White Dandelion| Seongjoong

White Dandelion| Seongjoong

7,708 1,171 63

~-Czasem najtrudniejszym jest przyznanie się przed sobą, że jedyną osobą, która cię nienawidzi jesteś ty sam.~White DandelionNajwiększym kłamstwem młodości jest wmawianie, że to najlepszy okres twojego życia, podczas, gdy to właśnie mając dwadzieścia lat najbardziej pragniesz usunąć się w cień. Hongjoong splotem przypadków zaczyna pracę jako asystent wiceprezesa w dużej firmie. Prócz doświadczenia do CV, znajduje tam również człowieka, który okazuje się jego największym przeciwieństwem, a zarazem pierwszą szansą w życiu.…

Book 2! Black Butler/ Waking up in the Trancy demon's Manor

Book 2! Black Butler/ Waking up in the Trancy demon's Manor

476 1 8

Before You Read! This book comes after Black Butler Book of Circus/ Stray Cat Joker x Reader X Dagger that I wrote!Later on, in my other books continue. The main characters that get attached to the reader are Undertaker and Sebastian.Why..am I having such bad luck? Where are my circus friends? I woke up in a big queen-sized bed one day. In lots of pain.Till you hear the door open. This story was a quiz on another website, this links to a few story parts I'm working on updating.…

Monochromatic [SK translate]

Monochromatic [SK translate]

2,786 533 32

Greyson Black žil v čiernej a bielej tak dlho ako si len pamätá. Narodený s achromatopsiou, vzácnou chorobou, ktorá z jeho života vytlačila zafarbenie, Greyson nikdy neobjavil farbu. To bolo, dokým ho jeho mama nezapísala na hodiny umenia v komunitnom centre. Tam stretol Olive, nepredvídateľné dievča, ktoré mu túži ukázať, aký prekrásny je život s farbami. Ako sa snažia pochopiť farby - a jeden druhého - naučia sa, aké vzrušujúce to dokáže byť. //©northlane 2015 all rights reserved. First Slovak translation of this story by dominikav…

Avengers Zodiacs

Avengers Zodiacs

61,638 5,570 88

*lepiej tego nie czytaj, pisałam to prawie dwa lata temu*Zodiaki Avengers w moim wykonaniu z gościnnymi występami postaci takich jak np. Loki, Spider-Man, Ant-Man i paru innych...…

[Hypnosis Mic] Cooking Together

[Hypnosis Mic] Cooking Together

1,774 114 14

Riou feeds Dice, and he teaches cooking to Doppo. Of course they end up hanging out together. Not that Doppo or Dice are particularly happy about that.Comedy, fluff, no plot, no point. Just guys who kind of dislike each other hanging out, making food, and bantering.Content warning for eating bugs (cooked into food). Which is just, like, the normal "Riou makes food" content warning, I guess, so. Content warning for canon-typical eating of bugs and birds and things, haha. Additional content warnings included before relevant parts.Originally posted by me on Archive of Our Own as the "Survival Cooking Trio" series, consisting of three stories: "TFW You Have Dinner With Your Rival but He's Not Even a Cool Rival so it Just Kind of Sucks", "TFW You Go To Get Cooking Lessons but Your Rival is There and He Keeps Insulting You but You Kind of Deserve It so It's Whatever", and "Momiji Nabe". Split into fourteen bite-size parts, publishing daily until completion.Usual fanfiction disclaimers apply; characters and concepts are not my own. Hypnosis Mic belongs to Evil Line Records and Otomate. Cover image and chapter banners from Pexels free stock photos.…



5,946 579 18

Melodi sedih ini menyerupaimuItu membuatku menangisAromamu adalah kejahatan manisAku benci sangat membencimu tapi aku mencintaimu…

KNY Various x F! Hashira Reader

KNY Various x F! Hashira Reader

281,029 7,611 29

Y/N is the Divine Pillar. She posseses the ability an angel has, from abilities, to kindness, to beauty! She hasn't shown herself to the rest of the Hashiras yet, but still holds a close bond to them. She is able to switch from her katana, to her spear, and her bow. After she meets Tanjiro while visiting Urokodaki, she decides to stick by him. Trouble begins to stir in Mt.Natagumo and she finally reveals herself to the Hashiras and reveals that she is indeed a Hashira to the Kamaboko squad…

Zodiaki z Danganronpy 3

Zodiaki z Danganronpy 3

52,938 2,043 200

Czy to ptak? Czy samolot? NIE! To 3 część ziodiaków!…

Prove That Its Real, And Not A Dream [Complete]

Prove That Its Real, And Not A Dream [Complete]

13,643 368 8

Grelliam, if you like Grellbastian better, go read my Grellbastian one, and if you dont like when people refer to Grell as female then get out. also if you are not okay with things like cutting and attempted suicide maybe this story isnt for you, for others prepare yourself for the drama and Enjoy.…

