Chapter 21

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The glass of wine, a purplish hue that bounced with tiny shades of white bouncing around like melted wax, swirled monotonously over and over between the royal advisor's hand. His desk, now completely unorganized with a flurry of scrolls, books, and maps piled upon each other felt unnatural to Marble cookie's usually organized disposition. Not to mention, the glass of wine he was now sipping was the last drops of the bottle he had just opened a few hours earlier.

Despite his drunkenness wearing away his energy for the night, he kept himself occupied by hovering his hand over a candle lit upon his desk, burning his dough in the same spot whenever he felt his eyelids drifting. Marble refused to nod off whenever his mind was to be on duty calculating the many locations that the prince could possibly be. The king hadn't sent back any men for a while now to report findings, the blizzard keeping them trapped within the violent flurry of snow, as well as trapping his mind in a corridor of equal chaos.

His hand started to fall away from the candle, nearing the cold cacao desk to find a soft place to put his head to sleep. The wine glass on the other began to slip, the office seemingly getting darker in his vision.

It wouldn't hurt to take a nap for a second. He thought, his head nodding.

Just then the door creaked open, a helmeted soldier gently pushed a cookie towards the advisor, a sackcloth covering their head. The prisoner's shackles jingled upon their wrists and their feet as they stumbled forward, unbalanced and confused from their environment.

Marble cookie quickly readjusted his grip and straightened. "Thank you for bringing her to me, please unmask her and wait outside."

The soldier quickly unveiled the cookie, revealing Sopapilla with a bewildered expression. Shortly after the door closed behind her, she looked down upon the royal advisor.

"I heard from some of the men downstairs that- hic- you might know something about the prince's location," he began.

"Yes, I suppose that's why I'm here?" she relaxed at hearing the possible reason for her calling.

"I was hoping that you could fill me in a little bit of his whereabouts. I haven't been able to hic- pinpoint a specific location," his eyes fluttered weakly as he struggled to maintain his conscience.

"You look absolutely terrible... have you slept at all?"

He frowned, placing the wine glass on the desk. "The prince has kept me worried sick, I cannot waste a second looking for him."

Once again, her shackles clamored against one another as she scooted closer to the front of his desk. Sopapilla narrowed her eyes as she worriedly studied his worn features.

"Your makeup is a mess, you hair is undone, and your room is all messy! You really should be more easy on yourself," she said.

"I'm fine, I'm just..." he slurred his words as he forgot what he was going to say.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "How about I make a deal with you."

"What?" Marble jerked his head back up.

"You take a rest over the night, I will study the maps and books and ensure that I get an accurate location," she proposed.

"I don't know if I can do that."

"Do you forget that you, as an advisor, have the power to excuse me from my crimes?" She cocked her head at him. Marble cookie was so dazed that he had forgotten about his duties outside of Dark Cacao.

"I suppose I could... just don't do anything other than what you say you will," he slouched back in his chair and shouted, "Come back inside! I have excused her from her crimes, and I want her hic- unshackled immediately."

The soldier came in and promptly obeyed, leaving with the chains as she flexed her hands and wrists with relief.

"Goodness, those chains are extremely heavy. You should wear some just to see what it's like."

"Yeah yeah, just... do your thing," he mumbled with a wide yawn, instantly snoring as soon as he slouched in his chair with a soft snore.

Sopapilla smiled, seeing him finally sleep. She scooted a chair up behind her and took a seat at the cluttered desk, taking her arm to swipe all of the numerous items off.

And with it, the wine glass shattered it's swirled purple liquid on the floor.


A cloaked cookie warmed themselves in a small cave, sheltering from the blizzard howling outside. They didn't know how long they would be in there for, but all they were hoping was that the wind wouldn't reach the flames.

Their whole body shivered, the garments they were wearing were clearly not made to fight off this kind of biting weather. As they got dangerously close to the fire, their dough warmed enough to where they felt themselves growing hot, so their hood flipped down to let loose dark coffee curls. Their dough, the color of a chocolate framed a pair of cream colored eyes stared into the flame with a cold expression.

"Nothing could have prepared me for how much this place has changed," they grumbled, scooting back to lean against the cave walls.

Shortly after resting there, however, they scrunched their nose in disgust with the thick scent of aged soot that coated the walls.

Somebody else has been here before me, they thought, brushing off the remaining powder from their cloak. Ugh, this smell is gonna last on me for days! I need a change of clothes as soon as I hit the kingdom.

Sighing in defeat, they laid on their side facing the flame. They reached into a fold of their cloak, pulling out a small handwritten letter that was embellished with brown and gold swirls.

The fancy exterior held handwriting that was nothing short of such on the inside. They read the letter, their eyes drifting slowly as if it wasn't their first time reading it.

An order from your highness,

(Y/N) is to be found wherever possible on Earthbread. Since you, Tiramisu cookie, were the closest cookie to her before she vanished, and have been taught with the upmost scout training in the Espresso kingdom, you are entrusted to find her and bring her back alive if possible.

My daughter's life is in your hands.

Tiramisu folded the letter back up and put it where it was originally. Their eyes looked back into the fire, flickering in an elegant dance.

"Not even a king's army can stop my pursuit for you, (Y/N)."

Quick little note, I totally forgot that Tiramisu cookie was already canon in the Ovenbreak universe!! No, this is a separate cookie from the canon! I'm so sorry for the confusion </3

Word count: 1099

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