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Hyy guys...
I hope you all are doing fine!
Let's get started....


Aksh also cried...maybe he knows he is an orphan now and her mom and dad leave him behind this cruel world.


??? -'s an emergency

Doctor - what happened Mr. Mehra??

??? - doctor my wife...she is screaming...I...I mean her water broke!!

Doctor - ohh no!! Come....nurse shifts her in the operation theatre.

Mr. Mehra - doctor she...

Doctor - she will be alright Mr. Mehra... don't worry.

After 2 hours


The whole hospital listens to her angelic voice. Her mother closed her eyes smiling at her new born child.
The doctor also smiled and wrapped the child in clothes taking steps towards the father of the child.

Doctor - Here Mr mehra your child...babygirl.

Mr mehra smiled at her cute princess...he has waited so long for this moment.
Her beautiful small hazel Blue eyes, her small finger , and most importantly her lovely smile...she is just like an angel on earth.

??? - woww..mehra sahab...your daughter is sooo cuutee.

Mr. Mehra turned and smiled at mr. Singhaniya.

Mr. Mehra - of course singhaniya sahab...she is our Princess naa...not like your rude son..that not even smiled yet.

Mr. Mehra said in a teasing tone..making mr. Singhaniya laughed at him.

Mr. Singhania - it's such a blissful day, isn't it? I had a son and you had a daughter...I love it my broo.

Well it's the beginning of a new story with old twists...the whole concept will be the same but in a new will be defined.
So...are you ready ???

Well let's get an introduction to these new families now.

Mr Rajiv Mehra
The father of our female lead
Kind and jolly man

Mrs. Kajal Rajiv Mehra
Mother of our female lead

Kind, sweet

Tanmay singhaniya
Father of male lead
Sweet kind man

Mrs samita tanmay singhaniya
Mother of our male lead
Housewife but jewellery designer
Sweet kind.

In another room

??? - baccha

Suddenly the door opened signalling two men  coming there with a Lil angle

??? - woww Rajiv..your..your??

Rajiv smiled and nodded his head signalling the woman who is mrs Smita to hold her daughter in her lap.

Rajiv - Bhabhi...Lil princess

Tanmay took the small devil from Smith's hand and Smita held our Lil princess.

Tanmay gestures the child in his hands to look towards the Lil angle.

Tanmay - Tahir look..look son there is our Princess.

Tahir smiled for the first time looking at her...tanmay looked at tahir and exclmied

Tanmay - heyy..see our tahir smiled...he is soo cute.




Let's meet soon...
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