Guitar Villain part 2 + Author note

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I want to show my Oc in hero form

The base is from Sirena93 and it's from DeviantArt

*Italics+ underline mean muttering or whispering*

*Italics mean thoughts*

(Y/n's Pov)

Once I was done with throwing away that abomination, I caught up to Mari.

I was jokingly acting like Bob and she was laughing.

Once we made it outside, I spotted Adrien coming out of his car.

"Hi Y/n."

"Hi Adrien."

With those words spoken, Marinette immediately hid behind me like a shy kid going to kindergarten for the first time.

"Uh, Hi Adrien!"

"You're such a squirrel."

"Quiet you"

"As you command, My Queen."

Adrien looked at us questionably.

"Don't mind Mari, she's just having a jumpy day."

"Ah okay, I thought something was wrong."

"Only thing that's wrong is Mari's confidence."


"The day you speak at least 3 sentences to him, I'll consider that you're confidence has evolved."

"So, whatcha doing here, Adrien?"

Before Adrien could answer my question, Chloe came out of nowhere.

"Hi Adrikins!"

Chloe ran up to Adrien to hug him.

"There you are! Amazing Chloe has a surprise for you! She knows you're a fan of Jagged Stone's."

Adrien nodded in confirmation.

"I am."

"So, you get a private meeting with your favorite star. He's staying right here in daddy's hotel."

"Um yeah, everyone in class was there when it happened, Barbie."

"WHAT did you say?!"

"We were all there when Jagged signed into your father's hotel."


Mari snorted at the comment I made under my breath.

"What's so funny!?"

"That you think what you wear is fashionable."


Mari held her stomach as she wheezed and laughed.

Adrien speed-walked over to Mari to make sure she was okay.

"Wait, Adrikins! What she said was so wrong! Why are you helping Dupain-Cheng!"

"Cause unlike you he ain't heartless, you wench!"

"Did you just call me a tool!"

"Not really but sure, that works too."

*GROANS* "You are insufferable, utterly insufferable!"

I walked over to Adrien to speak with him.

"You know me and Mari actually met Jagged earlier."


"Yup, he even asked for us."

This should really rile up Chloe, hehehe.


She ran up to me and looked at from top to bottom.

"What would Jagged possibly see in you or Dupain-Cheng?"


Just when Mari caught her breath from laughing, she started dieing all over again.

"Excuse me!? I have talent!"

"Using Sabrina as a slave and being rich and popular don't count."

During the conversation, we all had moved into the Lobby.

Somehow we ended up by the elevators.

"Can you believe her, Adrikins! So rude!"

"Well she's not wrong."

*Gasps* "What!?"

I held my hand to my mouth like there was a microphone in it.

"Oh, how the tables have turned ladies and gentlemen. What will happen next?"

Adrien had one of Mari's arms around him, holding her up since all she could do was laugh.

Then out of nowhere, an akumatized villain appeared!


"From now on, you can call him Guitar Villain! He'll never do a duet with Mr XY! In fact, soon, there won't even be a Mr XY! Rock n' Riff Baby!"

We all ducked, not knowing what powers he had or could do.

He played his guitar and you could see the sound waves.

They were purple and white and they hit the interviewer and Mr Roth.

Once the sound waves were gone, the two began to rock out randomly, knocking things over in the process.

"This outta be fun."

"Soon, they'll be nothing but Guitar Villain fans. The one and only rocker on earth."

"Adrikins, get me out of here!"

Adrien grabbed Chloe by her shoulders and put her in the elevator.

Me, Adrien and Mari all hid behind a biggish flower vase by the stairs.

"Yeah, Guitar Villain! Woo!"

"Adrien, me and Mari are gonna hide, you should find somewhere too."


I grabbed Mari and ran up the stairs and hid her in a brooms closet.

"Stay here, Mari. I'm gonna see what happened to Penny."

"Okay, stay safe."

I closed the door, and ran to an empty room.

Taani flew out my bag.

