The Friend Zone

The Friend Zone

432,988 9,612 41

College is a confusing and exciting place. Between classes, sports, and an attempt at a social life outside of class, it's enough stress to make a perfectly sane person lose their mind. But when you're going to college with your best friend, everything seems a little easier. Except when your best friend is an enormously annoying pain in the ass who likes to call you at three in the morning while he's drunk and needs a ride home. Then, it makes a little more difficult and an exciting adventure. Tessa Walters and Taylor McCarthy are best friends, as close as two people can get without ever being involved romantically. For the past four years, they've had each other's backs through every breakup, every championship, every heartbreaking loss that comes with playing the game of hockey. What Tessa doesn't expect their freshman year at Aladine College is Taylor's new girlfriend who seems to hate everything about her.And did I mention she might accidentally fall in love with him along the way?…



40,010 877 27

"The thing about addiction is, it never ends well. Because eventually, whatever it is that was getting us high, stops feeling good, and starts to hurt. Still, they say you don't kick the habit until you hit rock bottom. But how do you know when you are there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes, letting it go hurts even worse." -Meredith Grey They say the first step to getting over an addiction is coming to the realization that you do, in fact, have a problem, an addiction that you can't quit. So here it goes. My name is Olivia Richards and my addiction is Liam Simpson. It all started out innocently, he spilled a drink on me at a party and we hung out as friends all the time. Until he kissed me. After that, I started to crave his touch, his kiss and I couldn't get enough. My name is Olivia Richards and I'm addicted to Liam Simpson****THIS STORY IS BEING EDITED/REWRITTEN! ALL CHAPTERS WITH -- IN THE TITLES HAVE BEEN EDITED AND REWRITTEN! HAPPY READING EVERYONE!***…



9,095 359 36

***Sequel to Addiction*** "It's all anybody wants, right? Clean slate. A new beginning. Like that's going to be any easier. Ask the guy pushing the boulder up the hill, nothing's easy about starting over, nothing at all," -Meredith Grey A clean slate is what Olivia Richards wants when she moves to Estero, Florida after graduating from college. A clean slate where none of her ghosts have ever been, a clean slate where nobody knows her or her past, a place where she can forget about the past two years she's spent trying to forget. A clean slate is what Olivia Richards gets when she moves to Estero, Florida in the middle of a hot August after graduation. It's a place where she knows nobody and where nobody knows her. A place where she can make new friends and, hopefully, fall in love again. But just when everything begins to fall back into place after the two years in her life, her new beginning is turned upside down as something, someone from her past shows up on a September afternoon. All of the sudden, her past is back in her face, staring at her with a familiar pair of gleaming green eyes and her world is no longer the same. ***Cover cred to @eunxia-…

That Damn Canadian

That Damn Canadian

117,877 3,669 26

Why do his eyes have to be so blue? Why does his smile have to be so sweet? Why is his accent so attractive? Why the heck did I let myself fall for that darn Canadian? My name is Natalie Jane Simmons and I'm in love with that damn Canadian. Hockey players Natalie and Ian have known each other since they were 12. Now, at 17, Natalie is head over heels for her hockey playing friend, even though she swore that she would never fall for anyone, she finds herself falling for a her sparkling blue eyed Canadian friend. But when Ian moves back to Canada to play hockey, Natalie realizes that it's now or never. Will she tell Ian how she feels? And will Ian feel the same?…

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

13,218 407 16

Natalie and Ian have gone from long distance boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife living together in a matter of four years. From the lowest of the lows to the highest of the highs, Natalie and Ian have been there for each other through everything from the depression caused by a miscarriage to the glee of moving into their first apartment together and now they've begun the the next step in their lives together, including a surprise or two. Follow Natalie and Ian on the next leg of their journey together as they sail through more uncharted waters and celebrate the new beginnings along the way.…

Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

20,984 635 22

It's been almost two years since Natalie Simmons and Ian Pearson started dating. Now, Natalie has her freshman year of college under her belt and Ian just finished up his final year of junior hockey.When fall rolls around. Natalie and Ian are faced with new obstacles and realize that living in the real world is harder than it looks.Follow Natalie and Ian on their roller coaster as they learn new lessons in family, life, and love. But most importantly, they'll learn what forever and always really means.…

Waiting For Superman

Waiting For Superman

12,610 246 18

Penelope Hunt is bored. Bored with her everyday boring old life doing the same everyday boring things. Penelope Hunt is heartbroken. Heartbroken over a guy who really didn't care in the first place. Logan Campbell is anything but boring. He's interesting, adventurous, and not to mention the best hockey player Aladine College has seen in their ten year history. Logan Campbell is everything Penelope Hunt could ever dream of. Is an intriguing Logan Campbell just what a bored Penelope Hunt needs? Is Logan Campbell the Superman that Penelope has been waiting for?**I will be editing this story in the next couple of months***…

