As I stated in the Final Summary, I've noticeably evolved in my style and the quality of my writing. A lot of this content is very outdated and old, and my quality checks did NOT pass these things to be made as an official piece to the story! However, I hope you all who are interested will have fun reading what could have been! Careful, there's a lot.
The OG Chapter 5
This Chapter got on my nerves literally seconds after I finished writing it. The dialogue was unrealistic and clunky, the characters weren't acting like themselves, and the whole Chapter was just STUPID. I absolutely hated how it turned out and I still hate it. By the way, this is not the full chapter to keep it somewhat short! Just a big snippet.
"Crumbs, you won again!" Sopapilla cookie slammed her cards down next to (Y/N) and Milk Bread, enraged that it was her third time in a row losing against her in War. "I've got to get more lucky when I'm playing against you."
"You just have to have the stars on your side," (Y/N) teased, taking the deck and reshuffling.
"Sometimes I forget how favorable you are knowing that you trekked through a blizzard and still survived. What was I thinking?" Sopapilla cookie dramatically fell back into her chair. She politely turned down playing another round with (Y/N) when she gestured the cards.
"Oh, already given up?" (Y/N) tucked the cards back away into a small cacao box next to her bed.
"Unfortunately yes. It seems like my age has gotten to me in every way possible. You young people have it easy."
"I smell the succulent aroma of jealousy, hmm?" Milk Bread teased.
"Oh, silence! I can't remember the last time you won against me!" She jokingly sneered, making Milk Bread gasp.
"Oh, why don't we make you never forget this moment right now where I embarrass you in front of (Y/N), eh?" Milk Bread rubbed her hands together and grabbed the deck of cards, splaying them out on the bed.
"It's on-!"
The door swung open gently on its hinges and Dark Cacao cookie stepped in, a troubled expression displayed on his face. (Y/N) shuffled back from the sudden entrance of the prince.
"War, I heard? Let's not make it into a violent one," he attempted to jest.
"Dark Cacao, what brings you here? We didn't get any messages telling us of your visit," Sopapilla cookie questioned.
His posture swayed smoothly, as if he was moving with the dance of the curtains captured in the light breeze of the rain coming into the room. However his eyes seemed to be a bit uncoordinated with his serene language. "No reason. I just wanted to check in on how (Y/N) is recovering. Is there anything you need at all?" Dark Cacao placed his hands at the foot of the bed and leaned towards (Y/N).
Despite his weight being pressured towards (Y/N), his eyes swept the room. "Nothing at all, we're actually quite fine at the moment, darling, have you been eating though? We've been getting lots of rainbow jellies sent from your plates to (Y/N) here, and you seem a bit frail," Milk Bread cookie worriedly furrowed her brows.
Dark Cacao drifted his gaze over to the maid. "I'm perfectly fine, just haven't been so hungry lately."
"Do you need to relax for a bit? It looks like you're exhausted," Sopapilla asked, pulling a low ottoman between all of the cookies. He wearily nodded and took his seat.
"I'm thankful for all of the rainbow jellies you have spared, though I don't think I need them everyday. You really should eat something soon," (Y/N) began to give everybody their cards to play another round.
"No, really. I would rather have my luxuries be given to those who would enjoy them far more. Sopapilla told me recently how much you loved the dish the first time," he shyly smirked.
"She told us of how she never expected the kingdom to have rainbow jellies. How heartbreaking is that! Maybe we should tell the Espresso kingdom of how capable we are in this weather. All they get is warm weather and unfrozen lakes, imagine that here!" Sopapilla with her stack complete, filed the cards neatly in her hands. The rest of the cookies did the same.
"Speaking of warm water, I wanted to tell you a bit of how my cottage is like. I've never gotten around to telling any of you about it," Milk Bread began. Everybody placed down their cards with the back facing upwards.
"I remember you mentioning it briefly when I was younger. Is it a secret?" Dark Cacao's eyes lit up with curiosity.
"Shh! You mustn't tell anybody of it's location. It belonged to my great grandmother and was passed down among the women to take good care. It's possibly the only place in the Cacao kingdom to have a running stream."
The cookies all flipped their cards. Dark Cacao's had won, and he swept up everybody else's card.
"Is it really the only running stream in the kingdom?" (Y/N) raised her brows in surprise.
