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What made me so irresponsible, just what made me so irresponsible? The whole time, I didn't realize I had been oblivious. While I was consuming all the Indian delicacies and skipping the only exercise I could do, jogging, I gained 10 pounds.

I decided today to go out and jog again after skipping many morning runs the past few weeks, but not before I weighed myself. As it turned out, I put on about 5 kilograms.

'Your daily jog has to be 30 minutes long now, Katie.'

'I don't have to be bossed around for this, Katie.

'If I don't boss you around, your motivation to do that will be low.'

'It's just a few pounds, I'll take care of it. I am not angry to give up my diet for that kind of food. I will handle both.'

'Whatever you say.'

"Let's go Katie." I commanded myself.

I quickly leave the house and as usual, take the stairs.

As of today, I will begin the 30-minute round of the society.

Descending the stairs, I make my way to the society's exit. I try to take in all the details of my surroundings.

A few people were jogging, most of whom appeared to be in their mid-twenties. There are a few cyclers that pass by me as well as daily rushes of cars on the road.

There's chaos here all the time, no peace in the morning as well. In spite of that, I jogged as usual and ignored it. A lot of young people are walking their dogs out here, and some are carrying household necessities.

Running, I was looking around when I stepped on something that was moving, indeed someone. Despite the fear I feel, I cautiously peek down with my one eye. Despite my staring gaze, I was met with a tail and a head. Wouldn't it be nice if it were just a head and a tail, therefore a coin?

Having stared at the dog's eyes, I contemplated what to do next while he stared back with wide glowing eyes, in tandem with me. I thought we had been silent for a very long time, so the dog in front of me decided to break the silence first.

My foot flinched and I realized it was still on his tail. I quickly retreated my leg, but it was too late.

Just as if the canine came to an end with its turmoil about what to do next, as he drew near to me, I also realized at that moment I had to do something. For my life, I run.

It doesn't matter how many times we are taught to never run from a dog if it's in front of us. However, it is too late for me to act on that advice. I watched the dog run behind me like a man who had just been kicked in the shell.

In my case, I did step on the landmine.

Continually barking, the dog followed me hot on my heels. I hear other dogs barking behind me.

Other street dogs also join in the mad dash. As soon as they are freed from their owners' grasp, they run after the center of attraction, which is me.

It's like the dog here explained how I stepped on his tail and ran away so daringly. In a show of empathy, the other dogs decided to help the injured dog by catching me.

So let me tell you about the amazing scene that's worth getting viral on social media with hashtags like #biggestchaseoftheyear #morningjoggonewrong #AmericangirlvsIndiandogsandbitches #lifeishallelujah

The last one? Why? I guess people enjoy each other's misery.

Let's return to the cinematic scene, I was running and talking to the air. Doesn't look interesting, does it? You will be interesting to see behind me, I am sure.

A total of seven dogs chasing me. Although I am not sure I counted correctly, there are at least 7 dogs behind me.

It's not over yet. Those adorable species that look like a collection of lemurs were also chased by their owners behind and even by the people who were shooting such an amazing scene.

Those People who were also scared of the species as I am offered me the way to win the never-ending race. There are also individuals who are trying to save the poor me and save me, but I just scream for my life for them to show me the right way as scared people do.

It hurts my legs, but if I stop I will get knocked down the second I stop. So I keep going. In the course of the marathon, I stubbed my toe on a stone, and boy was that painful. I'd be damned if I slowed down now, so I still run even when I'm limping.

From my side, I could see that some dog owners were successful in getting hold of their dogs as the group seemed smaller than before. As I yelled continuously for help, I used an inhumane voice.

Despite people telling me to stop, I never listened to them. Fortunately, I have the habit of sprinting, otherwise, I would have been a meal for the dogs, but I am not sure how long I will last.

"Is it possible for this day to get any worse, God?" I shouted.

Suddenly, I felt as if I had stepped on something! Once again. So I turned back to see what I had been stepping on and this one was even more disgusting. Apparently, I stepped on a dog's poop.

"Ew.....ew...ew..." Seriously God! Those words aren't meant to be taken seriously.

As there is no time to focus on these shitty things, let's just go.

!!Run Katie run. You can do it, bae.!!

'In this context, the BAE full form seems ironic. You are BAE means before anything else, and everyone is after you.'

'Hahaha, Catie! Not funny.'

Seeing the gate of the society in my near sight, I feel a wave of relief. I know exactly how I will proceed, but I am not sure if I will succeed. To begin with, there's no other chance for me, so this will have to do. Since the dogs were just a few feet away from me, I will have an advantage.

