A/N: You guys know what I'm bad at, okay?
Kagami because... he's getting counted as one of the Miracles. I think. I mean, he opened the gate thingy! XD Or not.
But I'm doing a few non-Generation of Miracles characters first before making another round with the Rainbow Team. (You know what that is. XD)
We~ll. Enjoy. I wish. XD
It was already the fourth time in the past hour he returned to buy three more large cheeseburgers and two carbonated drinks.
"Thanks, _______!" he said with a large grin as you handed him the change. Your hands slightly touched, sending some kind of electricity all over your body. Does he have powers or something?! He pocketed the coins, taking his tray of the food he just bought for himself. He childishly grinned at you before making his way towards his table. Wondering if he would really have to eat everything by himself alone, you looked at his table. As far as you could remember, he didn't come with anyone else. And to your surprise, there was a sky-blue-haired guy sipping a milkshake waiting for him. Has he always been there before?!
"Uh... Miss?" a woman's voice called your attention. "I think it's my turn now." You faced the middle-aged customer next in line, smiling apologetically as you took your attention off the red-haired glutton. The lady nodded, a knowing smile emerging on her face. She told you what she wanted as you pressed the necessary buttons on the cash register for each item she mentioned. You took the ones that were already available and placed them on her tray, telling your colleague what other items were needed. He replied, "Just a sec!"
As you waited, you found your eyes looking towards the muscular basketball player for the hundredth time today. He laughed at his ghost-like friend who only blinked and tilted his head in confusion. He shook his hand dismissively, taking a massive bite from his hamburger.
"You know," the woman in front of you started, taking your attention away from the guy, "I first met my husband in this fast food restaurant." She winked at you, gesturing to the area where your eyes had been. "You like him, yes?"
You felt your face grow warm with what she just said. "I-It's nothing like that, r-really!" you stuttered, denying it poorly. You kept telling yourself that it was just a small crush that started when you watched the basketball club of your school practice just to kill time back when you didn't have a part-time job. He looked so cool and so passionate about basketball that it was easy for him to catch your attention. When you got a job, it turned out that he's a frequent customer. And just your luck! He recognized you as a schoolmate and has always been lining up to you since then. It was also surprising that he knew your name.
The lady laughed, pulling you out of your mental trip through time. "Your actions say otherwise!"
The high-pitched bell rang. "One Kiddie Meal!" your co-worker announced. You took the meal and placed on the tray. "Enjoy," you muttered, looking away, your cheeks red from embarrassment.
The woman laughed heartily, carrying the tray. "Advice from a senpai? Go for it!" she said cheerfully, winking at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Before you could even deny liking Kagami, she walked away to her seat where her ten-year-old boy waited, muttering "Youth these days..."
Sighing, you entertained the customer who came next.
With occasional glancing at the red-haired muscular athlete, you were able to go through your work with no problems or chatty customers.
Your after school time always went to working part-time which meant you weren't able to join any club unlike the most of Seirin High's student population. Honestly, you wanted to do those normal teenage (fan)girl stuff such as doing club activities, shopping after school, watching your crush's basketball practice, and other stuff like that. It's just that you needed extra cash. With that said, seeing your classmates and other people you know while working was usually something to look forward to in your afternoons. Kagami Taiga eating where you work has always been the highlight.
Suddenly, the sound of the plastic chair being harshly pushed and hitting the tiled floor called the attention of almost everyone in the room. Out of surprise and normal curiosity, your eyes immediately went to the direction of the person who caused the commotion. It was Kagami, who was standing and glaring with that infuriated look on his face at his ghost-like companion.
"It's not _______, okay?! I don't like her! Who'd even like her?!" he roared, making everyone look at him.
At the mention of your name, your co-workers suddenly looked at you with bewildered facial expressions. You weren't able to respond. His words were a thousand knives aimed to your heart, piercing through it, wounding it deeply, and tearing it into miniscule pieces. That was an understatement for the sharp pang in your chest. All you did was simply stare at his angered figure with tears threatening to fall from your eyes while your chest and your mind were in complete chaos.
His friend who had the hair color of the calm blue sky said something inaudible that made the person who just indirectly trampled on your unheard feelings widen his eyes in realization and look at you. You locked gazes with him for a second until you turned away, hiding the probably pained expression on your face. A teardrop rolled down your cheek; you wiped it away harshly then pinched your nose. Nose-pinching, though it may be weird, was an unbelievably effective way to keep yourself from letting out the slightest sob. It was taught to you by your eccentric friend.
"Tch." He stormed his way out of the fast food restaurant. His friend followed after him.
With a forced weak smile, you gestured the distracted customer to come closer and say what he was to order.
You had the day off.
Maybe because the manager noticed your wounded heart.
Or because you made three mistakes in a row --- giving too much change, putting the wrong food on the tray, and mistaking chocolate syrup for Coke --- that he just wanted you off while you're still out of it.
That's the least of your worries, anyway.
You went to school with large dark bags under your puffy eyes. You weren't able to sleep long enough. Two simple sentences kept you awake as they echoed in your mind in Kagami's enraged voice. Though simple, they struck your chest like a lightning bolt every single time you remembered that little scene. Along with that, your disobedient tears just kept falling no matter how much you convince yourself that you shouldn't be doing such thing for such guy.
Your classmates were intrigued upon seeing your appearance and asked in a joking manner if you were rejected by the guy you liked. You denied it by telling them that you went on an AnoHana marathon that made you cry a lot at the end. To your relief, most of them believed your answer.
And frankly, lady luck hated you today. You kept encountering you-know-who in the hallway and in the canteen. Though you felt his eyes on you, you acted like he was non-existent and left the area as soon as possible. You weren't ready to face him.
