Chapter 4 Zade

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Fuckk! Holly shit!My heart clenches as I see her so vulnerable and fragile in the hospital bed. It is me ..
I am the monster.I just tried to rape her .She is right I am an asshole .A jerk !
The bruises marring her delicate skin. I feel this familiar roar of anger again .I punch the wall with all my might. Glass shatters, and the sound of cracking wood echoes through the room.
My anger is now boiling over, consuming me from the inside out. She's so small and fragile! I will destroy myself for hurting such an angel! I pick up a nearby vase and throw it against the window in my rage.
My eyes trace down to her long, dark hair, fanning out on the hospital pillows and to her red lips, swollen from the attack.It drives me crazy.I would never forgive myself never Ever ...
i just slap myself hard across the face, the sound echoing in the hospital room. My knuckles white with restrained fury. "This is my fault I'll make it right, I swear on my life." It s not possible .I did what I did to her.She probably hates me.
Roar of anguish.My fist is bloodied !!!I just stand here punching myself in the face, the impact making a sickening crunch. Tears stream down my face as I clutch at the wound.Fuck it! Breathing ragged. "I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry"
This nurse!!....
My eyes snap to the nurse. I take a step forward, my body tenses with aggression. "What do you do to her?Touch her more than necessary? Make her hurt?" My chest heaves as I listen to the nurse's explanation, my anger simmering just below the surface. I glare at her, not quite trusting her words. "You better not have touched her at all, you hear me? One wrong move and you're dead."
The nurse, unfazed by Zade's menacing demeanor flirts shamelessly, her words dripping with honeyed intent. "Well, aren't you just the most handsome thing I've seen all day? I bet you know how to take care of a girl, don't you, big guy?" He takes a step closer to the nurse, his voice dropping to a menacing whisper. "Listen up, sweetheart...You think you're cute trying to flirt with me while my woman is laid up in that bed?" Oh my fuckking god
"Your woman ...Serious .She s too weak to confront either of us !" ... I will kill this bitch

"You will not speak about my woman like that. Do you understand me?Or I swear I'll make you regret every single word " I brushed past her to see my Stella.
Zade hears his wife's soft voice coming from the room _a cough_ and immediately drops the nurse, not caring where she falls as he rushes to his wife's side. He enters the room, pausing at the sight of his woman on the bed.
My heart sinks .My wife avoiding my gaze. He approaches the bed slowly, softening to a gentle whisper. Please look at me.
I am a monster .Luckily she did not notice my bloodied fist .My gaze takes in her innocent eyes, her delicate body barely visible under the hospital sheets. I reach out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, thick with emotion. You're so beautiful, even when you're hurt.I am sorry as hell .
Talk please .Say something .
She doesn't .My heart hurts.
I follow her gaze and see her looking at a small bird outside the window. I chuckle softly, a small smile on my lips. "L likes birds, huh?"
She smiles back to me .Wow .Gorgeous!
My gaze lingers on the way the hospital sheets hug the curves of my wife's body, remembering her days as a model. I swallow hard, my eyes tracing the lines of her face, taking in every detail. You look like a damn angel, even with those tubes and wires .I keep it to myself!
Fuckk !I can see the smile on her face fade, replaced with a frown. "Who the fuck is that?" ...No !!I lost my control on her again ...
My anger boils over at the sight of my wife looking breakable and fragile.
I should leave her .Now .I am loosing control again...ON HER .Shit

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