapter Ten

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Justin was back in India to live, and that's why the rejection he faced didn't make him run away from all that was going on in his head. He chose to brave it and live with it. Even Anna didn't know what he was planning to do and so she kept asking if he had already booked them a flight back to America or Canada.

Justin didn't tell her anything or even try to show effort in answering her questions but the surprise came when they reached town. Instead of going to the airport, Justin ordered the cab driver to take them to the bus stand where they could get buses to another city.

After they left Karanpur, they moved to a place far away from Justin's family but still in India. Justin didn't want to live outside India and work for the foreigners after what he saw back at Karanpur when his grandmother had shocked him. It was pretty clear that he was needed in India to save his people. And that's how they found themselves buying a house in Uttar Pradesh.

A few days after settling in Uttar, Justin managed to make contact with Dev and spoke to him and Shreya and he knew then that their grandmother was dead. She had a heart attack that night they left and there was no professional doctor who could help her at that time, thus her death.

They couldn't go back since the funeral had already passed about four days ago and they weren't needed there if they were honest with themselves. They also found out that The Singhs and The Solankis weren't on talking terms after Dhamini rejected the arranged marriage The Singhs had planned for her and The Solankis supported her.

It wasn't because she wanted to piss off The Singhs but it was more because she had received the job offer of her dream even though pissing off The Singhs was a bonus after the stunts they had been pulling at The Solankis for the past years. She wasn't looking forward to marriage especially that early when she just following her dreams and being the person she wanted to be. Justin was happy nevertheless since he knew he won in his loss. The family had learned to respect and support the constructive ideas of the family members.

There was nothing much to learn apart from what they already heard and so they invited them over for their wedding that was just two weeks away. They also told them to deliver the invitation to The Solankis as well since they were nearer and had chances of being listened to.

They had made friends already in Uttar and those friends are the people who helped them settle in and the whole marriage thing. They didn't feel that they were unwelcome whenever they were around them. Those friends were Minna Ma and Rustema.

They technically did everything while Justin and Anna did the nodding job to accept whatever they had planned. It was sweet until it wasn't. Until the wedding day itself.

It was early in the morning of the wedding day when Dev and his family arrived giving hope to Justin and Anna about there being a family reunion after a few weeks.

It went on and until it was only an hour till the wedding, was Justin impatient and decided to see if they were coming or not.

"Hello, Is this the Solanki family of address 189 Karanpur?" Justin said after the call was connected in a different voice.

'Yes, who is this?' Aayesha was on the other side of the phone.

"I'm calling from the post office. We faced technical difficulties during the past week and so we were checking to see if the mails were delivered successfully or if there was any problem in the process."

'I don't think if there is any. Maybe you can wait, my husband can say it. Give me a second.' Aayesha was heard asking Raichand and Shania in the background and she came saying that there were none

The fact that they were at home and with Shania there as well, was crystal clear evidence that they weren't going there. Justin wanted to hang up but waited till Raichand took the phone.

'Hello!' Raichand spoke.

"Yes, sir. Who am I speaking to now?"

'Raichand Solanki.'

"Oh yes sir, I was calling to ask if there has been any unusual experience with our delivery services. We faced setbacks a few days ago and some of the letters were missing and that is why we are checking up." Justin said and all who were there were looking at him.

'I didn't notice any changes. And why you call and not us?'

"Well, we received a call from somebody about a letter they sent to you and that's why we are calling to see if you got that letter or not?"

'What letter is that?'

"Some letter about an invitation I think or –" Justin didn't get to finish what he wanted to say and Raichand cut him off.

'Listen, young man, if anybody ever calls you about any letter, we didn't receive it, and don't bother telling them anything further than it was lost.'

"Okay, dad. I won't ever call again and enquire about anything."

'Justin!' Raichand wasn't expecting the twist but there he was confessing that he received the invitation and wanted nothing to do with them.