The Trials of Adulthood

The Trials of Adulthood

9,574 229 11

College is a confusing and exciting place and time in your life, but nothing as scary as being tossed into the real world afterwards. No more dining hall meals, no more classes, no more thirsty Thursday outings, no more spending Friday morning hungover in your room skipping class. After those four years you're on your own and have to fend for yourself and go to work on a daily basis. Tessa Walters and Taylor McCarthy have managed to make it through four years at Aladine College and are now being thrown into the real world, which for them means leaving Buffalo and Aladine for South Dakota so Taylor can play professional hockey. Things are great until Tessa realizes that maybe Taylor hasn't grown up quite as much as she has in the past four years, putting a strain on their growing relationship. Can their relationship survive their transition into the real world and adult life?…



960 32 10

After picking up and moving to Michigan after spending two months in Florida, Olivia Richards is ready to try to find a new sense of normalcy alongside Liam Simpson. Five months back in her home state seemed to be enough for Olivia to go somewhat back to normal while trying to recover from a sexual assault at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, but her nightmares return months after she thought she had banished the last of her demons. But the demons are the least of her problems as she finds out shocking news that will turn her world completely upside down for the second time in the past year. Can she take another blow?***Cover by @Imjustawriter17***…

not a fairytale

not a fairytale

60 0 16

Juliette Lombardo lives the absolute definition of a carefree life. Living off of a hefty inheritance from her ultra-wealthy and connected father in Venice far away from the eyes of her father and her eight brothers while working as a waitress and bartender for fun, she's the very definition of under the radar. After all, nobody would assume the girl willingly working a busy bar on a Saturday night would be the daughter of one of Italy's richest and most powerful men. That carefree life comes complete with her best friend who lives next door, an apartment looking over the canals of Venice, and a steady fling with Logan, a second-born prince of a small island country whose favorite hobby is whisking her away to private islands and the most exclusive clubs and resorts in all of Europe. Her entire life turns on its side when Logan makes an unexpected visit to Venice to break the news to her that this will be their final weekend to be together after his brother abdicated his place in line for the thrown and he will have to spend the summer participating in a rather old fashioned social season event where women from all around his country compete to be his wife. After a whirlwind of 48 hours with Logan, Juliette is convinced by his best friend and bodyguard, Blake, to return to the family she ran away from and enter the contest. It doesn't take long for Juliette to realize that despite the ballgowns, tiaras, crowns and titles, life in Meldeva, and the contest, definitely is not a fairytale.…

My Everything

My Everything

28,714 276 10

Your adventures with with Ponyboy and the gang.(A Ponyboy love story)…

One simple favour

One simple favour

7,849 246 20

10 years of history, 7 days, 2 soulmates. One simple favourI do not own glee I am simply playing with its charactersObviously I don't own glee because if I did it would be 99% Quick and 1% everyone else…

One night and the rest of our lives

One night and the rest of our lives

14,255 376 29

A One night stand by its very definition is a sexual relationship only lasting one night. It shouldn't end the way it does.I do not own glee. I am simply playing with the charactersObviously I don't own glee because if I did it would be 99% Quick and 1% everyone else…

Background Pony

Background Pony

6,942 150 20

"My name is Lyra Heartstrings, and you will not remember me. You won't even remember this conversation. Just like with everypony else I've ever met, everything I do or say will be forgotten. Every letter I've written will appear blank; every piece of evidence I've left behind will end up missing. I'm stuck here in Ponyville because of the same curse that has made me so forgettable. Still, that doesn't stop me from doing the one thing that I love: making music. If my melodies find their way into your heart, then there is still hope for me. If I can't prove that I exist, I can at least prove that my love for each and every one of you exists. Please, listen to my story, my symphony, for it is me."By: shortskirtsandexplosions…

Story of us

Story of us

18,649 471 35

Their love story is messy and complicated. Yet neither of them would ever change it.Obviously I don't own glee because if I did it would be 99% Quick and 1% everyone else…

☆𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆

☆𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆

38,441 207 32

☆in here it will just mainly be images about rafe Cameron and be free to give me some suggestions hope you all enjoy this p.s there will warnings for anything like smut or anything else☆…

Kissing Frogs

Kissing Frogs

317,006 21,160 31

Because some of us fail at love.| WATTPAD PICKS 3/2/18 |…

Anderperry - Somewhere only we know.

Anderperry - Somewhere only we know.

20,116 951 6

The plan for this is basically a ridiculously sad Anderperry (Todd Anderson x Neil Perry) fic. So yeah, don't read at a family dinner if you don't want to sob.…