Bad luck, however, followed you on your way home.
You were currently trapped under a convinience store's shade as the rain poured cats and dogs. You did bring an umbrella only to be broken by a sudden strong gust of wind. With that, you ran straight to the nearest establishment to keep yourself from being wet from the heavy downpour.
Sighing, you idly watched the large raindrops fall from the dark cloudy sky as the wet scent of the pavement entered your nostrils. Though the weather put you in such an inconvenient state, you couldn't disagree that it was totally unfortunate that you're trapped. Sparkling water droplets fell from the shade and especially the leaves of the nearby trees. The water puddles reflected the dark cloudy sky but interesting ripples distorted their images as the raindrops merged with them. The rain also watered the parched plants and trees that weren't usually taken care of.
Maybe this weather isn't that bad. You could actually learn to like it.
The automatic doors of the store opened, letting out two guys from the same school as you. They were talking about some inter-school basketball tournament but were suddenly put to silence. Out of the corner of your eye, the familiar guys were looking at you. Out of curiosity, you also looked at them only to find out that they were actually Kagami and his friend, Kuroko. You immediately looked away, wishing that they'd leave already.
Scratch that; you'd never like the rain.
"Then, Kagami-kun, I'll be going," said the soft spoken Kuroko as he opened his umbrella and went out to the rain.
"H-Hey, Kuroko!" Kagami tried to retort. "We're going to share the umbrella!"
"My sister told me that I should go home right now. Sorry," he answered apologetically but his lips were curved up to a half-smile. Soon enough, he was out of sight.
"That bastard," Kagami muttered angrily under his breath, "He doesn't have a freaking sister!"
You didn't say anything and continued on your Kagami-Taiga-doesn't-exist act. You went upon the decision that you'd run in the rain once it turns into drizzle.
It was Kagami who decided to break the silence. "Hey, ________..."
"Hm?" you responded, not looking at him.
"You weren't at the restaurant today, huh..."
"I had the day off," you replied with the coldness seeping out of the tone of your voice.
"About yesterday..." His voice was filled with uneasyness. "I... uhhh..."
With the sudden urge to reply, you spat out rather harshly, "If you don't like me, you should've just said so to my face and not to everyone else." You wanted to take the words back the moment they left your lips as they sounded bitter and annoyed.
That shut him up for a while.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean what I said."
You shrugged. What's done has been done but it was as if he already made clear that you don't stand a single chance with him without even you confessing to him. That hurt a lot.
But no matter how much pain he just put you through, you couldn't help but to forgive him.
"Advice from a senpai? Go for it!" You then remembered the cheerful lady's advice.
No matter how weird it was, you wanted to do just what she told you. Despite having an answer, you just wanted get the heavy suffocating thing off your chest.
The rain and the winds were getting weaker --- the weather's state which you decided it would be okay to run off and escape what was inevitable to come.
Taking a deep breath, you faced him with determination and anxiety welling up in your chest.
He couldn't look at you. He didn't even try. His gaze was stuck on the constanly forming ripples on the sidewalk made by the raindrops.
"I like you," you said softly, loud enough for him to hear. Blood rushed into your cheeks while your heart went wild in your chest with every loud and quick beat. As a reaction, he immediately turned to your direction, his face filled with surprise. You managed a sad little smile. You already knew his answer.
His lips parted, as if he was to respond, but immediately closed as his eyes went down and his peculiarly-shaped brows formed creases on his forehead, obviously contemplating a reply. After a second, he looked up again to your forced smile. "_______, I---"
You didn't want to hear it. You shook your head then clutched your bag, getting ready to sprint on the slippery ground in the rain. "I know. I just wanted you to know that." You took a deep breath. "See you around." You darted away from the shade that kept your from being wet from the rain and the guy who just made your heart be like the weather. Warm tears stroked your cheeks. The raindrops grew in size and soon enough, you were drenched. That didn't stop you from fleeing though.
"________! Wait!"
You didn't look back and continued running, careful not to slip and fall to the ground. Footsteps of the basketball team's ace chasing after you could be heard by your ears. You tried to quicken your pace, but you were no match to the athletic player from the start. Before you knew it, you felt his hand's tight grip around your arm and pulled you towards him, making your body come in contact with his. You were about pull away when he enveloped you in his sturdy muscular arms, making it unable to escape. You tried pushing him away but it was absolutely impossible.
"Let go of me, Kagami-kun!" you commanded him, squiggling away from his arms. "Don't make it hard for me!"
He tightened his arm's grip around your body, making sure you'll find no way to escape his grasp. "I'm sorry for lying, dammit! I like you too!"
The world stopped --- your world, to be exact. Suddenly, nothing else seemed to matter. You were no longer bothered by other things such as the cold raindrops that hit your skin, the shivering sensation covering your body due to the low temperature, and the tears from your eyes that was almost identical to the rain drops. Your attention was completely poured into him, the sincere expression on his face, his arms around your body, the warmth he shared with you, and the quick and loud thumping in your chest. "You... what?"
He made the gentle smile you rarely saw, accelerating your heart's pace. "I like you." He brought your hand to his chest, letting you feel the quick heartbeats that were in perfect harmony with yours. "I only go to that fast food restaurant to see you, you dense idiot." You chortled at his remark.
"Would you go out with me then?" His expression shifted into one filled with nervousness and anxiety. "I mean, you like me and I like you---"
You pressed your cold lips against his wet cheek then grinned lopsidedly at him. "What else, Bakagami?"
He spun you around happily, expressing his glee and his gratefulness. You laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Maybe lady luck doesn't really hate you after all.
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