A/N: This one shot is really longer than the previous ones. XD
And yep, it's Aomine.
I'm not exactly his fangirl since I ship him with Momoi so I had a really hard time writing this.
Dedicated to Mami~ XD She gave me the idea for this. ;u; Arigatou~
To describe yourself as "annoyed" would make the world's biggest understatement.
Today was a weekend - a day for your rest and relaxation. You had things planned - hanging out with friends, window shopping, probably buying that book you've always wanted, eating sweets and other stuff fun like that. Babysitting your siblings with Aomine Daiki was definitely not on your list.
It's not like you hate the guy or anything. It's just that it feels like you're having a heart problem or something whenever he gets too close. You find yourself looking towards his direction whenever his in your sight's range, watching his every move. There's also some times when you get quite flustered with his little actions. You asked your friends about this feeling and stalker-ish habit, and they told you that you like him. Not being able to stomach their little hopeless romantic conclusion, you took the matter into your hands. "I can't possibly 'like' him," you once told yourself. He's too arrogant and lazy for his own good.
While you're figuring out these... feelings ...you found it best to keep your distance from the arrogant Touo ace. It took a lot of effort though, with him being in the same class and neighborhood with you. Not to mention that his best friend and closest childhood buddy, the girly but pretty pink-haired Momoi Satsuki, kept on teasing that you two could pass as a couple and would really look good together.
And the fact that your mom and dad called him to help you babysit your siblings became a major obstacle to your chosen course of action.
You sighed as you shot him an annoyed look. He didn't seem bothered by it though. He leaned casually on the wooden door, crossing his arms. He wore a black sleeveless top, green khaki shorts, and his blue and black Nike rubber shoes. It was obvious that he was either planning to play his favorite sport later on or he played before going to your house. He has that childish and boyish charm going on. Wait, what?!
"Then, I'm leaving your siblings to your care, _________. Be good," your mother said sternly, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Her frown turning into a smile, she then turned to the tanned basketball player who was idly standing by the doorway. "Thanks for the help, Daiki-kun. _______ would really need your help. Those two are quite the handful."
The tall guy chuckled. "I'm sure I can handle that."
Oh please.
"But Mom, I really don't---"
She cut you off with a glare.
Your father went out of the room, joining your mother. He regarded your babysitting partner with a meaningful glint in his eyes. "I'm also leaving _________ in your care then, Aomine-kun."
"Yes, sir."
What was that supposed to mean?
"Just get going already," you said to your parents, feeling quite upset with their inability to entrust everything to you.
Your mother sighed. "Yes, yes." She finished arranging what they had to bring.
"Excited for something, are you?" your father teased, chuckling.
You rolled your eyes. "Just go!" you replied with an annoyed sigh.
"Alright, alright, Miss Grumpy!" And your father went out of the house, laughing.
"We'll be back in the evening. I'll pay you by then Aomine-kun." Then your mother followed her husband, leaving the two of you in the doorway.
You looked at him. He had a bored look on his face, as if he had something better he'd like to do but couldn't. Basketball? You sighed. You could actually relate. "Come on. I'll introduce you."
In the living room waited two kids - your siblings. You turned to the tall dude then to your siblings. "That's Shouko, five years old." You pointed to the girl who resembled you. She was wearing a stuffed princess tiara on her head as she played with one of her stuffed princess dolls. "And that's Shouta, eight years old." You pointed to the boy watching Kamen Rider on the television. He looked like an older boy version of Shouko.
"Piece of cake. They seem nice. Nothing I can't handle," Aomine boasted, smirking quite cockily. If he only knew...
Rolling your eyes, you called the attention of your siblings to introduce your unwanted partner. Both of them looked at the two of you, especially the indigo-haired guy, giving your partner cautious expressions on their faces. "Shouko, Shouta, this is---"
"Daiki-nii-san! Your big bro for a day!" Aomine cut you off, grinning confidently at the two. He thew his arm around your shoulder as if the two of you are actually close. You shot him a look that said "Seriously?" and shrugged off his arm before continuing, "He'll be joining us for the whole day until Mom and Dad returns."
