Chapter Twenty-Nine:

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Aiden's kissing my face all over.

Amanda is giving us death glares, and Maggie and Ashley were confused as hell.

They know how much I hate Aiden and Amanda, so why am I with them at McDonald's?

Truth be told.

I have no idea...

When Aiden told me he wants me to go with him and the others to McDonald's, I just agreed to it to get out of the house.

It's a long weekend, and trust me, no teenager wants to be alone at home for five days. Ignoring pretty much everyone around the table, Aiden is focused on kissing me to death.

In public.

His kisses aren't the same as Hunter's and I feel myself longing for his instead.

I didn't try to push him off or anything, even though it wasn't his lips I want, because I know that Amanda would realise something.

Aiden's lips aren't as pleasant as I remember them, and I think it is because I know where else these perfectly shaped lips were.

He finally pulls away when they call our number to fetch our food.

He rises to get it and that's when Amanda leans in towards me.

"What's the deal, Julia?" She sneers and I shrug, turning my face away from hers.

I could never look at her without feeling betrayed.

"Nothing, Amanda. I just missed him, and I believe everyone deserves a second chance." I smile at her, and she smirks.

"Yeah, but not for the same mistake," her blue eyes bores into mine, "you're just looking for revenge. If I didn't know you better, I would've believed you, but I know you, Julia. I know that you're just using him. Just like you used Hunter."

Of course, she knows.

Hunter never talked to me after our last encounter after school yesterday.

He didn't text me or call, but Bianca and Steph did.

They were disappointed in me.

To tell the truth, I was also disappointed in me.

I thought I knew better.

I look at Amanda who gives me one last tight smile before turning to face Maggie.

She's right, I am always looking for revenge.

I think back to Hunter's words and feel my heart break again.

I quickly rise from my seat, and everyone turns to look at me, Aiden is now next to me.

"Julia? What's wrong?" He asks, putting the food down and turning to face me.

He grabs both of my arms and looks into my eyes.

There isn't a trace of concern in them.

Only confusion.

"Aiden...I..." I look at him and press my lips together, "I don't think this will work..."

He looks shocked and I hear the others gasp, "What? Why not?" His eyes show more confusion, but not sadness.

He will never feel the way I felt for him. "Amanda was right." I don't dare to face her victory smile.

"What do you mean?"

I sigh and pull away from him, "I... it's just not meant to be."

I turn around and make my way outside.

I pull out my phone I dial Bianca's number.

She answers on the third ring.


"Come pick me up at McDonald's in Main Street. I need to see Hunter," I answer slowly. I made a terrible mistake and I must fix it.



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