*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*
(3rd Person Pov)
Jagged was rocking out, playing his guitar.
"My miraculous!"
Penny clapped, along with Fang wapping is tail to the floor like he was clapping.
Bob Roth, Jagged Stone's producer, stared at him in boredom.
When Jagged finished, he handed his guitar to Penny.
"So, what do you think of the first single of my next album? Can you feel it, Bob? It's it killer?"
"Not bad, Jagged, not bad. But if you really want to be making something killer..."
Bob showed an album with a picture of a guy with way to long of hair. (No offence to Present Mic)
"Let's talk about this duet with Mr XY."
Jagged looked at the album.
"No way, he's not a rocker. He's a baby! I bet he doesn't even shave yet."
"Well, this 'baby' just pushed you out of the Number 1 sales spot."
"And? Doesn't make him a true musician like me. Penny thinks everything I'm doing is rockstar material. She thinks I'm killer."
"Penny might be your agent, but I'm your real boss. Listen, bottom line is that Bob Roth Records cannot afford to be Number 2 in sales, or rep a Number 2 rockstar."
Bob Roth turned around, still talking.
"Get real Jagged! You're gonna have to modernize your music, change the way you look, get a whole new style!"
"You wanna talk about real? I'm a genuine rock 'n' roller, Bob, not some popstar in diapers. I'm a real artist with real talent, even my hair is real. And that's what people love about me. It's that right, Fang?"
Fang nodded.
"Yeah. And the artwork you came up with for my album is a waste of my time."
Jagged pointed at stand up posters in his hotel room.
"Seriously, Bob? What is this trash? It looks like a perfume ad!"
"And that's what people want these days!" (Not me, bleh🤢)
"Well I don't. My album covers are raw to the bone, exuding the smell of sweat and leather."
"You do know, don't you, that if you're next album doesn't rank Number 1 on the charts, it'll be the last one you'll ever do with Bob Roth Records!"
"I'd rather put out nothing at all then sing some pathetic duet with a baby-faced nobody."
Penny decided to intervene the argument before things got worse.
"Bob, Jagged and I had an idea. It's concept is modern but it also respects Jagged's own 'rugged' style."
"The school girl's that made these glasses have some real talent. They totally get my style. They're gonna design the cover of my new album."
"A couple of school girl's?"
"See? That's just it. They're the same age as the target audience."
Penny pulled out a piece of paper.
"Here's their addresses."
Bob groans, annoyed that neither of them are cooperating. Fang growled at Bob, scaring him.
"Okay! But just think about that duet with Mr XY!"
"Find those girls, Bob!"
(Y/n's Pov)
"Y/n dear, do you have the macarons ready?!"
"Yup! Be out in a sec!"
Mari called me up asking if I could help her with her families bakery since today was a busy day for them.
She said she already called Alya, but she had to babysit her younger sisters.
I agreed since I didn't really have anything to do.
It had been a good 45 minutes since I started helping and it was quite fun, with some help of course.
A couple minutes later I heard Mari talking to someone, and it wasn't her parents.
I peeked in from the back to some guy talking to her.
"So, are you interested?"
"Uh, wait wait wait, let me get this straight. You want me to design the album cover for Jagged Stone? My, all-time favorite singer?"
"That's right, requested by Jagged Stone himself and one other girl."
I walked up to Mari, curious about what was going on.
"Ah, you're here too. Perfect, less traveling for me."
"Yup, I brought a few visuals so you can get a sense of what we're going for."
He gave Mari the album, but I would of discarded it immediately.
"This doesn't seem like Jagged Stone material, more like a perfume ad."
"This is the direction if his new image, more modern, current."
More like bland and lifeless, bleh.
"Really? Wow, I was thinking more along the lines of..."
"Don't think. This is what selling these days."
"Uh sure."
"And one last thing you two, we're in a hurry. We need a proposal by the end of the day. You two up to it?"
Mari looked to her parents.
"Uh yeah, okay."
"See you later then."
With that, he left.
"My daughter and her friend, famous album cover designer partners. You're gonna kill it, Marinette and Y/n style! Boo-ya!"