Shouko let out a high-pitched scream. Shouta made some kind of a battle cry. They hurriedly went to your side then grabbed each of your hands to tow you away from the tanned guy. What's up with them?
"The Dark Prince may not capture the princess!" the little girl shrieked, clinging on to your right arm.
"You'll never have Onee-chan!" shouted the older boy, pointing his glowing plastic sword to the visitor.
What's gotten into them?
The same confusion filled up Aomine's face. "Wha---?"
"Hiyaaaahhh!!!" bellowed Shouta, carrying his mighty sword as he ran towards Aomine, slashed his sword on his legs, then---
"Gaaah!" Aomine fell to the ground, clutching his... most vital area. His face was scrunched up, filled with pain coming from part that was kicked by your little brother. He rolled back and forth on the floor, trying to shake off the pain. Your body, as if acting on in its own, immediately went to his side, worry welling up in your chest.
"Are you okay?!" you asked.
"DO I LOOK OKAY?!" he spat out quite rudely (though it didn't seem to matter at the moment), small droplets of sweat forming on his forehead. "It burns!" He breathed heavily.
"Be right back!" You went straight to the kitchen, took a glass of water and a few pain relievers, then returned to his side. You simply didn't know what to do. "Would these help?" you inquired.
He forced himself to shake his head. "T-This'll get better before that takes effect. Just get the kid away from me! Distract them or s-something!" he answered as if those were his dying wishes to which you obediently followed, facing your brother who has a triumphant grin on his face.
You frowned at him, carrying him and your little sister towards the sofa, your backs facing the guy who seemed to have his fertility and manhood taken away from him. "Shouta, you can't treat guests like that!" you scolded him. What kind of host would physically hurt their guest as a greeting? He looked away with his eyebrows furrowed, his cheeks puffed up, forming a childish pout.
You turned to your innocent little sister, holding dolls of the Star Princess, Prince Charming, and the Dark Prince. Aomine did resemble the Dark Prince. Giggling, you patted Shouko's head. "He's not the Dark Prince, Shouko. He's an exiled prince of the Dark Kingdom because he did good things instead of the opposite," you explained in her fairy tale terms, making up some backstory for the poor guy. Heck, he even sounded like a hero!
"Eeeh?!" The little girl's eyes went wide upon your little story. "I must apologize! A princess apologizes when she does something wrong, right, ___________-nee-chan?" she asked, a cute troubled expression visible on her face. You nodded, smiling and forcing yourself not to pinch her chubby cheeks. She got down from the couch and ran straight to the kitchen. And since she's just five years old, you followed her after telling Shouta to behave and just watch the television program.
You returned to the living room with Shouko in your arms as she carried an oversized cookie you and your mother baked yesterday. Fortunately, Shouta was obedient enough to follow your orders. With a determined expression on his face, he was watching Naruto on the television. Aomine, on the other hand, looked like a tired mother who just delivered her first newly-born child. He was sitting on the tiled floor, his back leaning on the wall, as he let out heavy breaths. Come to think of it, it was pretty funny. Just look at his face!
You let the princess-y Shouko down, fixing her tiara. She ran and approached Aomine, who looked like his energy and power was sapped out of his body. Upon seeing the little girl get closer to him, the dark-skinned player turned pale and immediately stood up, covering the part that'll bring him into a traumatizing world of pain when attacked.
Would you look at that. A tall sixteen-year-old guy is afraid of a small five-year-old girl. You could've died laughing if only there weren't much people around.
"I'm so sorry Prince Daiki!" she apologized, curtsying. "Please accept my peace offering!" She raised the gigantic chocolate chip cookie to Aomine. He, on the other hand, looked totally bewildered. He shot you a look that asked what the heck was going on and you replied with a look that meant he should just go with the flow. You even glared at him for him to not to mess up.
Aomine bent down and patted your sister's head. He made a surprisingly gentle smile, almost like a prince, before taking the cookie. "If you insist, Princess Shouko," he said rather kindly. He broke the cookie into two, giving the other half to Shouko. "But as your friend, I want to you to take this too." Shouko's eyes twinkled like stars, taking the cookie and placing her little arms around Aomine's neck. "Yay! Prince Daiki's my friend~!" she cheered.