"Yes dad, it's me." The phone was then disconnected without any word being said further.

They continued the wedding with everyone that was there and Dev's parents got to play parents of the bride and groom. It was a small wedding but it was a happy one knowing the people who were there were actually, the people they needed.

They went to Goa with Dev's family afterward for their 5-days honeymoon. It was lovely being there with them and everything. They were treated like family and didn't feel lonely even for a single minute when they were there.

When the days finally ended, they got back to Uttar to continue with their daily lives which included going to interviews after interviews until one day when Anna was finally hired as a PA of this Australian boss named Owen Trumpet who was in a transitional period in India to help small businesses. And a week later, Justin was hired as a doctor at Livingstone Memorial Hospital. And from there, they started their happily ever after.

Just three months into their marriage, Justin and Anna had to play wise parents already.

Shreya was having trouble with her husband's family in Goa and so, she decided to ask Justin for advice before she went to talk with The Solankis knowing pretty well they would just ridicule her and paint her mother all bad colors there were. And not knowing what exactly the situation was in-depth, Justin and Anna decided to invite them over for a two-day visit so they could talk about whatever was happening since they both were younger to them and they were prone to making ridiculous mistakes without thinking.

The evening of the next day after the day they invited them over, Justin and Anna saw them walking inside the house with their bags. It was funny since they went over without even confirming if they were going or not. Well, it was an epic response to an invitation.

They spent the rest of the day together going to the market and taking a stroll down the streets. They showed them the place and had fun for the day before they got into details the following day over what went down.

"It's a bit funny but it's still a problem," Shreya said trying to smile but she just couldn't. "It's about Dev's parents."

"You kept giving them hopes! What do you think?" Dev interfered when his parents were mentioned.

"Dev, can you let her speak then, won't you?" Justin chimed in.

"Yeah, no I can. I'm sorry my love."

They just erupted into a fit of laughter without knowing why and it was cute. But that lasted for never like the following minute, they were all serious again all ears at Shreya.

"Well, my mother-in-law spoke to me the first day I reached their house. It was mainly welcoming me home but she also had something to say I don't know if I'm allowed to say it to you or not but I'm going to say it anyway since I trust you more than anyone else apart from my current family of course." She said and rolled her eyes at that before she looked over to confirm with Dev if she could say it.

"Dev married me because his father has cancer and is dying soon. He has less than a year left and that's why, Dev, as the oldest son, had to get married and he can then inherit the family business." She looked over at Dev and he was doing just fine. "So, the fun part comes. His mother told me that they were expecting me to give birth to a baby boy so that the business would still run in the same bloodline and I was happy even myself because I always wanted a boy firstborn and so I assured her she shouldn't worry about it."

Shreya took a deep breath as if she was about to say something that was a matter of life and death but then, what she said left all of them laughing. "When I said that I didn't know she meant fast like tomorrow fast."

"We should stop laughing because that's so true," Dev confirmed.

"Like how is that possible?! Isn't it like another level of something is impossible?" Anna asked Justin who was still trying to contain his laughter.

"It is impossible and we don't know if we can even get the firstborn a boy if it makes any sense in that impossible fact already," Dev said and turned down as if to think what they should do.

"Why are you leaving out the fact that we said we should wait until I get 20 so that we can have our first child? That should be said as well." Shreya added while pouting.

Justin cleared his throat and everybody turned at him to hear what he had got to say.

"I do know how we can solve your problem but you have to make a huge sacrifice, both of you."

"What's the solution?" Shreya asked way too hopeful.

"Well, while I was in Toronto, we researched childbirth but we didn't get the green light to publish the results of our results since we had a lawsuit put forward but the research was a pure success." Justin looked at Anna before he continued. "We took 100 couples that had plans of having children and experimented with them over the fact if one can plan what gender of a baby they want beforehand and we did get the dates on which a baby of a certain type of gender can be made. They are not dates like those of the calendar but dates according to menstruation cycle."