Mari's dad high-fived Mari in celebration.
They all hugged and I was pulled in too.
Since the guy needed them by the end of the day, Mari's parents said they'd take care of the shop while we work.
I didn't feel like working much though. Mari put on some 'music', but I'd rather be listening to nails on a chalkboard than this chicken scratch.
While Mari was trying to design the cover, she groaned from the stuff this XY called music.
She turned it off, and bless her for it.
"Why does Jagged Stone want to change his style? XY's music is so..."
"Plain, boring, trash, repetitive. I could go on."
"Right! It's the total opposite of Jagged's. And what I've done, is so not me either."
"Same, are you sure we shouldn't switch it up a bit? I mean this, this is just trash remolded to look like it's good. Just, bleh."
"Y/n, we can't, we were asked to do this."
"I know I was asked along with you, but I just cannot. I mean look at this."
I grabbed the album to show her.
"This guy has the most stupidest hairstyle ever, and who even where's gold chains like that? Who in their right mind would listen to this, of their own free will!?"
*Sigh "I know, but Jagged entrusted us, we have to do a good job."
"I'll do a good job in complaining, that's for sure."
After a while, Mari finished the album cover. We went right to the hotel to show Mr. Stone.
Jagged held the album cover to look it over but immediately spoke.
"What happened to the raw impulsive artistry that made this?"
"Me too."
"Yeah, about that...Mr. Roth told us-"
Mr. Moneybags interrupted Mari.
"Marinette and Y/n are young, Jag. She represents our target audience."
"What, to mind control? Cause that's what it's sound like. A chicken could make better music then that."
Mr. Roth gave me the side eye and spoke again.
"They've come up with a modern concept that's exactly what you need."
"Doesn't it look a lot like the cover of that YZ guy."
"Yeah, he gave us a copy to get 'ideas' from, if you could."
"Marinette, Y/n, don't listen to Bob. Could you two do another one, you know, Jagged-style?"
"Yeah sure-"
Bob touched Mari's shoulders, growling like an animal.
I smacked his hand away from her.
"Don't touch her."
Jagged grabbed mine and Mari's hands.
"You're my girls, Marinette, Y/n, remember; Raw impulsive artistry."
I put a hand to my forehead in salut.
"Will do, Jagged!"
Jagged smiled.
"I think we're all done here, Bob."
Bob stepped infront of Mari and me.
"No, we are not-"
Fang snarled at Bob, scaring him out of his wits.
*Gasps* "Fang!"
I ran up to Fang to hug his neck. He smiled at me and leaned into me.
"I haven't seen you in awhile, have you been a good croc-y?"
He wagged his tail like a dog.
*Giggles* "Good."
I leaned in close to Fang.
"When you get the chance, try to bite Bob's heels or pant leg."
Fang nodded his head.
Penny had grabbed Marinette and was reassuring her about that happened.
I walked over to join Mari with Fang right behind me.
"We are not-"
Fang turned around a snarled at Bob again.
Before me and Mari left, I petted Fang's head.
"Hehe, good croc-y."
He looked like he smiled at me, and went back to join Jagged on the circular couch.
Penny escorted us out to the elevator door and said her farewells to us.
Me and Mari were now currently waiting in the elevator.
"Okay, I gotta say it, I'm so glad we get to make a much better album cover. And, I'm actually excited to do this one."
"Heh yeah, hopefully we can do it."
"Are you kidding me, Mari? He specifically asked for us cause we know his style and can expand upon it through what we do."
"I guess you're right..."
Mari looked at album she had previously made.
I leaned over her shoulder.
"We should chuck that into the sun. Only that celestial being could burn it the right way."
*Laughs* "It is pretty bad, huh?"
"Only cause Mr. Moneybags thinks that monstrosity is what sells these days."
Once we made it the Lobby, Mari stared at the album.
*Laughs* "Alright, would you like to do the honors of throwing it away?"
*Gasp* "It would be my pleasure."
I jokingly bowed to Mari like she were a Queen, which she is.
She handed me the album and I ran and chucked it into the nearest trashcan.
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