Your jaw dropped. Is this really the arrogant bastard you knew?!
Before you knew it, they were like the best of friends. Aomine would say something then Shouko would giggle then reply. They would even whisper to each other's ear, looking at you. It's like he's the sibling! It was Shouko who seemed to ask him questions more often though.
You let out a sigh of relief, going to the kitchen to cook a simple dish for lunch. When the worry of your little siblings would still be in bad terms with your schoolmate left your mind and you were already in a good mood with your cooking, you heard Shouta's annoyed voice. "Gaaah! You're annoying!" What did they do now? You placed the bowl of hot curry on the table before heading straight to the living room.
Shouta was standing on the couch, looking down on Aomine who sat on the opposite side with Shouko sitting on his lap. Upon seeing you, Shouta automatically sat down like a behaved little boy, the angered expression still visible on his face.
"Oi, ___________," Aomine called your attention. He pointed to the boy. "Shouta here has a sister complex."
Shouko giggled. "Sister complex~ Sister complex~ Sister complex~!" she sang, obviously not knowing the meaning of the term.
"I don't! Shut up!" Shouta denied, his face turning red.
You were actually aware of this fact a long time ago. Shouta would always try some cheesy pick-up lines to which you always answer. He also gave you flowers whenever he comes home from playing outside. He's actually sweet though he would always deny it; his future wife would definitely happy. You just let this little complex of his stay since you knew it would definitely change over time.
"Lunch is ready," you announced, disregarding their earlier argument. Shouko hopped down from Aomine's lap happily then tugged him towards the dining area, boasting about your cooking skills to him. Shouta was already seated on the table.
"Itidakimasu!" everyone said in unison when everyone was seated.
"Onee-chan's cooking is the best!" said Shouta, stuffing a spoonful of rice and curry into his mouth.
You just shrugged with a smile, eating your own share.
"It's delicious! You could be one heck of a wife, _______!" Aomine complimented after swallowing the food. He grinned at you and made a thumbs-up. "Go teach Momoi once in a while!"
Your heart rate started racing. What the heck is with that compliment?! You just nodded silently, taking another spoonful into your mouth.
"Yeah! MY wife!" said Shouta rather confidently.
"Are you sure? She could always be mine, you know, in the future? A prince like me and a princess like her are meant to be, right, Shouko?" answered Aomine with a taunting smirk aimed at Shouta which changed into a gentle smile when he turned to Shouko.
You choked on your food, coughing due to that player's comeback. Good thing there was a glass of water nearby. You gulped down half of the contents of the glass. You swear your heart was pounding louder than ever. You shot Aomine a sharp glare. He just raised his eyebrow then continued eating.
Was he really competing with a little kid? How childish! And to think that he just had to say that while you're fixing the puzzle with what's up with your chest and his actions!
You immediately finished your food, excusing yourself from the table. You placed your plate on the sink before heading straight to the living room where you wouldn't see him.
"You scared her off!" said Shouta.
"Nah. I just made her get all flustered because she likes me." You could hear the smirk on his face through his voice.
Shut up, Ahomine! You don't know what you're talking about!
True, you're flustered. It's definitely not because you like him or anything near that! That's unthinkable!
You turned on the television to drown out their voices. And it just seemed like the television was playing tricks on you. Guess what the current show is? A basketball feature about the Generation of Miracles. And the current member to be discussed? The ace, Aomine Daiki. Seriously?! You were about to change the channel when Shouko came into the living room. She squealed when she saw the video where Aomine shot the ball into the ring coming from behind the net. "Prince Daiki's on TV!" she announced.
The competitive duo went into the room. Their facial expressions immediately changed - Aomine's bored grin changed into a smug smirk and Shouta's annoyed scowl turned into an unbelieving shock. Shouta stared at the television screen, eyes wide, before looking at Aomine in utter disbelief.
"Uwaaah~! Prince Daiki's amazing!" Shouko remarked when the screen showed the indigo-haired ace make it past three tall guys who were guarding him before scoring a three-point shot. She sat beside you and wrapped your arm with hers, smiling dreamily. She can't seriously have a crush on Aomine, can she?!
