24- I've had enough.

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After telling the Cullen's what i smelt in our house, we all get to work trying to figure out exactly who started all this and why they would make themselves known by going into the house.

After a few hours of contemplating reasons, i grow tired, Not physically tired, that would be impossible, but mentally exhausted.

"Whoever did this has very cleverly orchestrated this whole thing." Carlisle says

"Could it have been Victoria behind all of this?" Bella asks

"No, i would have seen her decide, it has to be someone else" Alice says

"But what if it's someone playing with the blind spots in your ability. It would have to be someone who knows us and our powers" Emmet says

"But that still leads us back to square one: who is the orchestrator" I say, standing up "I'm going to the library" I say as i walk away


I've been sitting here for the last few hours. It's nice being alone, it gives me time to thing.

I look up as i hear something, placing a he open book down besides me as he walks over.

"There is no point in asking if you are ok, because i can feel that you're not" He tells me "Do you want me to change it?"

"No" I say with a sigh "I think, for once, i'm finally thinking clearly" I say as he moves his arm around me and i move myself further into his side, looking at him.

"And what is there to see exactly?" He asks me

"Do you ever feel like our lives revolve around Bella and Edward?" I ask, suddenly

He takes a moment to think

"I guess, yes." He says, only answering the question and allowing me to continue my ranting

"Ever since she moved here, it feels like my life is being dictated by her and her problems." I say "A month before she got here we were talking about moving out of our houses and moving in together and now... now i feel like she's made us stay... and i can't do it anymore!"

Its quiet again as i sigh and lean back in silence

"Its stupid, i know-"

"I agree" Jasper says

"About what"

"We shouldn't let anyone else stop us from moving forward" He says, making me push myself up.

He looks away as if he is considering something before he speaks

"Do you still want to move in to another place?" He asks with his light accent

"Of course" I say

"Then lets do it"

"Really? You think we could?" I ask in an almost whisper

"Yes ma'am, i think we could" He says as i squeal an excited squeal and throw my arms around him as i shower his face with kisses. He laughs at me, but i don't mind, i'm too happy right now.


rlly short one you guys, ive got an autumn cold setting in and i feel like poop. Hope you liked the story progression in this chapter, sorry if you think it's too fast. I think that this should be ok as they have spoken about moving in together in many different chapters and i also wanted to reference Bella and Edwards control over them and their relationship moving forward.

Edited and updated 2025

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