(By: Leonperricas-Tumblr)
Patton: *Confused screaming* aaAHHHAA?! AHHHHHHH--
Logan: Help--
(By: finiteframe3-Tumblr)
Virgil: *bored boi, humming quietly to himself*
Roman: You all look wonderful! :3
Logan: I'd rather not look like I just came out of a Disney movie but since the even is completely unavoidable, I'll settle for this. *sighs and reads his book*
Patton: I feel so royal! X3
Virgil: Not bad...*Shrugs and chuckles*
Roman: I look very handsome as a nerd~! *Smirks*
Logan: You're all stealing my look--
Patton: I feel so smart!! Look Lo! I have a kitty tie tin thingy! *smiles*
Virgil: It's not terrible, not great either..*Sighs*
Roman: I have a caPE--
Logan: *smiling slightly* I see how one could enjoy this look...*Looking to Patton*
Patton: You all look so amazing! X33
Virgil: I feel like a dad- *Huffs and rolls eyes*
Patton: Well DAD's great, Virge! >:3
Virgil:..*Snickers and shakes head* Stop-
Roman: This is....S-so messy...*Lifts his arm and looks at the sleeve* How do you wear this?!
Logan: I'd prefer for everything not to look so torn but, as I said the first time I saw the jacket, it definitely is a jacket...*Nods*
Patton: *Squeals excitedly and put cat ears on* Purrrrfect! X3
Virgil: *Smiling* You all look cool in the hoodie and shirt..*Nods*
(All by: Finiteframe3-Tumblr)
Virgil: Hey..
Virgil: Hey Princey..
Roman: What?
Virgil: You jealous? *Smirks*
Roman: Ha-Wha me? Of who?? Logan?
Virgil: *Shrugs* Well yeah, he's only smarter and objectively better than you.
Roman: Smarter?! But of course! He's a nerd!
Virgil: *Nods* Mhhm. A nerd who's smarter and objectively better than you.
Roman: Preposterous!
Virgil: Your mum's preposterous
Roman: *marrows his eyes* Why you little-
Logan: *Somewhere* FALSEHOOD!
Roman: *pulls his sword and does a girly scream* AHHH--
Virgil: *Jumps and goes more or less right next to Roman* Geh-
Roman: Pfft-
Virgil: *Starts laughing as well and his head falls onto Roman's shoulder, covering his mouth* Pffffffttt-- OhMygOd--
Roman: *Laughing as well* BAHAHAHAHAH--
(All by: SparklingNilhilism-Tumbrl)
(By: cartooncommubackup-Tumblr)
-Imma just say this is a dream he's having because of him throwing up the crap from Harrison-- XDD-
Max: *in his tent having the "dream", still keeps throwing up magical things when he's awake*
(By: Max-as-hell -Tumblr)
-this isn't a ship! It's more of two devious best friends XDD-
Max: *Talking to Sasha* So that's when we use the foghorn and scare the sh*t out of everyone.
Sasha: *Smirks and nods* We should honestly make more plans more often! *chuckles* you're pretty good at this. *Shrugs*
Max: *Nods* Give yourself some credit too, Sasha. *Shrugs and chuckles*
Last one is a really dark kind of MaxPres thingy...
TW of implications of self harm...
I'm putting this here mainly because the art looked cool...
If you don't want to see a small rp that implicates the topic of self harm, then...
Hope you guys liked this :3
See ya later bunnies~!
So I don't think the artist did a part two of this small comic so imma make up some context XD
Preston and Max were talking...probably about shows?? And the Preston wanted to write a thing ^^
I'm never Preston because I'm crap at playing as him sooooo have fun with what the written thing would be :3 XD
(By: Crackerjack.jay-Tumblr)
Preston: Gimme your arm, I wanna right something...!
Max: *Eyes widen and tries to stop Preston, keeps stuttering* W-W-Wait I- *Watches his sleeve get rolled up and tenses up*...*Stays quiet*...
Sorryyyy ;-; here!
Baby bunny yawning :3 ^^"
Hope you guys liked this!
See ya layer bunnies~!
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