Le King Toast

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He looks so small in this-- XDD
I Swear he isn't a kid XDD

(Poor boi-- XDD)
Toast: *Just had a large crown and a long robe thingy put on him*...D-Do I have to wear all of this ALL O-of the time..? *raises a brow*
Le smol maid: *Nods happily* Of course..! It shows your pride of your country and your title. It's also a very traditional type of outfit fit for a king, sir! *Smiles*
Toast:...C-Couldn't I just...Say my title without being dragged down by all of this..?? ._."
Maid: I'm afraid not..*Shakes head*

I'm too pale for Winter Season--
Imma die XDD
Hope you guys liked this?
See ya later bunnies~!

Would you guys get annoyed If I posted another RAD After like...5-6 chapters between the last one..??
Motivation is hard to have 24/7--
And I'm also kinda crappy at editing bases XD and drawing .-. Soooo...

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