As expected, I started sprinting faster than ever, and dogs are trying to catch me without backing off. Even though I have prepared myself for a sharp turn, it still feels difficult. Nonetheless, I did it.

Turning toward the society gate, I enter it. As a result of a jerk in my whole body, I fell. Having insufficient oxygen made me huff continuously. While the dogs ran forward, I noticed they didn't understand what had just happened.

The sensation of numbness and pain permeated my entire body. It took me less than 15 minutes to complete my jogging round, which lasted 30 minutes. After stepping on a tail, then on poopy, even stubbed my toe, I yelled like a maniac, shouting for people to let me go.

This was something I never imagined I would encounter in a single day, yet again, it isn't every day that you are surrounded by more than seven dogs.

My nerves have been pressed to the point where I cannot move, so I don't think I will be able to stand up for now.

Suddenly, several people surrounded me and began speaking to me, but I couldn't understand a word. I started to lose track of everything. The last thing I felt was someone hugging me close.


Opening my eyes, I was greeted by a familiar face. As I sat up, I wondered where I was. Descending the bed with the sore body, I recognized that it was Arnav's room. A brunette little head halted my steps as I cracked my muscle knots, a habit of mine.

As he stands in front of me, both of his hands are curled up into little fists and placed perfectly on his hips. An anxious smile adorned his lips.

"Sis, what will you take to get into bed again?" He asked.

"Huh!! Sis? Who?" I asked in total oblivion.

His eyes still rolled in confusion as he continued, "You, or else whom?".

"But who are you?" I asked in order to make my pretending more realistic.

"I am Arn. Wait! You're acting like you don't know who I am!" He finally realized, my poor baby.

In a distant voice, I said, "Cause I don't!".

"Oh really?" He asked playfully.

"Yes!" I maintained my façade.

"It seems true that people have their brain in their knees." He said more to himself.


Indians say it sometimes sarcastically, but one of the acupressure points for headaches is actually in the knee itself."

"Wow!! That's one funny sarcastic statement!" I exclaimed that I forgot that I blew up my feigned façade.

His smirk enlightened me. "Indeed, you remember that you are in India. What short-term memory loss you have." I wondered how a boy this small could be so intelligent.

" Okay! Fine, just let me go to the restroom and I'll lay down after.' He shows me his finger, so I can go ahead.

After freshening up, I wash my face. As I re-entered the room, I saw Arnav jiggling his legs while sitting on his bed. Having climbed to the top of the bed, I slipped back into the warm sheets, followed by Arnav.


"So..." We both say simultaneously

"You go first"

"You go first" this time we snorted together.

"So who brings me here?"

"Me!!" He proudly claimed

"As if" I snorted at his words.

"What? I was here to bring you, even though others carried you. I even thanked them from your side for dropping you here." What a sweetheart, I must remind myself.

"Yes, that is what I guessed" I muttered to myself eventually he heard me as well.

While grabbing something from his bedside stand, he asked, "So how are you?".

"Nothing serious, just my body hurting a little," I answered and Arnav handed me a pill with the glass of water. As I chucked it down, I muttered thanks.

As he put the glass back on the bed stand, he said, "You will feel better by tomorrow.". As a result of earlier events, I felt I owed him an explanation.

You won't believe what happened today to me and the reason I ended up fainting." I start the conversation, but surprisingly the usual curiosity has long gone.

"I already know."

"What? How?" I was baffled.

"You are the number one trending topic in whole India. It's all over social media. People are tagging you, tweeting, posting, and sharing your wonderful day. People filmed it." My whole world was shaken at that moment.

"I'm famous in India, whoaa..." I shouted, astonished at my own reaction.

"Are you sure you are ok?" Arnav asked cautiously.

"As I was running I was thinking about all the hashtags people will add to this. I am not exactly all thrilled about this, but neither unhappy, it's cool."

When Arnav showed me the video where the person had focused on the dog and had written #Dogoftheday, #Themostfabulousdogever.

"Hey this is so unfair. Don't get me wrong, I was the one who stepped on the dog's tail. The credit was mine, not the dog's."

"Really sis?" He asked more like laughed.

"Yes!" I give him a sheepish grin.

"You are crazy!" and we both started laughing.


My Indian fellas while writing this chapter the new trend was stuck in my mind.

Thuda kutta Tommy, Sada Kutta kutta.

(Your dog, Tommy, and my dog is a dog.)

Yeah, we Indians have crazy trends.


Q: What hashtags would you give this chapter, or the cinematic shown Katie going through, even mention your favorite hashtag used there?

A: Guys suggest some good hashtags. If I liked them and found them funnier I would add them up in the story.

K: I rather not say anything about my misery.


Vote if you like this chapter and please comment down the hashtags.

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