❝BTS zodiak❞ |PL|

❝BTS zodiak❞ |PL|

92,967 2,535 136

Od czasu do czasu sprawdziam tę story i jejku, widzę że jest coraz więcej osób czytających tą książkę, dziękuję wszystkim którzy zdecydowali się przeczytać te zodiaki. Naprawdę mi miło❤…

Love Isn't Always Easy (Sebastian x Reader x Ciel)

Love Isn't Always Easy (Sebastian x Reader x Ciel)

160,081 5,075 33

Love isn't always easy, there are choices and decisions to make. It's 2014, you are best friends with a boy with an eyepatch and his butler, a demon. You turn 15 this year, and so does Ciel. You then realize now that you have grown feelings for them. But you have to make a choice. Which one? Sebastian? Ciel? Both? Or none? I do not own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or the cover of this. But it's is a nice picture if I say so myself.…

Little Problems (Black Butler x Modern! Reader)

Little Problems (Black Butler x Modern! Reader)

17,192 570 7

(Y/n) was your normal anime lovin' girl. Then they started showing up. She now has to take care of a house full of five year old black butler characters. How will she survive taking care of reapers, humans, demons, a doll, an angel, and a demon hound.I do not own Kuroshitsuji it belongs to Yana Toboso.**Not a romance…

Who are your parents? ✔️

Who are your parents? ✔️

8,975 274 10

| B L A C K B U T L E R || C O M P L E T E D |Annabell Michaelis-Faustus.A demon in training.While her parents are busy making contracts, Annabell has to stay with the Undertaker since her parents do not want her to be caught in the middle of their contracts. When Alois decides to throw a ball, he finds out that Annabell is related to Claude which Alois uses this knowledge to his advantage.{ w a r n i n g : yaoi }…

The Fire Cat Empress [ Black Butler Boys X Modern Reader] (Completed)

The Fire Cat Empress [ Black Butler Boys X Modern Reader] (Completed)

336,691 8,192 50

[BLACK BUTLER BOYS X READER]#207 in FanfictionEveryone thought that you are just a normal girl who likes anime, but the truth that you are hiding from everyone is a big secret.When you finally reach the age of seventeenth, the laptop you play suddenly die, there's a mysterious letter infront of your door, suddenly you appear in Queen Victoria palace and she gave you a mission?!What will you do? What will happen when you meet the boys from black butler? How about the mission?Curious? Just read it then! It was an exciting, funny, sad and happy journey, all in one! It's a Various Kuroshitsuji boys x reader (not with ciel and alois cause I will put them to be like your little brother)I'm sorry if I'm not good with description'Don't judge a book by its cover'*Copyright baka_aka_neko© please don't steal my idea.*The covers made by my cousin @kieruvee…

Zodiaki Countryhumans

Zodiaki Countryhumans

433 13 5

brak. Polska w kiblu spuścił…

Kuroshitsuji Crack!

Kuroshitsuji Crack!

6,347 231 14

This is a book of crack stories for Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji). I do not own Black Butler or its characters, they belong to Yana Toboso.…

Good The End

Good The End

145 0 6

Seseorang pernah berkata, Allah itu tidak melihat perjalanan hidup seseorang, yang Ia lihat adalah akhirnya. Bahkan, terlihat baik saja mesti selalu berbenah dan tidak boleh percaya diri ia akan masuk surga. Bagaimana bisa? Rasulullah sendiri yang mengatakan ada yang beramal bagai ahli surga semasa hidupnya hingga diumpamakan jarak dengannya tinggal satu hasta, namun di akhir hidupnya ia melalukan perbuatan ahli neraka. Masuklah ia ke dalam neraka. Jangan jumawa wahai orang baik! Rasulullah yang dijamin surga dan termasuk maksum (terhindar dari dosa) saja selalu waspada dan mohon ampun. Sholat, sujud dan rukuknya lama betul. Beliau, yang namanya terpuji langit dan bumi hanya mengatakan, tidak bolehkah aku menjadi hamba-Nya yang bersyukur?Berkaca, apalagi kamu yang masih usang di sana-sini. Mendekatlah kepada Allah, maka Allah akan mendekat kepadamu lebih-lebih. "Jika ia mendekat kepada-Ku sejengkal, Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta. Jika ia mendekat kepada-Ku sehasta, Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa. Jika ia datang kepada-Ku dengan berjalan (biasa), maka Aku mendatanginya dengan berjalan cepat." (Hadits Qudsi riwayat Bukhari Muslim).…

You're My Brother and I'm You're Princess

You're My Brother and I'm You're Princess

3,471 136 9

This is a Kuroshitsuji fanfic.Celestia is alone, more alone than she's ever been.She's the Queen's daughter, though she's never been shown to the public.Most of the servants think she's a myth.High ranked servants aren't aloud to speak of her.She's never been aloud to have a suitor and her mother is strict with everything.What if a boy and his butler that have 'killed' the Queen...Find this one girl?A world of adventure she's only seen in books will finally come to life.…

Zodiaki z Kuroshitsuji!

Zodiaki z Kuroshitsuji!

1,265 56 11

tytuł mówi sam za siebie HAU!by IgnqcyPieselokładka by AmeliaTheEnd…