"Indeed! The problem is that it's very small, it has been growing more and more close it being concealed under a thick layer of ice similar to the rest of the waterways here. I pray that it does not do so in the future," another round of cards were flipped over to reveal Sopapilla had won.
"I'm sure I can have Marble cookie bless it to ensure it does not do so," the prince suggested.
"Oh dear no! I cannot let the rest of the kingdom know about this place. Since I do not have any daughters nor granddaughters, I want to find another cookie to take care of the place when I'm gone, and you're like a son to me, Dark Cacao. I know that you'll understand it can't go to you," the cards triggered a war between Dark Cacao and (Y/N), so they each placed an extra card.
"If only I had a daughter as well, maybe she could have received custody of it," Sopapilla let out a small chuckle whenever the prince won over (Y/N).
It feels like reliving trauma to read that again.
Affogato Cookie?! What are You Doing Here?!
This needs a bit of context! Whenever Dark Cacao was released in the game, I remember being obsessed with Affogato cookie. So, taking my fingers to type, I wrote an OCxCanon fanfiction where Dark Cacao was already king when he met my OC (who, by the way, was made up on the spot as soon as I started crushing on Dark Cacao). So, choosing the easy option because this was only originally planned to be a few chapters for my own self-insert enjoyment, Affogato cookie was the manipulative enemy of my OC (wow, Peenky, really smart move...)
(Y/N) was sitting in her private garden, sipping the fine tea the kingdom chefs prepared with so much love. Her seclusion from the craziness of being a queen was her favorite thing, especially with the sweet aroma of sugar flowers and jellies filling the air.
Her deep purple dress draped to the side of her seat, and her corset was adorned with sparkling black rock candies. A thick fur cloak sat atop of her shoulders and trailed behind her back. It was an elegant outfit that always made everybody go weak with how beautiful she was, figure and face.
She closed her eyes with her tea finally finished, and took in the frigid breeze of winter air in her hair.
However, her relaxation was interrupted as she felt a prescience behind her back.
"Enjoying your time, madam?"
She whipped around, completely surprised by how somebody snuck up on her so silently.
"Who are you?" She locked eyes with the white gaze of a feminine cookie.
"Why, has Dark Cacao not introduced me to you? My, my, how incompetent. I am Affogato, the new advisor for your husband." He took her hand and kissed it gingerly while a glint of mystery flashed in his eyes.
Right! The advisor Cacao was telling me about!
"Oh dear, my sincerest apologies. I do remember you now." She got up and curtsied apprehensively. He seemed to give off a strange aura, something sinister. Especially with that incense-like fragrance he was wearing.
"I was wondering if I could retrieve you to my private quarters so we can formally begin to know each other, what do you say?" He extended his fragile hand out to the queen.
She frowned microscopically, but she waved her hand. "Anything for new guests, especially higher-ups."
He grinned, and whipped his head towards the large cacao door out of (Y/N)'s garden. "Follow me, madam."
They trekked through the powdered snow and entered inside the palace, and (Y/N) shed her thick cloak and handed it to a hallway maid. "Where exactly is your office?"
"Not exactly an office, rather a tower. But don't fret, it is as warm as it is in the library as it is up there. The walls are thick, so the wind cannot come inside," he corrected.
"...but your office is in the tower, right?" She flatly asked.
"Once again, it is not an 'office' madam, it is a tower." She could almost see his eye twitching in annoyance.
Once they had climbed the stairs up his tower, (Y/N) panted and complained. "Why hasn't Dark Cacao given you something, I don't know, a little bit more efficient than stairs to get up this tall tower?"
"Don't be fooled by my slim figure in this robe, my body is more than capable to conquer these steps several times a day. Anywho-" he slammed the foot of his staff on the floor which created a wave of candles to light the room, "need a resting spot?"
A black velvet chair scooted up behind her and forcefully sat her down, taking her by surprise.
"Just a little trick us priests do here in the Cacao Kingdom, no worries," he smoothly chuckled.
The chair swiftly slid up to the great cacao desk at the end of the room, dimly illuminated by a hanging purple chandelier. A small object emitted a sweet smelling incense which clouded (Y/N)'s senses a bit.
