Chapter Twenty-Four:

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Chapter Twenty-Four:

My mom and dad aren't home.

It's the first thing I notice when I got back home.

The house is unusually quiet and even the television is quiet.

Maybe they are out again to avoid each other.

They do that constantly and I can't help but worry if they had another fight while I was out.

Did Dad hit her again?

Was he drunk?

Did Mom break more plates?

I walk further inside and look into the kitchen.

No life. No broken plates.

No blood.

I stop myself from counting the little plates we already have or opening the bin to see the scattered pieces.

I make my way to the fridge and my eye catches a little note attach to it.

I grab it and read it quickly, then I read it two more times to make sure I didn't make a mistake.

I didn't.

Julie, sorry for not answering your text last night, we were out with some old high school friends. We are together today also, on a double date.

I start to smile.

Maybe there is a little hope for my parents.

Maybe wishes do come true and maybe my dad does feel very guilty for only blaming my mom for how they life had turned out.

Maybe...just maybe.

I make my way to my room, the smile never leaving my face.

Last night was a blast with my friends and now there is just more good news.

Hopefully this blissful moment never ends.

I hum a song, but I can't get the words to form in my head.

What is the song's name?

I heard it last night while watching one of the many movies.

I sit down on my bed and take hold of my phone, there is four messages, two from Steph thanking me for last night and one from Hunter.

The other one is an unknown number.

I open Hunter's text first.

Hunter: Thank you for last night. I wish I could have met you sooner.

My smile gets bigger and I reply to Steph's text.

I open the unknown number's text.

My smile falters.

"Aiden is in the hospital thanks to you, I hope you're happy now." ~A

I frown at this.

Why would he be in the hospital?

Why thanks to me?

What did I do?

I didn't even touch him and if I did, he wouldn't be in the hospital.

He would be six feet underground.

I type back.

"What do you mean in the hospital?"

Her answer comes through in barely a minute, " He tried committing suicide when he saw you and Hunter together at the carnival."


Dramatic drama king much?


It's short, but don't be mad!!! The next chapter will be great!!!!

Aiden attached.


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