"That's you?!" Shouta finally asked, looking up to Aomine's face in suspicion.
"Yeah," replied Aomine with a prideful smirk, claiming his place on the couch beside you. His elbow touched yours, sending sparks all over your body and making your heard pound faster. Out of impulse, you raised Shouko and exchanged places with her, scooting away from your co-babysitter as far as possible. He and your sister looked at you with puzzled looks on their faces. You pretended to focus your attention on the television show.
Usually, Shouta would immediately sit beside you but this time he didn't. Instead, he went in front of Aomine. Determination was eminent on his face. "D-Daiki...nii...san..." he called the older guy's attention, obviously finding it hard to do so. Aomine looked at him with a lazy sneer. "T-Take me as your student!"
With that, Aomine has successfully won your siblings over. Unbelievable.
The two guys spent the afternoon outside, playing basketball on the neighborhood's basketball court. You stayed with Shouko, playing with her princess and prince dolls.
"How come I have never seen the Dark Prince's exiled brother?" Shouko asked, looking at you with those wide curious eyes. "He's so nice! He deserves better treatment! He's a great prince!"
You giggled, gently pinching her cheeks. Letting go, you answered her with a question, "Looks like Shouko has a crush on Prince Daiki, huh?" you teased, poking her tummy.
She laughed, pulling your hands away from your body. "I want just him to be a part of our family! Then he could be a prince again!"
You shook your head, absolutely amused. Your brother has a crush on you; your sister has a crush on Aomine. So those kinds of crushes are into little boys and girls, huh? "Sooo Princess Shouko already has a man she wants to marry, eh? An exiled prince and a princess! What a perfect couple~" you teased her, wiggling your eyebrows playfully.
"I don't want to marry him! He's too old for me!" Shouko shook her hands and her head in disgust. "I'm not like Shouta-nii-tan, ________-nee-chan! I want Prince Daiki to be my big brother!"
Somehow, that sounded like a relief. At least Shouko's innocent mind wasn't tainted with anything that has got to do with boys. It's way too early for that. "An adoption, then?" you asked, pulling her to sit on your lap. Her braids have come undone.
She stood up, facing you with puffed up cheeks, narrowed brows, and pouty lips. "Not that! I want you to marry him!"
It was then your turn to look at her with a dumbfounded expression on your face. The image of you in a beautiful princess-like wedding dress and him in a white tuxedo standing face-to-face in front of all your relatives and the altar came into mind. The priest pronounced you husband and wife, giving him permission to kiss you. A smirk emerged on his face as his hand found its way around your waist, pulling your body closer to his. His kissable-looking lips was about to touch yours when you stopped yourself from imagining the nightmare-ish (but actually fluffy) vision. Why were you even imagining that?!
"Shouko," you started to explain, "I can't possibly marry---"
"Who's gonna marry?" his voice cut you off. Speak of the devil. They're finally back.
Before you even stop her, Shouko ran towards him and cheerfully answered his question. "Onee-chan and you, Prince Daiki!" She beamed up at him so happily, as if she achieved something worth giving her a reward.
Raising an eyebrow, Aomine looked down at your little sister then looked at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and your heart rate accelerate. You looked away out of embarrassment. Good thing Shouta came in and ran straight to the bathroom, taking a bath to get the sweaty stench he knew you disliked off his body. Finding the chance, you stood up and left the room to prepare Shouta's clothes and towel. Awkward moment averted.
Shouta was done after a few seconds. He took the towel and clothes from you, thanking you gratefully with a wide cheerful smile. You smiled back and patted his head, telling him to get the clothes on his body immediately. He nodded and went straight to his room.
You were about to leave when Aomine came into the same area as you. His shirt was off, showing his perfectly toned muscles especially his six-pack abs, his broad manly shoulders, and his well-built body. V-like lines were also visible just above his pants and below his abdominal muscles.
Oh gosh.
Your face reddening, you averted your gaze away from him after practically gaping at his athletic body. If you're in an anime, you probably had an extreme nosebleed that'll
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