Affogato swiftly dismissed the guards in the room, and took a seat in the large chair behind his desk across from (Y/N).
"Put your mind at ease... I have your schedule officially taken up for the next three hours with me." Affogato folded his hands and leaned towards the queen with unblinking eyes.
"Is this incense another neat trick of yours?" (Y/N) jokingly asked. She rubbed her eyes from the growing exhaustion she was feeling.
"Not exactly. Now, how have you been holding up taking on the perilous role of queen? I'm sure it has been rather tiring for a peasan- I mean, a lovely young lady like you."
"Oh, well, I have been doing fine, I guess. Dark Cacao has been the most loving husband despite all the pressure we have been through. Speaking of which, I believe he was planning to have a private dinner with me tonight in two hours. I'm confused why I'm here for three?"
Affogato leaned backwards and shrugged with a smirk. "You must have your timing wrong, that dinner is not until 4 hours from now. Look," he pointed a thin finger at the large clock along the wall. The clock's hands pointed at 6:32. Cortado relaxed in her seat a bit.
"I suppose I was incorrect. My mistake." She pulled out the hair stick in her hair, a bit annoyed of having it in a fancy updo all the time.
"Your hair is quite dark, are you related to the Espressos?" he tilted his head.
"You're the first person to guess right, I am a part of the Espressos. How did you know?"
"Oh, just connections to other cookies. The ordinary." He picked up an empty golden chalice and spun it as if there was still berry juice inside. "It's quite surprising seeing an Espresso all the way in the Cacao Kingdom, it's a very long journey from here to there. What brought you here?" His words had a hint of sourness in his last sentence.
She chewed on her lip, feeling the creeping sensation of sleep pricking at her brain. "Dark Cacao found me in the middle of a blizzard, he sssaw my light getting ssslower in movement the clossser I got to the kingdom. Hisss heart couldn't bear the thought of leaving a cookie to die in the cold, ssso he ignored the orderssss of hissss father and ssssnuck out to retrieve me. Ever sssssince then, it turned out we liked each other more than we thought."
"Are you alright, madam? Your speech is a little slurred." Affogato got up from his seat and walked beside her, massaging her shoulders.
"Yessss.. it'ssss jussst..." blackness clouded her vision before she could finish her sentence. She slouched in her chair while Affogato loosened his grip.
Wow, Peenky, a whole narrative with an interesting villain with no planned motive and no follow-up to how things went down once Cortado passed out!
The Infamous Note App (Snippets)
What a perfect way to see into how I planned out his entire fanfiction just 2 days before I released it to the public!
One of the elders that looks after (Y/N) are executed after paranoid suspection that they were involved to helping the two cookies break out of prison (Milk Bread is executed due to defending (Y/N) and believing she didn't take the sword.)
The other elder has a hard time believing that (Y/N) was innocent, so she betrays them both by claiming she would keep the secret of their escape and grab them a horse during the night, but instead she sends soldiers after them and joins under the king
Once the truth is revealed that it was all false, a search party for DC and (Y/N) is sent out
One of DC's cookies that he saved in the past attempts to seduce him and be romantically involved with him for power (That's right, a seductress love triangle was briefly supposed to be a part of the story!)
At first he gives in, but doesn't exactly feel the spark
One of the elders overheard a conversation about the woman cookie's true intentions of being in a relationship with him inside of the maid dorms
She tries to tell him what happened, but at first he is in denial because he doesn't believe they would do such a thing (Wow, how original...)
An Espresso comes to the kingdom, requesting to see (Y/N) With some questioning, Cortado (the Espresso) convinces the king to see her
(Y/N) relives the trauma that she faced being a princess in the Espresso kingdom (plot twist lol) by realizing it was her mother, the queen, coming to retrieve her (If only her mother actually cared enough canonically to go out and find her.)
The queen's identity being finally revealed, she demands that (Y/N) return to her home kingdom or else a war would be declared
Dark Cacao cookie accidentally steps into the garden at the end of the book. Stricken by famine, him and (Y/N) must make the ultimate sacrifice: (Y/N)'s soul must become one with the earth to save the garden. Her soul is forever trapped within the garden, but her soul makes the jellies return and her body is shaped within a large tree to reflect her sacrifice for eternity. (This was actually suuuper close to being the resolution to the story. However, I noticed a ton of people wanting Dark Chocó to be (Y/N)'s child, and being unable to fit this and him into the timeline of this story at a reasonable pace, I was forced to scrap this.) ((Yes, that implies that the dragon was supposed to die!))