"Wow, this should be interesting!"

"And hopefully not to easy, I like a bit of a challenge."

"Taani, Let's ambush!"

Once I transformed, I swung out a window and followed the mayhem Guitar Villain left in his tracks.

I also caught up with Chat.

"Hey Jagged, try to rock our worlds."

"The name's Guitar Villain, pussycats."

"Awesome Solo!"

The sound waves he played were orange and yellow now.

Me and Chat leaped out the way of the beam.

Once the beam stopped the fountain broke where the beam hit it.

Me and Chat dodged the beam as Guitar Villain tried to hit us.

Me and Chat tried attacking him, but the dragon stopped us.


Me and Chat ran away from the fire Fang was breathing at us.

"Awesome Solo!"

While Chat was still in shock mode from the fire, he was hit with the beam!


"Welcome to my fan club, baby!"

Once Guitar Villain quit holding Chat up, I tried attacking him.

"You won't get away with hurting Chat!"

Right before Chat became fried from Fang's fire breath, Ladybug came blocked the attack.

"Chat Noir, you okay?"

"Good to see you, M'lady."

"You sure you're okay Chat?"

"I'm fine, thanks for worrying, Frosty."

"Why wouldn't I? We're a team, we're incomplete without you!"

The dragon roared and came in for another attack.

Ladybug lassoed Chat and threw him at the dragon.

"Chat Noir, you're baton!"

Chat got the message and used his baton to pry the dragon's mouth open before it could eat Chat.

It worked for awhile but Chat had fallen from the dragon and caught his baton as he fell.

But he also hit his face against a traffic light.

"Ooo, that's a pain that's gonna linger."

I ran up to Chat to make sure he didn't hurt himself too bad.

"You're wasting my time! I've got a concert to get to!"

"C'mon, we gotta follow him!"

We all used our weapons to get on top of a building.

"His power comes from playing his guitar, we've gotta keep him from performing."

"Well, the show must go on."

We all arrived at the Eiffel Tower just before Guitar Villain could harm an innocent person.

"You lot again!"

"To the TV studios, Fang!"

With that, he left and flew over to the TV station.

While LB and Chat we're talking how to get there, I comforted Theo.

"I remember you, are you okay?"

"Ah, I'm fine thanks to you all."

Ladybug was calling the TV station to tell them about the super villain that was coming.

"Would you like a ride down to the bottom to try and calm your nerves? You still look a bit shaken up."

"Um sure, if it's alright."

"It's not a problem."

"Hey LB, I'm gonna help him down, I'll meet up with you guys later."


I grabbed Theo and hooked right arm around my shoulder and was ready for take off.

"You ready?"

*Gulp* "I never realized it was so high up."

"Try not to think about it too much, and hang on tight, okay?"


I wrapped my baton whip around the fence we were standing on and leapt off the side.

Theo tightly closed his eyes for a while before opening them.

We were swinging all around the Eiffel Tower.

Once we made it to the bottom, my whip let go of the fence.

"You should be okay, but take shelter."

"Alright, thank you again."

"Au revoir!"

I swung away to catch up to Ladybug and Chat.

Once I made it to the TV station, Chat and Ladybug arrived too.

"We have to get you to safety."

"So what's this Guitar Villain gonna do, blow me away with his 'evil guitar solo'?"

(LB and Chat) "Yeah!"

"Self absorbed bastard."

"Once we catch Guitar Villain, we'll get you to the Eiffel Tower, just in time for your live performance."

"Tch, who even cares? My roadies can just project my image on stage. Live concerts are so 10 minutes ago."

Just then, he was swopped up by Guitar Villain.

Right after that, we all tried following them but they were fast.

"Back to square one."

"I get the feeling we're in for quite a concert."

"Is that kid even worth saving? He wasn't exactly grateful that we were trying to protect him."

"We have to, you two ready?"

"To Rock n' Riff, baby!"

*Sigh* "Alright."

With that, we all leapt and ran to get to Guitar Villain and XY.

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