Eventually, keeping up a faster pace was really dragging me down. It made it extremly hard to keep my breathing steady, and my speed at the same pace. I knew that eventually I would have to slow down, and take a break. Except that made my mind go crazy because I knew the minute that I stopped, I could be too easy of a target. So I knew the only, answer was to keep going and push myself to get to a safer enviroment. So I slowly kept pushing, and tried to go faster. But out of nowhere I became, dizzy and nasueas. And before I knew it my vision went black, and I hit the ground, but I didn't feel or remember anything that happened after hitting the ground. I woke up to the utter silcence, cold concrete underneath me. Laying in the corner, curled up in a ball, I slowly cracked open my eyes to take a look around. I noticed that I must have been in a basement, that had to be at least 8 by 9 room. There was only one window that appeared to be about 5 feet or further off the ground. The walls, are these odd looking grey bricks, that have a weird texture to them, and hurt when you brush up against them. I finally gain the courage to sit up and look at some more of my surroundings. I must have sat up too fast, because I had a whoozy head, and felt like I was going to pass out. That is when it dawned on me, "When was the last time I ate?" I need to feed my baby, this can't be healthy, and just then I realized I was starving and dehydrated. That is when I became frantic, and began pacing inside of this tiny room, in hopes to distract myslef from my current situation. I must have been pacing for hours, when I heard a loud "clank" and a mysterious deep voice that I don't remember hearing. My mind couldn't register what was going on. All I knew is that this person was talking to me, saying that they were glad that I finally woke up. Then they asked me if I was hungry, if so here is your meal, and slid it underneath the door. I looked down at the cold, distant floor and saw a tray with what appeared to be two grilled cheese sandwhiches, tomato soup, corn, a bottle of water and it looks like a packaged browine with nuts on top. I very quietly, said "Thank you" and they were gone, as I made my way over to get the tray. Thousands, of questions began to spiral around in my mind. Like where am? Why did they take me? What do they have planned? What is going to happen to my baby? What is going to happen to me? I slowly finished my meal, and worried so much I made myself pass out. The last thing I remember was benig curled up in the corner facing away from the door. I was in a deep sleep, dreaming of holding my new born baby smiling down at her telling her how much mommy loved her. And that she meant the absloute world to me, and I promise no one will ever hurt you. When I felt a storg, forced grip on my shoulder shaking me fiercely to wake me. With that deep voice shouting, hey wake up, hey come one wake up already. God only knows how long he or she but most likely he was sitting there doing this, he seemed aggravated. So finally I woke up, and sat up very slowly. He seemed relieved and pissed as he reached out to smack my belly. That is when I cried out "PLEASE NO" "GOD PLEASE, DON'T" and he asked why, and I stutter I.. I am pregnant.. two months to be exact. The look that came across his face, was undeinably pain. How could it be pain? I don't reconginze this man, he has all of his face covered except for his eyes. He is wearing what appears to be a black ski mask, to help hide his identy. All I can see are his dark brown, chocolate eyes. Pericing my soul, like I have done something wrong... but how could I have possibly done that. I don't know this man, at least I think. Howvever, the way he touches me, talks to me, feeds me, it is almost like he doesn't want anything to happen to me. But how could this be that isn't a normal kidnapping. Most kidnapping end up in tradgey the young woman always ends up on the news, proncounced to be deceased.
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