The Wedding and the Honeymoon
I know you guys are going to be kicking and screaming and sharting and puking but, as you all may know, (Y/N) and Dark Cacao never got the chance to get married. Now, before you riot, this was the special surprise that I had in store for you all. Not only does it have the two lovers a little bit during the wedding, it also has some pretty spicy $müt.
However, since it is $müt, you have to go to the $müt book in my other works to view the entirety of it. If you're not into $müt, here's what I can show you of the chapter.
"Raise a glass to the newly wed royals!" A joyous cookie cheered. The crowd of cookies all raised their glasses of jam berry juice, smiling upwards to Dark Cacao and (Y/N) cookie standing atop of the black and purple stairs.
"Hail a new reign of glory, prosperity, and peace for the Cacao Kingdom!" Dark Cacao and (Y/N) harmonized and raised their golden chalices in the air, creating a thunder of shouts and laughs from the ecstasy of a reborn kingdom.
The couple shared a passionate yet gentle kiss before making their way downstairs past the crowd that allowed them through a formal passage they created. Petals were thrown upon their feet as the royal's robes trailed along the purple velvet carpet towards their magnificent carriage.
"Farewell to our new royals!" The father of Dark Cacao smiled warmly, shedding a tear from seeing his son finally grow up and become king. Dark Cacao nodded his head and helped (Y/N) into the carriage.
They both were seated, and they waved goodbye to all the darkly dressed cookies from the wedding.
"Ready for a new life as a queen?" Dark Cacao put his arm around (Y/N)'s waist. She grinned and leaned into his chest. "As long as I'm your queen."
Night had fallen, and only the mist of the moonlight flittered through the fine lace curtains of their carriage windows. (Y/N) looked over to see Dark Cacao seeming upset about something.
"What's wrong, darling?" She placed her hand on his cheek. He glanced over to her with solemn eyes.
"My father wants me to have a son immediately. I don't know if you're ready for that type of commitment..." Dark Cacao leaned into (Y/N)'s hand and gingerly kissed her palm.
"Don't be so distraught about it, we can hire a royal sitter to look after our child if so," (Y/N) reassured.
Dark Cacao heaved a sigh. "I'm still worried, we're only so young. To direct a kingdom and raise prosperous children will be a lot if we've never done it before."
She tensed up a bit, not wanting to think of how stressful her life was going to be from now on. "Anything for our kingdom, I will never leave you nor our children."
He planted a kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead and smiled. "You're such an optimist."
She giggled at him suddenly melting. "Thank you, sweetheart."
She wrapped her hands around his neck and he slithered his large hands around her waist and they pulled in to a deeper kiss.
SURPRISE SURPRISE! There's another $müt chapter that I 10000% COMPLETELY forgot about until I looked for where I had the wedding chapter at! How about 2 $müt chapters?
Dark Cacao and (Y/N) laughed together, (Y/N) wiped her tears and held her stomach from laughing so hard. "I still can't believe you did that!"
"It wasn't my fault the cake hound didn't like jelly berries! How was I supposed to know he'd bite me?" He chuckled.
(Y/N) leaned over to him, holding on to his arm and laughing into his shoulder. "You dummy!"
They both had their last laughs before they relaxed, leaning on to each other quietly and synchronizing their breathing.
"You know, I never thought you'd be so lighthearted," (Y/N) spoke up.
Dark Cacao put his arm around her waist and pulled her in closer. "(Y/N), you know how much I love you. You're the only person I feel safe around these days."
She leaned into his chest and sighed, placing one of her hands on his closest thigh. "But I want to get even more comfortable with you."
He tensed up a bit. His breath began to become heavier as she began to rub his leg.
"Dark Cacao?" She said, looking up to him with teasingly bright and curious eyes.
Dark Cacao swiftly got up and firmly grabbed her hand, dragging her to her feet.
Disclaimer: both of these chapters are very outdated since I wrote them very early on, so the quality isn't going to be nearly as good as how I write now. Take that as you will.
Anyways, I hope you
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