Chapter 3

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The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do. —Galileo Galilei

The door was locked to her room making it harder and easier for everything to come together.

Seraphina was sneaking out to go on the trip. Her parents thought that they had convinced her finally to stay. Ha! They sure are gullible!

Seraphina was packing her suitcase quietly. She didn't want to give away anything so she turned on her TV, keeping it at the normal volume so if anyone were to come by, they'd hear the muffled noise of the TV show that was playing.

She made sure to pack plenty of clothing. She also was smart enough to buy a matching toothbrush and toothpaste so she could leave her old ones here as a trick as well for as long as it would take for them to figure it out.

There was so much she needed, her mind was racing at the thought of everything and how different it probably be there.

Seraphina's phone buzzed, snapping her from her thoughts. A text lighting up the screen. Seraphina looked over as she zipped her bag up, her friend Samuel said he was here and ready. She grabbed everything she needed and unlocked her door carefully, her TV off, and left the room.

Both of her parent's backs were facing her as they laughed at the show they were watching. The front door was just around the corner and Seraphina was home-free!

She scuffed to the door, carefully unlocking it as best as she could in a stealthy manner, and reached for the handle. Her mom stood up and walked around, thankfully Seraphina hid around the corner again waiting for the footsteps to fade off. She figured her mom was going to the kitchen so she knew she'd have some time.

Once the steps faded, Seraphina opened the door fast and whipped out closed it back, and bolted. Samuel had his headlights off on the outside of the street, popping open the trunk for Seraphina to throw her stuff. Swinging open the passenger door and climbing it, a rush of adrenaline excited her and Samuel sped off turning his headlights back on.

"You're fucking crazy for this! What if they like, ground you or something after the trip is over?!"

"So what?! They can't do much anyway!"

Both of them laughed as they drove off to Samuel's place, there, Seraphina would stay until the morning for the trip tomorrow.


The plan was starting to board, Seraphina and her friends were too excited to even sleep, but they did sleep.

As the plane started to take off, Seraphina's phone blew up with text messages from her mother and father. Texts of threats saying that they'd go after the college and make them take you out if she didn't come back home that moment. Seraphina just rolled her eyes and muted their messages. What were they going to do, they didn't pay for her to go, they can threaten all they want. Nothing will happen. But they sure did take their time figuring out that she was gone. Normally her mom would be on her ass and making sure she was still home in case of anything. At least her plan worked and she escaped last night without any problems.

"Hey, is everything okay? I saw you looking down at your phone with a kind of annoyed look. Parents again?" One of her classmates that she was paired with on the plane was giving a sympathetic smile. Seraphina just smiled and nodded," All is fine. I just can't wait to get to the hotel when we land."

Her classmate agreed in a bright reply, chatting away with her about the trip and wondering about what they'd have planned and if they'd have free time to just walk about to.


Seraphina had drifted to her thoughts now as her plane partner had nodded off to her music and neck pillow.

The dream Seraphina had was still scratching at the back of her mind. She kept trying to figure out any sort of meaning to it. Could it have been the universe telling her she needed to just go on this trip for her own sake to get relaxation? Maybe for her future and her career path as well. What else stumped her was the fox. It was the weirdest part about it. But dreams are never able to be made sense of anyway. So what's the use of trying. All Seraphina knew was that she was on the plane, her luggage, her friends, her classmates, they were with her too. They were all going on this together and whatever happened, happened.

"This is good," she muttered to herself. "Something good. I just have to relax and realize that everything happens for a reason and that's why she was told to come along and make sure she went on this trip."

Seraphina turned her head only to blink a few times to make sure she wasn't seeing things. This entire time she was chatting with her plane partner and thinking about her dream, the plane was lowing down to land on the strip of road for the plane to settle. Seraphina was there. She was finally there where she needed to be.

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