"I knew he would know the answer to the solution," Shreya said proudly to Dev.

"So, what are those dates?" Dev asked looking hopeful.

"Before I tell you the dates, I need to know if you are ready to take those sacrifices or not. Because if you are not, it won't mean anything whether I tell you or not." Justin said and then looked at the two of them waiting for their answers.

"What are those sacrifices?" Shreya asked.

"Well, for you Shreya, you have to be ready to give birth before you hit 20 for the sake of the happiness of your family. You are 18 now so it is not risky if you give birth because I witnessed girls aged 15 and 16 giving birth safely and without any problem afterward." He took a deep breath looking at her before he turned to Dev who kind of, who was waiting for his turn.

"And to you Dev, you have to be prepared to attend to your wife on each of those dates until she gets pregnant. I should warn you, those dates get repetitive sometimes. They repeat two times, one-two day and the other three days."

"What's to attend?" Dev asked out of the blue.

Justin wasn't expecting the question but the raw reaction on Dev's face suggested clearly that he didn't know what that was.

"Attend is like doing the deed," Justin said trying to make sense of what he was talking about without saying exactly what he wanted to say.

"Do you mean have sex?" Dev asked again.

"Hey, we are married. We don't have sex, we make love." Shreya argued with the choice of words Dev made.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. So, are you ready for that?" Justin was a bit embarrassed seeing the two go directly to the point about a topic he avoided speaking explicitly about.

"I can do that," Dev replied and they all turned to Shreya to hear what she was going to say.

"When you look hot like that, how can I say no to something you proposed?"

Justin had his mouth left wide open. Anna was astonished and was trying to say things but words weren't forming in her mouth. Dev was the most shocked of all of them, he was blinking like a torch that was about to go off and still trying to keep his eyes wide open to express the shock he was in.

"Why are you being all serious when it was a joke?! He is my cousin duh!" Shreya said being all serious again. "And the answer is yes if you don't get what I meant by that."

"Now I know I love this one more than her sister," Anna said after that moment of being shock-struck.

"I don't know what to say. Everybody likes my sister more. Even my husband!"

"What? I told you I love you more and that's why I like your sister more!" Dev said looking all guilty and hurt.

"This is my best couple so far!" Justin admitted raising his hands and laughing with them.

Justin then explained to them about the dates and how consistency is the key to it all. He even told them the white lie to tell back home where they said they were visiting Shreya's family at Karanpur and they went to Justin instead.

They left the following day ready to make everyone in the family happy. They even left Justin and Anna thinking of the children themselves. It was wild.

After a year of their marriage, Justin and Anna had their firstborn when they thought they would never have children due to the erectile dysfunction of Justin which bad enough, he had inherited from his father.

The happiness and love in the house were a match for nothing. But they weren't the only ones who had a baby. Shreya and Dev had a baby boy just like what was expected and they named him Anand in the memory of Shreya's father.

Since the name, Anand was already taken and Justin's baby was a boy as well, they settled for Aarush. Justin was fond of that name since long ago and Anna didn't have any objection to that. It was the name of the boy who Justin's grandmother fell in love with before she was married off to his grandfather.

Minna Ma and Rustema were happy as well and they spent a lot of their time with the baby since they were the godmother and godfather of the then newborn, Aarush. They practically raised him, since they were the people that stayed with him when his parents had to go to work or any other place. It even reached a point where Aarush called Minna Ma, mom more than once and it wasn't intentional at all. The life of Aarush was made by those four parents and he couldn't be grateful enough.

Since there were a lot of people that he could look up to and not mention, the brains he got from both his parents, Aarush picked up things way too fast, and before they knew it, he was a younger version of Justin at the mere age of 5.

Justin and Anna, both were in bliss because their boy was already a better version of their flawed selves than they could ever be. He knew of love and respect at a so young age, he knew patience as well. Thoughtfulness, caring, honesty and a lot more were in his knowledge as well.

