I'm alive! Yes, I really am. I have some really exciting news to share with you all, but I'll keep it for the end... gotta build up that tension. ;)
I wanted to start off by saying: I still look back at all of your comments. No, seriously. You guys are amazing. You have no idea how much just one person enjoying and appreciating my most expansive (thought left halfway unfinished) work means to me, especially when you tell me your reactions. To be honest, I didn't expect as many of you to cry over my work as I originally thought. It's still crazy to me how successful this story is after all this time, sometimes even ranking #1 in the tags it's included in. I'm just floored.
Second of all, I wanted to give a little backstory on why I wrote this. (Apologies if I've already told you all, but I've forgotten if I have.)
This was my most complex/longest piece of writing I've ever written. Nothing else I've tried to focus on got nearly as long as this one. It's surprising for me to look back and realize that I wrote somewhere over 100 pages of content... and that doesn't even include the non-canon and unreleased content. I thought that I would never be able to write a story longer than 20 pages my whole entire life because of an unfortunate habit of quickly losing interest in what I was writing.
But this story.. I don't know. It's still so special to me for many reasons. But that doesn't mean I'm entirely content with how it is.
Now that leads me to the exciting news: I've been working for a few weeks on totally rewriting, revamping, and reconstructing My Fair Lady. It's been over a year now since I publicized the first few chapters of My Fair Lady, and I've taken some classes and self-studied to help improve my writing.
If I haven't admitted it earlier, my story planning was messy and garbled. I became confused when I was around 70% done with the story because I realized that the more ideas I threaded into the story, the more I backed myself into a corner. I was frustrated and burnt out because I'm naturally a slow writer, so having that 1 week schedule to deliver a totally new chapter started to begin feeling like a chore, which I had mentioned previously. I felt guilty for letting you all down, and I was losing my passion for completing the story. So I called it quits before I found myself stuck.
So that brings me to the unfortunate news: I'm going to be delivering the story completely differently this time. It's going to be in a different book, for starters, and possibly renamed to something different to avoid confusion. I'm going to plan out the story in it's entirety (I'm still only in the early stages of planning currently), write the chapters one-by-one at my own pace without publishing them which would allow me to go back and edit if I found something unsatisfying/problematic to the narrative, and once that's all done, I'll release the chapters weekly like I did. Everything will be prepared and ready-to-go, allowing me a lot less stress and sufficient time to take breaks-I need them especially now because I'm entering my last year of high school-and bring everybody more peace knowing that I won't flake out and just submit a "final summary"... I still regret that.
However, this means that this will take me QUITE a while for the rewritten version of My Fair Lady to be publicly released. But... it's been 6 months without any new content, so I'm sure you can all wait for me. I know that I can pack so much more into this story in a much more concise way. In my opinion, so much potential was wasted when I gave up. And I don't want to let it end like it did.
Once again, I thank you ALL for the comments, your compliments, your jokes (especially plushyii ). I'm so excited to reveal this to you all and I hope that you guys are just as hyped up too!!
I love you all, stay safe.
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