Part 3

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𝐀𝐮𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯
"Seriously.. can this class go any fasterrr!?" Lizette said. I giggled and looked at her, the student, Mrs, Thompson was always a bitch since the first day of freshman year.
"Detention!" She yelled.. ugh give us a BREAK. She's been having a lot of anger recently and it's because of her dumb cheating husband, so now she's treating us like trash with tests every single fucking day from subjects she hasn't taught us on!

"Aye, Mrs Thompson? Why you taking your anger out on us, shouldn't you be like..taking it out on your husband for cheating on you?" The whole class went silent, Mike was known for literally saying EVERYTHING that came to his mind. He's so damn honest it's scary. Mrs. Thompson started bawling.. the students looked at Mike with shocked faces. "What?" He said, he's like the first person who's made Mrs Thompson CRY, well besides her husband but like damn!

After a few minutes Mrs Thompson left to the bathroom and I texted Andrew.

Andrew: what
Me: well you have to guess.

Andrew: umm Lizette and Mike finally hooked up?
Me: um not that I know off but no
Andrew: tell me.
Me: Mike made Mrs Thompson cry, it was goofy af😭😭
Andrew: LMAO, wtf he doo?
Me: he said some abt "Aye Mrs.Thompson? Why you taking out your anger on us, shouldn't you be like.. taking it out on your husband for cheating on you?" Lmao yu should've seen her face.
Andrew: this dudeee 🤣🤣 he 2 honest.
Me: On foe nem.

"GIVE ME YOUR PHONE." Mrs. Thompson yelled. Fuck!! I was so caught up in texting Andrew I forgot Mrs Thompson was here.. when did she come back!? "Do I have to Mrs Thompson..? I won't use it anymore I promise, pleaseee" I pleaded, she gave me this fiery look that made me scared.. she just stayed silent with her damn hand open waiting for my phone. I sighed and gave her my phone, such a bitch.

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