He made friends on the Anarkali street since the age of three when he was trying to see if the world goes round. His first two friends were Rahul and Disha who he used to spend time with nearly every day. He was a boy of the people. No one ever hated him and that was great.

When Aarush was nearly five, Justin and Anna decided to visit Shreya after a long time of not seeing each other. Shreya and Dev were more than thrilled to receive the two lovers along with their son since they had planned a surprise of their own for them and it was a great one. It was an epic surprise from their side.

"Mother Durga! I can't believe you came to pick us up!" Anna spoke first when they saw Anand holding a sign that read 'Jasu', way more excited than he should have been.

"Well, I'm too excited to see you," Shreya replied giving them hugs and a lot of kisses.

"Me too auntie. I heard a lot about you." Aarush said while hugging Shreya.

"Aww! Isn't this the sweetest? I love you, Vinod."

"Shreya, please! My son's name is Aarush." Justin corrected while trying not so subtly, not to roll his eyes.

"You know, even I, I like the name, Vinod. They look alike. Young Vinod Khanna." It was Dev's turn to be annoying and he didn't fail his wife at that.

There was no winning when arguing with them and since they were at the train station, they just decided to let it pass until they get back home and were rested. They got really tired on that train ride.

After they arrived at Dev's house in Goa, they weren't allowed to go and refresh until they saw the surprise they had arranged for them. Justin tried to ask and push for it to wait but Shreya was more persistent than ever. They ended up waiting in the sitting room for that said surprise.

After a like eternity of waiting for the surprise, the speakers that were all over the sitting room started to play Bole Chudiyan. They didn't understand what was happening but Justin kept praying that Shreya wasn't going to dance since she was terrible at it.

When they appeared from a corner with Dev and a maid holding a cloth over Shreya that covered her upper half, Justin was damned already and nearly started to complain to God as to why He didn't answer him when he needed him the most, but then magic happened. Shreya didn't dance and instead, whenever the song continued, they were pulling the cloth up to reveal her, and there she was, like a goddess, with a baby in her hands.

"NO WAY!" Justin screamed.

"YES, WAY," Shreya replied excitedly as she continued to move toward the two.

"NO DAMN WAY SHREYA! Why didn't you tell me?" Justin said again.

"It wouldn't be a surprise then if you knew about what kind of a surprise it was. I had to keep both of you in the dark."

"Oh my God! Your baby is so cute!" Anna said when she saw the baby woke up and instead of crying, the baby was smiling.

"Thank you. And our baby is a girl." Dev said what Anna was trying to guess but went on to no avail.

"Oh right, she is so cute," Anna said trying not to smile so hard as to how the dumb acting Dev, actually picked up on that small hint she gave.

"She smiles beautiful." Aarush pointed out after only a single look which lasted not more than five seconds.

"Oh, God! I love this boy!" Shreya cried out giving the baby to Anna and went to give a full-on hug to Aarush. "Vinod, I love you."

"What's happening?" Justin asked Anna who was surprised as well.

"The baby's name is Smiley because she has the best smile no one in this house has ever seen. Just look at her." The maid said excitedly while watching Dev join in in the hug.

"Vinod is a miracle!" Dev said scooping him up and starting to throw him like a baby and catch him again.

"Okay Dev, I think that's enough. Let Aarush go and play with Anand." Justin said.

They then sat down and talked a little bit over the cup of tea served before Anna and Justin went to have some rest. The trip there wasn't a joke. The distance and everything were just enough to make them feel shitty.

They had a long rest which Aarush and Anand joined them later on after they got tired of whatever they were doing. They took their time and until the time they woke up, it was already evening and they had to keep Dev and Shreya up as they talked about different things concerning family, life, their children, and what next. Shreya even told them that she made a connection with Dhamini who was already married to some guy Marco Mendes in New York City.

Dhamini and Marco had two children

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