I'm soooo excited to finally do my first Q&A with you guys! Like you all probably know, I love you all and thank you for reading my fanfiction so far!
Before we get started, I just wanted to say that I released an official TikTok account. @Peenkytoe Drop a follow if you'd like!
Now how about we get started with the juicy stuff?
@RLmurderdrone asks: How is your day!
I'm doing great! Busy writing the next chapter for you guys. Hbu?
@Alice_Alishia asks: Whats your fav animal
Tigers are the most cute, beautiful, and skrunkly animals in existence. If I die, it's gonna be because I attempted to hug a tiger.
@Mewvall asks: Do u like mlp 👀
When I was little, I lived, breathed, drank, and ate MLP. But as of now, I've forgotten most of the story and the show. Plus I gave all my figures away to a neighbor because she didn't have any toys.
@Blair7038 and @starryvanilla ask: What inspired you to make this
It's simple. Monkey neuron sees new released ancient, monkey neuron goes heehoo, monkey neuron goes apesh1t and develops a fanfiction in the brain that gets written into Wattpad.
@MeganMcDonald167 and @BLEEPtheshepp ask: What is your favorite ancient/cookie?
You sure you wanna know?
Drumroll please...
Dark Cacao Cookie!
@Spife_foon asks: Will you be continuing your x reader book series of crk? Most of the crk fan fiction writers with genuinely good books don't continue anymore which is sad
At this point, I'm gonna say maybe. Sometimes I have major writing slumps and I force my way through, or I have a hard time being able to develop a structured story. Not to mention how difficult it is to write characters, and my hyper fixation on CRK leaving me for a good 6 months. (I have only opened the app once since Dark Cacao's gacha went down.) However, it is a LOT more fun to write about sentient cookies than it is to write about humans.
If I ever get another burst of inspiration, you better watch out. ;]
@JellyTheLittleFrog asks: After you're done making this are you planning on making any other stories? Just any in particular -3-
Similar to the last question, it really depends on what my brain manages to cook up. Since my Cookie Run Kingdom interest has worn thin for a while now, I'm not sure if or when I will write a fanfiction pertaining to that fandom. I may migrate to another fandom if it's what my mind is the most creative in formulating a story.
@LemonHere333333 asks: What's your sexuality?
Ah yes, the grand question. For my sexuality, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm definitely on the ace spectrum. My romantic attraction, though? Even less sure. I may be biromantic/greyromantic. Also I'm a demigirl!
@Boba_Axolotol asks: Whats that place where dark cacao and the reader went? (Chapter 19)
They're in the garden, though they haven't found the cottage within it's boundaries just yet!
@devoteByMoobna asks: Do you like cheese
I'm probably the biggest cheese fan imaginable. If you say that you love cheese more than me, you are wrong. /hj
@MariTheBerry asks: What was the soldier who was talking to Milk Bread to her? Also, will Dark Cacao's brother wake up?
A burning question... I'm sorry to say that both are a huuuuuge secret. But just know I won't leave you all hanging. :]
@plushyii asks: Smut when 😈✨
First of all, HEYYYYYY I always look forward to seeing your comments <333
Second of all, I have no idea! I kind of suck at writing smut, and it's mostly 'cause of me being on the ace spectrum, that stuff doesn't come to me naturally. 😅 (But I may or may not have some super secret smut already written in a super secret private story for the fanfiction, hehe.)
@Pure_Vanilla asks: Why does ur pfp look better than me
Idk 😳
@RainbowKintanagamer asks: What is your favorite ship?
It's kinda ironic for the fanfic I'm writing, but it's PureCacao <3
@RxsesRrxed asks: What's your thoughts when making chapters and how long does it usually take you to make them?
Great question!! Typically it takes me about 6 days to make. Sunday will be used for brainstorming of different ideas, Monday is typically a rough draft, Tuesday is revision, and normally through the week I'll change some stuff around and it'll be ready by Saturday! I'm typically looking for ways to ensure that every character gets the correct amount of presence in the fanfiction depending upon their role. Also, adding sneaking little symbols/motifs and foreshadowing to make you all say "I knew it!"
@RxsesRrxed also asks: What are you top favorite games?
My favorite games, hmm... I know this is stupid but my top favorite is Roblox (been playing for almost 10 years!) But I also really like Minesweeper, Minecraft, and I've been really liking Valorant recently.
If you read this far, congrats! However, I wanted to ask you guys a question. Something that has been making me super curious for a while now.
Who is your favorite character in my fanfiction and why?
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