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Hyu my dear berries...
I'm fine and hope from you all too..
Without wasting time let's start.....


After 20 mins he left her lips and looked at her eyes... unknowingly she blushed.

Soon her eyes captured something that..

A big truck coming towards them... before they could react the car got clashes with the truck.

💥 BOOM 💥

In a moment of friction the car got clashed with the truck. The glasses broke and cut the skin of tahir and yn. Within seconds, the road is filled with the noise of an accident. The car was flipped above.


Their screamed roaring again in the silent Street.
The glasses made their skin apart leading to the flow of blood.

Yn hold tahir hands

Yn - Ta...tahir...tahir w..wake..wake up..wake up.

He jerked his hands making him regain some consciousness.

He looked at her and a slip of water flowed from his eyes. He had never dreamed that he could see his doll in this state.

Her face is full with cuts and blood..her clothes are drenched from her blood.

Tahir - D..doll are hurt!??

He hold her hands more tightly.
She smiled a bit and tried to come near him.

Yn - Ta..tahir I lov.. love you ❤️

She said and the tears found their way to flow.

Tahir - i...I love... I love you too doll!... nothing..w..will happen..happen!

Yn - N..No...tah...tahir it's..too..too late

Tahir - Do..doll thank you....for... for standing next me are!!

He opened his seat belt and got near her whispering the words. He slowly hugged her while opening her seatbelt.

Yn - Ta...tahir

Tahir - Shhhhh...

He peaked on her lips

Tahir - y... you're o..only mine..we will

Yn - will together

They smiled and

?? - N.. nothing will happen you yn..just stay a...awake..please... please f...for aksh.

??? - Take her to OT...Naina don't worry nothing will happen.

Naina - m.. ma'am yn.. please her

Naina got into her knees..

Doctor - please Naina take care of yourself.. let's go

She instructed nurses and went inside the operation theatre

Naina is crying there. Her clothes are also soaked from yn blood.

??? - Naina...

She heard a manly voice and the sound of a baby crying.

Naina - ja...jay....yn..

Jay - stop crying Naina...aksh is already crying..we can't anything

Naina shares a view aksh crying..maybe he is crying for his mommy!
She took him in her arms.

Jay - don't worry...yn will be fine

He said it but he also knows that it has a very low chance...her surviving chance is equal to 0.0000001%

The lights off OT gets off after 5 hours.
The doctor came with a worried face.
She looked once at Jay who is sitting there with a rage on his face and then Naina who is staring at yn's baby.
She sighed before saying

Doctor - Naina..

Naina - y..yes doctor..yn..yn is okay na now..she is..out..of danger???

Jay also came and starred at doctor

Doctor - we can't say...her surviving chance is very low..she already lost a lot of blood and-

Jay - then arrange bloods na

Doctor - it's arranged but her brain is not responding..some pieces of glasses damaged her heart and lungs. Her internal organs are failing to support.
She will be conscious in a few can meet her.

She said and wiped a tear from her eyes before leaving.

Naina and Jay got stunned. They looked at a small child who is now alone.

Naina - please... please don't... please

??? -pleas..e ta...take care....of... of my child

Naina - yn please... please don't say..say this!

Yn - s..shut w..will be very..very angry but..but ta.. take care... of hi..him.

Jay - y...yn ta...tahir no..more..

A tear escaped from Jay's eyes..he never thought about saying like this but destiny made him.

Yn looked stunned at him. Tears made a way out of her eyes more

She looked at Naina...and then aksh
She touched aksh and...kisses on his forehead.

Yn - I'm going..going to t..tahir....he will..will be angry if..I'd i got la..late.

Naina - yn ... please d... don't ji...jiju saved you and you...h... how aksh

Yn - j..Jay

He took her hand and nodded

Yn - pro..promise you and...and Naina will take..take care of aksh yo.yours now... please

Jay - yn do.. don't s..say a w..word we..

Yn - I..can... can't without ta.. tahir please

Jay looked down and nodded.

Jay - promise.. promise I'll always...take care of him.. I'll always protect him.

Yn - n..Naina.. please take...take care of him.

Naina -

She smiled and remembered all the happy moments she spent with her parents, brother, and Tahir.

Her fights with her brother...the cute scolds of her mother...the hugs of father....jiya being always her second mother....the panipuri and momos fight with Naina...her first day in hospital...his first stare...his first touch...her becoming his obsession.....Him making her fall in love with him...his smile...the moments he saved her...their fights...his kisses...his hugs...him looking at her.....her pregnancy....aksh first stare...aksh first smile.....their love.

She missed it.

She smiled and....

Naina - YN... PLEASE YN

Aksh also cried...maybe he knows he is an orphan now and her mom dad leaves him behind this cruel world.


??? - Aaghhhhhhhh
??? - Bhabhi has courage
??? - It's a little baby girl angel

Guys thank you patience and sorry for being late.
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